
Chapter 71 : I Need Your Help


“What do you mean?” I sneered as Adrian slammed the door shut behind him. His blue eyes narrowed on mine for a split second before peering around the room. “He’s not here! I thought he went back to Egoren–”

“He didn’t. I haven’t heard from him in two weeks.”

My heart dropped into my stomach as I searched Adrian’s eyes for understanding. His gaze lingered on mine, furious and intense, but then he glanced at the dying embers in the hearth and bared his teeth.

“It’s fucking freezing,” he sneered through chattering teeth as he shrugged off his sodden coat and let it drop to his ankles. He began striping down while I stood there, shellshocked. “Do you have a blanket, or a towel?”

He was standing in only a wet undershirt and his boxers now, the fabric clining wetly to his skin.


“Yeah, I–I’m sorry.”

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