
Chapter 78 : Suicide Squad

[Diamond Realm]

[Morning Time]

Kin was sitting in a throne room, sitting on a 11 foot red throne. All around her were golden artifacts and chandeliers with diamonds and rubies on them. There were tall white pillars in there as well, and there were large windows on the walls that allowed the light from the Diamond Realm's sun to shine through.

The room was about 100 feet tall and 70 feet wide, and there was a red carpet leading from the door to the throne room to Kin's throne.

On the sides of the red carpet, were Hosts Marshy, Xenon, Kedarah, Sith, Hanako, Tetsuya, and Chaos; they all were in the form of diamond statues, which were being used to fuel Kin's castle.

Kin's castle sat in a giant field, her castle was 50,000 feet long, and 70,000 feet long with over 10 million armed forces with power levels ranging from 300k to 5 million.

Kin's castle had multiple gardens around the area that produced roses and dandelions, with butterflies surrounding them.

Her castle was red and yellow in color, with a few white streaks in it with multiple windows and balconies and bridges in and out of the castle.

All throughout the Diamond realm, were kingdoms like that; each kingdom had a city that the king or queen would rule over under the dark orange skies of the Diamond realm. And in Kin's case, she rules over a city that has a population of 20 million people. Kin was planning to eventually move her kingdom and city over to earth.

Back inside of her throne room, Kin was smiling and ballet dancing around the Hosts, humming peacefully.

Kin danced her way over to Xenon, rubbing his diamond face, saying, "Every queen needs a king..hehe. I was madly in love with you before, I was gonna spare you just so you could rule with me. I hated that you spent too much time with the other female Hosts rather than me. You were so FOND of that bitch Marshy! What can I say? She's amazing, beautiful, strong, fearless, and protective over her son. I envy that. But now she looks pathetic. Kedarah was an annoying girl who was too happy, Hanako was creepy with her mumbling proverbs every five seconds, Chaos was too goofy, Tetsuya was too sophisticated, and Sith is insane. But Xenon..you were just right for me. I would've been Juliet, you could've been Romeo…without the dark ending. Now you are doing me a great service, and you and the other Hosts. I'm so grateful..hehe. So grateful indeed."

The doors of the throne room opened, and it was butler with dark grey skin and blue eyes, and brown hair in a ponytail and glasses.

The butler bowed, "Your majesty..I have been appointed to be your assistant and counselor. Others will arrive as well to be counselors and advisors, but I was the first to be recommended. And I'm your butler."

Kin responded, "Ha? What's your name?"

"You can call me whatever you'd like, madam."

"Your name is Butler. Because you're a Butler."

"As you wish."

Kin immediately turned her attention away from Butler, and she started walking out of the throne room with a smile, thinking, 'Time to decorate! Time to decorate! I'm so excited!'

Kin started to dance out of the throne room, making her way into the tall and beautiful hallways. Butler followed her.

Kin was dancing still, and Butler was saying, "As you know, your highness, you do need a few things added to this kingdom to make it more functional and proper. Like a king, a family, generals for your army, accountants, cooks-."

"Butler," Kin said as she stopped dancing.

"Yes, madam?"

Kin grabbed Butler's throat and pinned him against the wall hard, staring into his eyes as her eyes looked menacing.

Kin said, "Shut..the fuck…up. I finally have become the queen I've always wanted to be, and you're ruining it by talking my fucking ear off. Now..be an angel and go get a harp and play it for me!"

"Yes, you're highness."

Seconds later, Kin was ballet dancing around her castle, with Butler behind her, playing the harp.

As Kin danced, the castle from the inside was being designed and decorated based off of Kin's somewhat creative imagination.

Kin laughed with tears in her eyes, "Finally..finally! I'm a queen! I'm really a queen! I did it! Hahaha! I'm really special now! I did it!"

Butler grinned, "You really did. And might I say, the elders were madly impressed that you managed to capture the seven strongest Hosts of earth. They're jealous."

"They should be. All in all, I cannot WAIT to meet my townsfolk!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

Minutes later, Kin and Butler were in their city, and Kin was floating a few inches above the ground as the people were looking right at her.

The city was like a medieval city, with horses and carriages around, and brick buildings. There was no technology there, simply because the elders/guardians of the Diamond realm wanted to stand out from earth, since people there resemble humans a ton.

People looked at Kin, saying: "Look! It's the new queen!"

"It's Kin!"

"She's grown so much!"

"So beautiful!"

"Notice me!"

Kin smiled and waved at everyone, saying, "Yes! Praise me! Haha! I love you all! I promise I will lead us to new areas! And eventually, a new home!"

Kin's main reason for wanting to move her kingdom into earth was so she would have a world all to herself and her people, to give them a better life. And because..

Kin says, "I hate sharing a world with other kingdoms. There should only be me and my kingdom only. Am I wrong for that, Butler?"

Butler responded, "Of course not, Kin."


Over on the other side of the Diamond realm, there was a king sitting in the throne room of his new castle and kingdom, and he was wearing golden robes and golden crown, and he had long gold hair and pale skin with yellow eyes.

The king was rubbing all of his possessions in the throne room, he had different styles of diamond armor in there, and he smiled, saying, "Ahh..what an amazing feeling..oh yeah…I like that. You're my favorite..I'll name you..Betsy..yeah..you like when I talk to you like this? Well you should. I'm a newly appointed king now! The greatest day ever! Do you KNOW how many people I've killed just to get here?"

Around the throne room, were diamond statues of multiple people, posing in fear because that's how they were when they turned into diamonds.

Near the door, were two guards, guards that were Minotaurs with giant swords and gold armor.

They said to each other:

"The king is talking..to his armor?"

"He is indeed..special."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the throne room door, and the king said to the Minotaurs, "See who that is will ya? Fucking knock off cows. And I thought I was supposed to be informed that I have a visitor?"

Before the Minotaurs could open it, the doors blasted open, and they went flying backwards, rolling all over the floor.

The king exclaimed, "What the hell?!"

The Minotaurs stood up instantly, saying:

"What force!"

"What was that?!"

Coming through the threshold, was Duri.

Duri was walking forward on the red carpet, saying, "Over the course of a few hours, I have traveled to over 40 kingdoms. None of them would tell me where Kin is. Now I'll ask you..where is Kin and her kingdom?"

The king answered, "Impossible..! Damn you brat! Kill him boys!"

The Minotaurs charged at Duri with a growl, holding their swords out.

They both swung at the same time, and Duri jumped over it, grabbed the blades of the swords, did a 360 twist, and the two swords cut the heads off the Minotaurs quickly, and their bodies dropped to the floor.

Duri landed on the floor feet first, and looked at the king.

The king backed up, "Impossible! Impossible! You're just a brat!"

Duri took off his headband, and he went into his Titan form, teleporting in front of the king.

Duri said, "You're scared. Your heart is racing. It can all end..just tell me where Kin and her kingdom is."

"Never! It is by code that everyone in the Diamond realm never sells each other out! We should never sell our neighbors out! Also..haha..my entire army is heading up here as we speak. You won't get out alive."

"You're serious as hell too, huh?"



A huge wind shot from under Duri, and now he was covered in pounds of blood.

Duri said, "I'm back. I just killed your entire army by the way."

The king looked shocked, sweating intensely, he stepped back.

Duri took one step forward, and the king exclaimed, "Ah! She's 5,000 miles west of here! Just..keep going west!"

"Good girl."


Duri moved away, putting his headband back on, going back to his normal form. Duri was walking away down the red carpet, and the king looked sinister now, but still sweating and scared for his life.

He pulled his hands back, making a yellow star with yellow and white electricity grow around it, and he launched it at Duri, screaming, "Die!!!"

Duri sighed, and he turned around to look at it, and he stuck his hand out.

The yellow electric star slapped Duri's hand, and Duri merged with the power.

Duri's hair was now yellow and floating upward, his skin was pale, and he had yellow lines all around his body, and his eyes were yellow.

"It's been a while since I've merged with power.."

The king replied, "M-Merge..?"

Duri dashed up to the king, pulled his fist back, and punched the king in the face.

The punch gave out a loud and a large shockwave of wind and yellow lights, and the king's neck broke, and he smashed through the walls and straight to the outside.

Duri was turning back to his normal appearance now, and the diamond statues around him began to change back into regular people.

One by one they were free, and some of them starting hugging each other, saying:



"Oh thank goodness!"

Duri watched them, thinking, 'So taking the king or queen out, frees the people who were turned into diamonds..'

A little girl walked up to Duri, and said, "Did you save us?"

Duri answered, "I did. That guy was a bad man. I've been through enough kingdoms here to know that killing the king or queen would result in the diamond figure people to turn back to normal. The king and queen are connected to their kingdom, and if they die, so does their kingdom. So in a few minutes, this whole castle will be wiped off the map."

A man said to Duri, "That man kidnapped us from other realms! Even killed other families in the process! Families that tried to protect their children from getting snatched up by him!"

Duri thought, 'So that's what kind of leaders are in the Diamond realm. Fucking noted.'

Duri said to the people, "Go far away from here until I can get you all back to your own realms. There's things I have to take care of first."

Duri went into his full shadow form, and left that castle.

Duri thinks, 'If I use my Titan form on and off, I'll be able to control it better. If I start feeling like I'm going berserk, I'll put my headband back on. I'll give myself some duration times. I'll use the Titan form for 2 minutes each time I need it, then I'll put it away.'

Minutes passed, Duri was flying over all of the other kingdoms, seeing kings and queens around them in happiness.


Duri kept going, and he thought again, 'I'll end this quickly in my Titan form. I go in, kill Kin, and then leave with the Hosts. Easy.'

Duri continued to fly, until he sensed something coming. Duri looked left and right, and then he flew backwards, while a golden glowing spear passed him.

Duri said, "What the hell?!"

Duri looked forward, and saw four people floating in front of him, wearing golden armor, and golden helmets with red feathers on them. They all had an immense aura around them, and they were menacing.

They were the guardians of the Diamond realm.

One of them asked Duri, "Are you the boy who killed the king Ether?"

Duri tilted his head, "Yes?"

"A boy with shadow powers..how rare. I heard the shadow people got wiped out. Well, you don't just show up to another realm thinking you own the place by killing a king and his entire kingdom. We'll have to put you down now."

One guardian said, "He's only one boy, let me take him."

The other guardian responded, "Whoever kills him first can add him to your kingdom's collection!"

The other three guardians responded, "Alright!"

The guardians were about to move, but then, Kin was standing in between them with a straight face.

The guardians said, "Huh? Kin? What brings you here? I hope you're not trying to steal the prize?"

Kin smiled, "No not really. I came over here because I heard you four were in my kingdom. I didn't even know you were confronting this shadow brat. Anyway, I was thinking about annihilating you when I got here, but I wouldn't have been given my kingdom. So I knew I had to wait, and this is the perfect opportunity. I'm going to kill you now."

Kin put her hands on the shoulders of the guardians, and a blast of wind and red fire blasted out of her, and the guardians bodies were all scrunched up and burned, breaking rapidly like they were being hit by bullets.

The guardians all blasted away, and Duri gasped.

Duri tried to reach for his headband, but Kin said, "You know you can't beat me without your Titan form, Duri. Simply because you're still a child , and you have no experience. But a brave child you are. You're not fast enough to take your headband off and me not being able to stop you. About those guardians though, they were annoying. I don't want people ruling over me. I felt like they owned me. A queen is not ruled over by anyone."

"That…maybe true..that I can't beat you without my Titan form..but I got other things."

"Like what?"

Duri turned around and started flying away, going as fast as he could to reach the main city.

Kin thought, 'He's going to the main city?! Is he going to kill all my people?! I-I can't let that happen! Those people love me! They love their queen!'

Kin's heart pounded, and her eyes shook, she didn't want anything happening to her people.

Kin teleported away in front of Duri, and Duri threw a shadow snake at her.

Kin grabbed the shadow snake with one hand, and she dissolved it a little bit. After she did, Duri was inside of 50 dragon snakes, and they were heading towards Kin.

Kin thought, 'He put himself inside of his own power..? I can't teleport inside of power itself since it is not a place or matter..but made up of energy and aura...well played. But I'm not losing. He's smart in some ways, using my city and people to throw me off guard and give me anxiety. He knew what he was doing.'

Duri took off his headband, and he was growing into his Titan form again.

Kin immediately teleported away.

Duri was out in the open, looking around and seeing her nowhere. He started to sniff like Marshy does, and he traced Kin's scent.

Duri got out of his Titan form, thinking, 'There she is.'

Duri started to fly away, heading to Kin's castle.

At Kin's castle, Kin had the diamond figure Hosts all in a circle clunked up together, and Kin was sitting on top of them, with Butler in front of her.

Immediately, Duri teleported inside of there, in his Titan form.

Duri said, "It's over."

Kin answered, "Your hits are more destructive than explosions or maybe even earthly nukes depending on how much of your power you use. If you so much as touch me, your little Host friends and your little Host mother Marshy would be set ablaze. I've set traps. Traps even Titans can't even avoid. If you get out of your Titan form and leave, I won't come after you later on down the line."

Duri thought, 'If I touch her, something will happen to the Hosts..and my mother. I have to think of something. Shit! I can't hold this form any longer..I can feel my insanity coming..I have to let go of this form for now. It's been two minutes anyway.'

Duri put his headband on, and he turned back to normal once again.

Kin smiled, "Good! Butler, kill him."

Butler bowed, "As you wish, your highness."

Duri exclaimed, "Huh?!"

Butler had a black and purple and gold umbrella in his hand, and it leaked tons of power. Butler had a bright and shining spark in the front of the umbrella, and he dashed at Duri with it.

He tried to pierce Duri, but Duri made his arms shadows, and he grabbed the point of the umbrella, but the point of it stabbed through his hands.

Duri exclaimed, "Agh!"

Duri made a shadow arm come out of his chest, and it punched Butler up the chin.

The punch launched Duri and Butler through the high ceiling.

They busted through it, and Duri's hands were still stabbed by the umbrella's point.

Butler grinned, "I am fascinated that you were able to react to my attack. Truly stunning and exquisite. Everything we do is for Kin. Long..live..the queen.."

The spark at the point of the umbrella was growing bigger, and Duri said, "Fuck your queen.."

Duri started to merge with the power, and Butler replied, "W-What?"

Duri's eyes turned black and gold, and his hair went black, gold, and purple.

Duri cancelled out Butler's umbrella just by touching it.

Butler thought, 'He's..combined with my power? And he canceled my weapon? Since he has the same powers as me now..he knows how to retract my umbrella..! Which means..'

Duri formed an umbrella now, and he stabbed it through Butler's chest, with the tip of the umbrella sparkling loudly, shining a bright gold and black orb which had streaks of lightning circling in it and inside of it.

Butler thought, 'Now he had an umbrella?'

Butler stuck Duri's eyes with his fingers, and Duri's eyes were bleeding as Butler held them in there.

Duri screamed, "AGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!"

Duri and Butler were spinning all through the air, both of them bleeding severely; Butler's fingers were still in Duri's eyes, and Duri's umbrella still stuck through Butler's chest.

Duri formed a black, gold, and purple mixed shadow chain in his left arm, and he spun around over and over, wrapping it around Butler's neck.

Butler started to blast black and purple bolts of lighting out of his hands, they hit Duri's body, wounding him. Butler even started punching Duri in the body and face, and each both gave off loud sonic booms, and those punches made Duri splash blood everywhere..those punches made Duri and Butler move all through the sky just off the force.

Duri thought, 'Damn it all..! I'm saving Marshy and the Hosts no matter what..'

Duri ripped the umbrella out of Butler's chest, kicked off of his chest, yanked the chain, and pulled Butler towards him.

Duri's eyes opened, they were bleeding horrendously like his head and body, but he could still see.

Duri pulled his umbrella back, making more energy surround the tip of it.

Butler was about to perform another move, but Duri hit Butler with the tip of the umbrella, and a black, gold, and purple beam shot out of it, making Butler scream in fear.

The beam shot Butler down to the ground, and the explosion was as large as three nukes going off. Everything was getting destroyed, with flames and smoke and ground pieces overlapping each other in destructive layers.

The ground rumbled intensely, with more layers of the ground crumbling up and running over each other.

Duri was laying on the ground, looking up at the dark orange sky. He was breathing fast, thinking, 'That blast took me out too..? Oh no..did I destroy any of the cities..I gotta..get up.'

Duri sat up slowly in pain, and he started to stand up with his legs shaking.

Duri had one eye closed with blood drenching from it, his right arm was cut open, and blood spilled from his head down to his face.

Duri looked straight ahead, seeing that the ground was a mess with smoke around it, it looked like a volcano was blown open.

Up ahead, the smoke was clearing up, and he noticed he was 1,000 feet away from Kin's castle. The castle was perfectly fine.

Duri looked ahead, and his eyes got big.

There were millions of beast soldiers and golden armor soldiers in front of the castle, and there were statue soldiers that were grey in color with grey wings on their back with stone feathers around their heads holding stone swords that had black and red energy shocking around it.

The statues were singing in harmony like a creepy choir, singing, "Loooong liveeee the queeeeeen..looooong live the queeeen…looooong liiiivee queeeen..Kin.."

The kept singing that over and over again.

Standing on top of the castle was Butler and Kin. Kin was smiling as she was dancing to the choir singing.

Kin then pointed at Duri, and she exclaimed, "Go."

The millions of Kin's soldiers began to run down the hill with large battle cries, while the stone statues flew through the air, still singing.

Duri said, "You've got..to be kidding me.."

Duri took off his headband, but as soon as he did, he started to foam at the mouth, and he was about to go insane.

Duri instantly put his headband back on, and tears shed his eyes, saying, "Why..? How much longer do I have to wait? I won't last long like this. Dammit! Just when I thought I could save them..I thought I could. I'm no use like this..fucking useless. I'm wounded and injured..what am I gonna do? All that training I've done when I was a kid..all those times I hated myself because I could get my powers to work right..all those times I smiled behind the pain I was facing..it's all starting to come back."

Duri cried silently, more tears slowed down his eyes, and he wiped them off with the back of his fist, witnessing the millions of Kin's soldiers running at him.

Duri said to himself, "I'm..crying? I really am…I can't say this isn't like me..but I don't cry much."

Duri limped forward, still wiping tears from his bloody eyes.

"I may be fucking useless now…but I'm not running..I'm not running!"

The soldiers were still incoming, with the statue soldiers still singing their son that praised Kin.

Duri went into his full shadow form, and he started to jog a little, even though his leg was screaming in pain.

Duri started to run now, and he stuck his hand out towards the armies.

Duri made over 100 shadow snakes come out of his arm and body, and the eyes of the snakes started to flicker.

The soldiers stopped in their tracks, bleeding heavily from the inside, coughing up blood.

It was the same move Duri used on Ren-Ren during the exams, even though it is a cursed move, Duri still decided to do it anyway, even though he would be taking damage too.

Duri's head, mouth, and ears bled while he had his hand out, and the soldiers were bleeding from those areas too.

In Duri's right hand, Duri was forming a shadow ax.

Duri said, "Here goes.."

Duri released the snakes, and he dashed forward with his ax towards the enemies.

Duri started to spin and slash through most of them, using his skills to lop heads off and chop body parts in half.

The soldiers were all rushing at him all at once, Duri raised his shadow axe up, and he slammed it into the ground, the ground split, and it blasted many soldiers away from him.

Instantly, Duri was whacked across the side with a giant sword from the golden armor men.

Duri was soaring across the air, and multiple Minotaurs and golden soldiers blasted Duri around with the axes and swords and fists. Loud booms extracted from each attack, bruising and wounding Duri up even more.

Duri's eyes went pure white as he was being bashed around by everyone.

Duri fell to the ground, and one Minotaur grabbed his leg, dragged him across the ground, and threw him into the air.

At least 40 golden armored soldiers and stature soldiers raised above him, raising their hands. All of them were sharing energy, with bright red and white sparks and energy swimming above their hands.

Down below, 50 soldiers were jumping at Duri, brewing their colorful powers and weapons up to attack.

Duri saw below him and above him, and he thought, 'I won't let them..beat me!'

Duri made two shadow swords form in both hands, and gave out a battle cry as the soldiers above and below him were closing on him.


(Civilian camp with the Hosts, clan leaders, and civilians)

Ash had made his way towards the camp after his dog Rocket started going out of control, leading him to the camp. One of the people there noticed him, saying, "Oi! Ash! You're here! Guys, he can realm jump! This was the guy I was talking about!"

Voel and the clan leaders turned to look at Ash, and immediately began to question him.

And after a few minutes..it went downhill.

Voel exclaimed, "What?!"

Ash was standing in front of Voel, saying, "You know that kid? Personally?"

Voel responded, "Of course I know Duri! He was supposed to..come back with you to take us to the Diamond realm..and now he went all by himself!"

Everyone around heard them, and Seven said, "What..? No..no.."

Tek scoffed, "That fool! We're going after him!"

Nine agreed, "Tek's right. There's no way I'm gonna sit here and let Duri fight alone up there!"

Voel answered, "Our fastest way to getting to the Diamond realm is gone. What do you expect us to do?"

Kazuma whimpered, "Duri..? Is in the Diamond realm..alone? W-why? Why didn't he take us with him? We're his friends!"

Jiyu whined, "D-Duri.."

Espen says, "Why would he do something like that? Something so reckless.."

Ash interrupted everyone, "Don't look at it like he abandoned all of you. He told me he didn't want to watch any of you die. Because he knew war involves death, lots of it. He was thinking about all of you..he even saved my ass even after calling me rude names. He even saved my dog. He's not a bad kid. And I think he's alive."

Seven turned around with her fists swelling with anger, she started moving slowly to a nearby tree. She took a deep breath, and punched the tree as hard as she could, ripping it in half, and making it dart backwards into the woods.

Seven screamed, "Duri, you selfish asshole!"

Seven started punching more trees down, blasting them many feet away.

Seven kept punching down trees, Nine used her speed to catch up to Seven, grabbing her.

Nine said, "Seven..calm down! I'm pissed too, but we don't need this right now. As my best friend, listen to me."

"How could he do this?! That selfish prick! He could be dead! And I don't want him dead!"

"Me either! But we need to calm down, there's hope he may still be alive.."

"What hope?!"

Tek turned around to Ash, asking him, "When the hell did Duri leave?"

Ash answered, "Last night."

"That's a big time gap..it's a low percentage that he is still alive."

Garda, leader of the sword clan, said, "I do respect Duri's courage to protect us, but he didn't stop to think…who would protect him?"

Ren-Ren thought, 'That peasant Duri left us all behind just so he wouldn't see us get hurt. The Duri I first met wouldn't even have thought of a thought like that. But now..he's changing.'

Ren-Ren stepped up, saying, "I know our way to go to the Diamond realm is now lost, but we shouldn't give up quick like a bunch of weaklings. Yes, Duri is a reckless brat, but he needs us. We gotta do whatever the hell we can-do whatever we need to do to go to him."

Terra, leader of the ax clan, asked Ren-Ren, "And how do you suppose we do that?"

Behind them, Shiryu looked upwards, and said, "Pretty…angels..angels? No..not angels.."

Everyone looked at Shiryu, and then began to look up into the sky.

Everyone gasped when they saw who it was.

It was Judge Akio and Judge Anna, along with thousands of Judges behind them floating in the air with light coming off of them.

Judge Akio said, "People."

Judge Anna said to Akko, "Yeah, the right ones we're looking for."

Voel asked, "Judges..?"

Akio replied, "We've heard most of everything."

"Where were you guys?"

Anna answered, "To make a long story short…we've been trapped within our Temple for a while. We believe this is the rogue Titans doing. But now all of a sudden, we're able to be free."

Tek asked the Judges, "What are you doing here?"

Judge Akio responded, "Like I mentioned, we heard everything. Like the Titans, Judges aren't allowed to fight on earth for our powers of light are..complex. But if we are going to another realm to save our kind, then we are free to fight."

"If Titans aren't allowed to fight on earth, then why can Duri and Marshy fight on earth?"

"This rule was set in stone before those two even came to earth, in which those two haven't taken an oath to not fight on earth, in which the previous Titans have taken an oath. And it's not much of an issue now, since Duri and Marshy are doing well. But besides all of that, we can get you all to the Diamond realm."

Anna continued, "So everyone, get your gear and stuff together, we're leaving."

Voel released a sigh, thankful that they have a way to go to the Diamond realm.

Nashu, the leader of the shield clan, tugged Voel's leg, "Are you happy?"

Voel responds, "Yes. I am."

Terra exclaimed, "Finally. Now we can go save the brat and the Hosts. Including that reckless idiot Xenon."

Seven and Nine were standing together, with Nine still trying to calm Seven down.

Seven says, "Once we get there..I'm gonna kill Duri. No questions asked. Don't try and stop me either."

Nine answered, "We're going there to HELP him and save the Hosts, not curbstomp him."

"Well I am."

"Mhm. Are your parents still asleep?"

"Yeah. I hope they wake up soon. But I'm glad they are asleep. They would try and keep me from going to the Diamond realm-."

Behind her, Seven's mom and dad, Zaiyen and Hinata, stood behind her.

Zaiyen said, "You're wrong."

Seven turned around, saying, "Mom..dad!"

She ran up to them and hugged them tight, and they hugged her back.

"You're awake.." Seven shed a tear, and Hinata did the same.

Zaiyen said to Seven, "You're becoming a big girl now, Seven. Taking giant leaps of courage to help the ones you care about."

Seven replied, "I know it seems reckless doing this. I'm going into an all out war against a woman who fought on par with Marshy..but..I need to do this."

"We know. You can go..as long as we go with you."

"..B-But you two just woke up!"

"We're fine."

Hinata rubbed Seven's face, "We may not be what we used to be, but we can still fight. Fighting ever since we were 13 years old. I'm glad to see you have friends behind you that will ride for you no matter what, and I'm glad to see you going after that Duri shadow boy and the Hosts. It's endearing, I should say."

Zaiyen added, "We're definitely not sitting this one out. They stole our rivals, and I wanna be able to save them, and rub our victory all in Marshy's face."

Seven chuckled, saying, "Yeah, okay."

Tek, Ren-Ren, and Kazuma stood together as well, with Kazuma saying, "A rogue Titan? What does that even really mean?"

Tek answered, "It means we have an enemy that is on the same power level as Duri and Marshy."

Ren-seen added, "But why?"

"I don't know, how about we ask them?"

"Yeah, okay. Funny."

Shiryu was sitting on the ground beside them, with his hands shaking.

Tek looked down at him, and nudged him with his foot.

"Oi. Your heart beats racing. Fast."

Shiryu looked up at Tek while scratching his ear, "Oh..? Y-yeah..I've never fought in a war before.."

"It's natural. Just know you're pretty damn strong the way you can copy certain peoples moves. You'll be fine. Just don't wander off like an idiot."



Tek thinks, 'What would my uncle say..if he saw me rescuing someone..? I didn't expect things to be like this. At all.'

Across from them, Jiyu was helping Espen put on black robotic cyberpunk-like armor, and Espen says, "It's heavier than the last one."

Jiyu answered, "Because it's the strongest one I've made. Since you aren't as tough as the others, it could come in handy. You have skill and you can fight, this suit comes with weapons, and if you wanna use your domain ability, that's fine too."

"Very assuring. Seems like a lot of people here are getting some armor for your parents too."


"What about you?"

"My body is pretty tough like the armor you have on, so I don't need it. I only need my weapon gloves. And they're upgraded now, I can use the weapons as many times as I want.'

"I'm scared, Jiyu."

"..Me too."

Judge Akio exclaimed, "I need everyone who is fighting to hold onto each other in order for this to work.

Including the Judges and clan members, there were over a million people out there, wanting to fight.

Everyone grabbed hold of each other's arms, with Tek barely holding someone's arm.

Tek, Seven, Kazuma, Espen, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Shiryu, and Nine looked at each other with anxiety and a small hint of fear invaded their heads.

They all nodded one time at each other, and Judge Akio raised his hand as a bright yellow cube shined above them.

Akio exclaimed, "Realm transfer: Diamond realm!"

A bright light flashed, and they all vanished.

(The Diamond realm)

It was dark. Everyone that had got transferred could only see each other a little bit.

Seven asked, "Um, what is this?"

Judge Akio answered, "We are inside of the realms barrier. It's like a defense system.."

Makumen, leader of the Giants clan, asked, "Can you break us out of it?!"

Anna answered, "We can. But it will take us some time to do so."

Akio added, "Until then, hold still and be patient."

Akio and Anna floated into the air, and they raised their hands, as a bright white light bloomed from it.

Nashu was drinking another juice box, saying, "Mm? Something bad is coming!"

Everyone was on edge, looking around them with their weapons out.

Tek made his chains form, and he expanded far outward.

Jiyu asked Tek, "W-What are you doing?"

Tek replied, "Scouting ahead. And to see how big this place is-."

Tek gasped, and Kazuma asked Tek now, "What's the matter?"

Tek yelled to everyone, "Stay back!!!"

Tek dashed forward, leaped into the air as chains were wrapping around his fist, and he punched an incoming blue beam that was headed for them, making the area shake, and dust fly everywhere.

There were weird noises coming from the darkness, screams and yelps from beasts and beast men.

Tek exclaimed, "We have incoming!"

Akio yelled, "Hold them back while we try to break this thing!"

Garda made a pitch black and red katana form, and he said, "Let's rock it, lads!"

The members of his clan did the same thing, making powerful katana's appear.

Terra made a brown and orange ax form in her hands, and she got prepared.

"Let's fucking go.."

Terra's clan copied her, bringing out their strong and power-filled axes.

Nashu made his shield form, and smiled, "Time to fight! Come on, mates!"

Nashu's clan began to form unique and different styles of shields too.

Makumen, leader of the Giant clan, said to his clan, "Expand, Giants!"

His members began to grow expeditiously large, moving around fast.

Some of the Judges used their power of light to create swords and other weapons made out of light, and they threw sparks of light to certain areas just so people could see better.

There were man-beasts with weapons and glowing powers coming from the darkness, thousands of them appearing all at once, blasting colorful orbs and beams and other power moves at the ground.

Seven went into her Spirit of Wrath form, and she went forward. Making purple orbs grow, she started coming in contact with the enemies, blasting them around the area with loud explosions. She did a backflip, made a giant orb form, and she kicked it like a soccer ball, and it hit many enemies, snatching them into the darkness.

Tek was leaping across the air, making his chains connect to different enemies, slinging them around and making them bang and crush against each other. He landed on the floor, he covered his entire body in chains, and the man-beasts tried hitting him. Tek dodged them multiple times, punching them around the area with his chain fists. He even made a chain spear, a few actually, and started spinning them around running forward, slicing enemies in half.

Kazuma was flying through the area, throwing fireballs and dozens of enemies.

One armored man-wolf jumped on Kazuma's back, and started biting and scratching his back and shoulder.

Kazuma yelled, "Ow!"

Kazuma flipped around the other way, made fire grow on his leg, and he kicked the enemy in the stomach, sending him over his head.

That same enemy was falling, but then he was ripped in half as Nine used her Godspeed ability to rip through him.

Nine and Kazuma looked at each other, nodding again.

Kazuma saw a herd of enemies arriving, and these enemies were wearing armor made out of ruby, with ruby helmets.

Kazuma pointed forward, making fire lions come out, and they went to attack the armored men, devouring them.

Behind Kazuma, a super tall armored enemy was running at him with a sword as tall as him, and swung at Kazuma.

Kazuma turned around with a fist full of fire, and he punched the sword as hard as he could.

Down below, Ren-Ren was teleporting everywhere with his sword, slicing enemies in half left to right.

Soldiers with swords tried dueling with Ren-Ren, he deflected their swords away easily while saying, "Pathetic!"

Ren-Ren teleported above them, and used his sword to throw crescent shaped red slashes at them, blowing them all up in a destructive manner.

Ren-Ren saw Nine running around fast and blasting enemies with her green and white lightning abilities, and he teleported over to her.

He teleported on her back, and as she ran fast, Ren-Ren was slicing enemies along the way, twisting his sword around quickly.

Nine said, "Oi! Get off me! Psycho!"

"Don't stop running! I can get more kills like this! You gotta let me do this!"


"I'm serious!"

"…This is the only time I'm letting this happen! I'm not a fucking chair!"

"Thank you!"

Nine thought, 'He's really serious about this..no sneaky jokes..no nothing…he means business now..'

Shiryu had stolen a soldier's ability, he was covered in ruby armor, holding a ruby made sword.

Shiryu was spinning around blocking sword attacks from the other enemies, and he was cutting heads off almost instantly.

He jumped over them, slid to the left, and slung his sword at them in a spinning fashion. The sword cut all of them in half, and Shiryu dashed over to catch his sword, raised it up, and smashed it hard on the ground, making a large boom, knocking his enemies away.

Jiyu was running across the area, jumping over her partners, apologizing, "Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through! Watch your head! My bad!"

The gloves she was wearing formed an assault rifle in her hand, and she started shooting bullets at enemies that were chafing at her. After the bullets made contact, it released red fire.

She ran towards the group she was shooting, and she jumped over them with a flip, made a rocket launcher form, and she shot a rocket downward. The rocket blasted the enemies up in red flames.

Jiyu was knocked back by the pressure, and she landed on her feet. She was approached by a few enemies; she dodged their attacks and the blasts of their powers, she twisted through all of them, and they all wrapped in poisoned barbed wire.

Jiyu turned around with a jump, and she made her rocket launcher form, shooting a rocket at them, blowing them up.

Espen was right behind her, sending shockwaves of energy at the enemies, making their ears bleed.

Espen rushed towards them, and her metal armor hands shot green beams of energy at the enemy, knocking them away.

A giant brownish green hawk with no face or beak was flying through the air, and it swooped in, spitting eggs filled with acid bombs at Espen.

Espen flipped on the ground dodging them, thinking, 'Persistent. I don't like it.'

Jiyu was running up behind Espen, Jiyu jumped and turned into a sword, and Espen caught the handle of her. Espen blasted up to the hawk, and she easily cut it in half with Jiyu.

The Judges used their light powers to destroy enemies too, using their swords made out of light to teleport all over the place, taking enemies down.

The sword clan people were doing the same with their katana's, blasting crescent slashes all over the place, flipping and cutting enemies away.

The ax clan pounded across the floor, brutally swinging their axes around and ripping enemies apart. Most of them flew through the air killing flight enemies, and some of them threw their axes across the room, and it hit multiple enemies at once.

The giants from the Giants clan were stomping on enemies, and picked some up and ripped them in half.

The shield clan members bashed enemies away with their shields, but each bash came with a loud thud and a bright sparked light, sending enemies away.

And the Hosts were causing extreme destruction, using their bright powers and punches to knock enemies around.

Tek made his chains spread out again, piercing through the heads of the enemies.

Tek sent more chains out, and he exclaimed, "The area is getting smaller!"

Judge Akio responded, "I know! Just keep holding them back."

Zaiyen and Hinata were covered in an orange aura, holding hands as they kicked and punched man-beasts away from them. Once their punches made contact, orange spikes grew from the enemies bodies, piercing them.

Zaiyen said to Judge Akio, "It's an endless swarm of enemies!"

Akio responded, "Almost there!"

Seven slid in with her parents, she punched the ground, made parts of the ground purple, and those parts exploded under the enemies, blasting them into the air.

Seven, Zaiyen, and Hinata jumped at the same time, and attacked the rising enemies.

Tek was still eliminating soldiers with his, and Kazuma came up behind Tek, placing fire on Tek's chain fist.

Tek's chain fist was on fire, he dashed forward beside Kazuma, and they both punched a group of man-beast soldiers, flames went up in a riot, a loud blast of a sonic boom went off, crushing the enemies literally and sending them back.

Tek said to Kazuma, "Thanks.."

Kazuma responded, "I always wanted to try that.."


"Right. Okay."

A 55 foot tall soldier in gold and red armor with a helmet that had long red braided hair, came in with a giant electrifying sword, and slammed it near them.

Tek, Kazuma, and a few Hosts were knocked back with that large slam, immediately making them all bleed tremendously.

Tek exclaimed, "Dammit!"

Kazuma added, "Ow.."

"Kazuma, stand up!"

Tek grabbed Kazuma, and ran to the right as the tall soldier was aiming to hit them again.

Kazuma threw a fireball at it, and it caused minimal damage, but it wasn't enough to take it down.

Tek made chains form, and he threw a chain to Kazuma, "Wrap it around the legs!"

Kazuma answered, "Yokai!"

They both ran towards the big soldier, and they started running around the legs. Other soldiers were trying to come at them, but Ren-Ren and Shiryu came in hot, protecting them.

Shiryu had copied Ren-Ren's katana abilities, and they both slashed through the enemies while flipping around and above them.

Tek yelled to Kazuma, "Pull and run ahead!"

Kazuma nodded, as he and Tek ran ahead, making the big soldier fall on his stomach, causing a loud bang.

Ren-Ren dashed past the big soldier, cutting its head off.

Ren-Ren yelled, "Shiryu, do it! Just to be sure!"

Shiryu leaped up in the air, and he copied the ability of the 55 foot soldier, making the same giant sword as him, and stabbed it through the soldier's back.

The area was getting smaller still, as more enemies kept popping out of nowhere in hordes, forcing everyone to get closer together.

They yelled:

"Hurry and get us out of here!"

"Stay together!"

"Keep holding the enemies back!"

Seven exclaimed, "The enemies..they're getting stronger as the room gets smaller!"

The enemies kept flooding in, and they all used their powers to beat them away as they got closer to each other near the Judges. It even forced the Giants to shrink smaller.

Judge Akio and Anna exclaimed, "Almost there!"

Voel, on the side, making black cubes form on the enemy to weigh them down, yelled, "More enemies incoming!!"

Kazuma kicked many fireballs ahead, Tek smashed enemies back with his chains and fists while jumping over everyone, Nine was dashing through the enemies and killing them, punching them with balls of green and white lighting. Ren-Ren was deflecting and blocking attacks with his sword, expanding his sword while moving back to get more enemies. Jiyu and Espen were walking backwards, shooting bullets and rockets out from their weapons. Seven stretched both hands, as the ground rumbled with purple energy, exploding massively as the enemies were blasted away in purple lights.

Hundreds of thousands of enemies kept running at them, and the area still kept getting smaller…

[In front of Kin' kingdom]

Duri was sitting on one knee, as the millions of powered up soldiers were charging at him again. Duri was covered in bruises and blood. And his body was in full shadow form, but his face and head wasn't.

Duri was throwing hundreds of shadow snakes at the enemy to hold them back, thinking, 'Why..isn't Kin coming down..to finish me herself..? Shit..I'm at my limit..I think..I think I can use my Titan form now..'

Up on the castle, Kin said to Butler, "Would you mind finishing him off? He's used up all of his toughness. If I leave this area, then the trap I set for the diamond figures will be undone."

"Yes, madam."

"Wait..you feel that?"

"…I feel that.."

"Bring more soldiers.."

"Yes ma'am."

Duri stood up, shaking, and yelling, "Come on! Send out more! I'll kill all of them! I'll..I'll kill all of them! U promise…I fucking promise..none of them can beat me..!"

Kin's soldiers stopped running, and some of them gasped.

Duri asked, "The fucks the matter? Huh?! Am I scaring you?! Come on!"

Suddenly, in the sky, yellow cubes began to form, and Duri looked up at them.

Duri said, "Wha..t..?"

More cubes opened in the sky, and Kin and Butler looked at them earnestly.

Kin said, "The Judges.."

Butler asked, "Who are the Judges?"

"Bring out..all the fucking soldiers! If we're going to survive, I need to undo the trap and get out there."

"Are you sure, madam?"

"I'm sure. I have some Titan powers, I'm your trump card."

Immediately, Hosts, clan members and Giants, and Judges began to jump out of the cubes, landing behind Duri. Duri turned around to look at them, seeing the Judges float in the air behind him.

Duri asked, "Who..?"

Next, Tek and Seven jumped from the cubes, landing on both sides of Duri.

Duri looked at them, "Guys.."

Tek and Seven started walking over to Duri, and Duri almost fell over. Tek and Seven caught Duri, and made him stand him back up.

Tek said, "Can you still fight?"

Duri answered, "Look at this. My own rival is asking if I'm alright. I can fight..a little.."

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Just admit you were worried about me.."


Duri looked at Seven, and Seven said to him, "Fuck you for leaving me behind. For leaving all of us behind!"

"You guys must've seen Ash then. I did it for..a reason.."

"I'm glad you're alive..Duri. From now..you don't ever fucking leave me.."


"Don't scare me like that again please, I have bad anxiety."

"Alright, alright. My bad."

Walking up towards Duri, it was Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Shiryu, Espen, Jiyu, and Nine.

They all said, "Duri!"

Kazuma tried to hug Duri again, but Duri moved out of the way.

Nine punched Duri in the back of the head, saying, "How reckless of you to do this shit! It's my job to watch over you as your big sister, and here you go trying to fight a million people alone."

Duri answered, "I didn't try, I did..and got my ass whooped…I'm sorry to everyone out here that I left."

Thousands of Judges, Hosts, and clan members listened to Duri. Judge Akio, Judge Anna, and Voel walked up to Duri

Voel put his hand on Duri's shoulder, saying, "So much like Xenon when he was a child. Don't be reckless next time. We are all glad you are okay."

Akio and Anna nodded at Duri, "Good for you to be with us."

Duri asked, "Who..the fuck are you two..?"

Anna responded, "Judges. But we have no time to explain. We gotta save the Hosts."

"And kill Kin.."

Both sides were getting prepared for battle, with Kin and Butler floating above their own army.

Duri stood at the front of his allied army, giving Kin a dead cold stare, and Kin looked at him back.

The Hosts, clan members, and Judges got their powers ready, and so did Kin and her entire army of millions.

Duri said loudly, "Now that the fight is balanced out.."

Duri took off his headband, and he was in his Titan form. But he felt his insanity from being in the form arriving fast. Duri hurried to put the headband back on, going back to normal.

Tek said to Duri, "Don't force it, fool. We can still win.."

"Why the hell are you so sure?"

"Cause we're us. That's why."

"My rival is complimenting me."

"I'm not."

Kin pointed forward, saying to her army, "Go!!!"

Everyone in her army dashed forward with more battle cries.

Duri, Tek, Kazuma, Seven, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Espen, Shiryu, and Nine all looked at one another; and Duri and his team took one step forward, dashing forward giving a battle cry, dashing forward and charging up their powers.

this is the longest chapter with 8k words

JOSH_ONEcreators' thoughts
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