
Chapter 12: My Rescuer


All through the night, I stuck to the shadows and stayed close to buildings as much as I could. Every now and then, I glanced back to see if Soren had sent anyone to follow me. So far, I was alone.

When I got to the edge of the village, I headed in the direction of Miltern pack territory.

In my dreams, Helen had given me a road map. At least, that’s what I thought it was. She’d shown me the way over and over again, but I’d never understood. Now that I could remember them more clearly.

She’d shown me that I needed to follow the desert north star until the white sands became paved roads and the sun began to rise.

It was cryptic, but I felt like if I just went after the north star, the rest would make sense, eventually.

When the sun rose, though, it didn’t show me white sands and paved roads. Instead, a thick, dense fog hung over everything. I could barely see in front of my own face.

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