
Chapter 113: Bits and Pieces of the Forgotten Era

Nancy inherited Supergen corp. And she had tons of cash at her disposal. She then decided to call Ein for some help about her plan as Aesir is known to be connected with Schicksal.

"Ein-nii. Can you set up a meeting for me and Schicksal's overseer? I have something to do, it involves Schicksal." She was hellbent on opening a branch in North America as something was really suspicious about the organization.

"Hmm~ I can. But what would I get Nancy? You're a business owner now, you should know that everything has a cost." Of course he didn't accept it without proper payment.

"I'll... Uhhh, I don't know really. What do you want anyway? You're filthy rich and you basically own my company anyways, I'm just the officer in charge." She was stumped and he put massive pressure on her.

"Well, well, well. It seems princess Nancy is no more huh? Let me think, how about you wear a victorian dress and go Ohohoho~ like an ojou-sama. But that's too easy, you need to do it with Tesla, Lieserl, and Schrodinger as your maids. Then we'll talk." He then hanged up and Nancy almost had a stroke, thinking that it was an insurmountable task.

"Hah, fine... A small price to pay for greatness. Ugh, I don't think Tesla would agree to that... Lieserl, I can bait with some money for research. Schrodinger would agree if I owe her for it. But Tesla? No way, nuh uh." She agonized and thought about Tesla's smug face when she asks.

"How in the world am I going to do this?" She hit her head on the table and sighed heavily. "Hey, what the hell are you mumbling about over there? That's very uncharacteristic of you." Tesla appeared and almost gave Nancy a heart attack.

"Hey Tesla... Can I ask for a favor? This is really important you see?" Edison asked and Tesla raised a brow, suspicious of her. "What is it? You're scaring me you know. Princess Nancy asking for a favor, something's fishy over here. This must be concerning Ein-nii." She narrowed her eyes at Nancy and the young scion nodded.

"Well, that depends. What in the world are you going to ask for anyway? Pigs must be flying if you ask so nicely." Tesla didn't like how she asked and if Ein was involved, then it must be something ridiculous.

"Uhh, how do I say this... You know what? Let's meet up with Lieserl and Erwin too before we do this..." Nancy stood up and called Lieserl and Erwin so she would have a good chance to end it all in one swoop.

They then met up in Princeton and three were currently seated in front of Nancy. "Hey guys, good afternoon. Ahem, there's something I need to tell you and Ein-nii said this was payment for what I need." She was explaining the context and the 3 frowned.

"I... I need you to read this script and act it out with me..." Nancy gave them papers and started praying that they would agree.

Lieserl and Schrodinger read quietly, but their eyes were squinting at it and Tesla whispered the lines. "Princess Nancy, please give us a break. Supergen corp. is killing us with all this work. We just want to go to the annual science fair... What the fuck is this Edison!? I'm not doing this crap." Tesla instantly denied while Lieserl and Schrodinger looked at her for an explanation.

"Listen Tesla, it's not like I'm the one that wanted this. I want to open a branch of Schicksal here in North America. I have suspicions that they were the ones that caused the honkai attack earlier." Nancy gave them a stack of papers that had some evidence that there was a lab underground doing shady experiments.

"Hmm, this is quite the concern. I'm interested in them too, especially their technology about the honkai. It seems too advanced, like it was from the future." Lieserl speculated and Schrodinger nodded. Also wanting to know what Schicksal was hiding.

"No way, I won't do this!" Tesla protested and everybody sighed. She was very prideful after all and they thought that she won't accept it.

"I'll double the payment for your patents Tesla. It sounds like a good trade no?" Nancy started negotiations and offered her price. "No. And you haven't paid me yet Edison! You damned miser, how would I know you'll pay me extra for it? Hmm?" Lieserl and Schrodinger facepalmed at Edison's actions. Now she was suffering the consequences.

"I'll pay it for sure! How about triple? Come on Tesla, new technology. Probably from a lost civilization! Maestro Vill-v would accept you into Spiral workshop with the discoveries we can make!" Nancy baited Tesla, but she didn't know that Vill-v wouldn't even blink with the discoveries they'll find.

"A-alright, I guess that would be nice..." Tesla was getting bamboozled and they both didn't know it. "Okay! Let's get to it then! Chop chop!" Nancy ordered as they perform in an auditorium at Princeton. Nancy then sent the video to Ein and he immediately gave her a special ticket to Europe.

"Woah, that was fast... So I'll be meeting the overseer of Schicksal huh? Let's prepare then." Nancy completed her preparations and offers for Schicksal to approve a branch in America.


After a few hours, she quickly arrived at England where the overseer was located currently and she reached Tilie's place via a driver from Aesir.

She took a deep breath and psyched herself up. "Let's do this. And what did Ein-nii say? Bravo 6 going dark." She then went inside the mansion and was greeted by a butler.

"Ms. Edison, greetings. You will meet the overseer shortly." He bowed and lead her to a room with tea and snacks already prepared. And there was a person inside as well, someone she remembered. The woman that her Ein-nii gave a tongue bath.

"Wait a minute. You're that valkyrie that appeared when everything was already taken care of." Nancy stated and Reanna didn't really react. Though she fumed inside when she remembered Ein stealing her 1st kiss and her mission as well.

Nancy knew she didn't want to converse and the blonde woman suddenly got in a bad mood. So she sat down and drank some tea, she then fiddled with her phone and read some manga.

"Pft." Nancy almost laughed as she read. Making Reanna raise a brow. 'This girl must have a will of iron. She is so young, but even the overseer of Schicksal doesn't phase her one bit.' Reanna thought Nancy was either really brave, or stupid.

But of course Schicksal won't phase her, she was a student of Ein's and he taught them how to stay frosty at all times. But she is a little nervous so she decided to read some manga.

After a few more minutes, Ottilie finally entered the room and greeted Nancy. "Hello, forgive me that I couldn't meet you immediately." She smiled, the blonde was late as Aponia's discipline still caused her tremors and some twitching. Which was not good at all when meeting someone important. She misunderstood as Ein told her Nancy will be meeting her for something.

"It is fine Ms. Apocalypse. Now, shall we start on why I came here in the first place." Nancy got into a pose where she put her hands together and leaned on it with her chin. Making Ottilie think she was quite formidable as a person.

"Why yes, please do tell. I'm quite interested on what you'd need from me. I don't get visitors that often." Ottilie smiled and didn't waste any time.

"I want something, and that's a North American branch of Schicksal. Lead by yours truly." Nancy bluntly said, surprising Reanna and even Ottilie greatly.

Nancy went on the offensive and didn't let up. "It would be a good partnership no? I am the officer in charge of Supergen corp. And I basically have almost limitless amounts of money and resources. If you agree, I'll create a branch that would surely thrive. Also spreading Schicksal's influence in America instead of just Europe."

Ottilie thought of her offer, it made sense. But of course, it was suspicious. So she tried asking for a price that was more than 35% of the value of Supergen. "Hmm, a nice offer indeed. But do you know how much it would cost for you to even start a branch of Schicksal? 7 billion dollars just to have the basic branch done." Ottilie asked for an absurd amount of money. Which if you factor inflation, would cost 80 billion dollars in 2020's

But Nancy wasn't perturbed and agreed immediately. "Deal, that is quite the amount yes. But it's still doable Ms. Apocalypse, and it's worth it is it not?" She smiled and Ottilie thought her want in being affiliated with Schicksal is interesting.

"I see. Then how about we make the contract on how much you would need to create a full fledged branch and let us talk later?" Ottilie offered which Nancy agreed to.

And after calculations, the total amount agreed upon would be 14 billion US dollars. Nancy signed it without hesitation and shook hands with the overseer of Schicksal.

"Good luck to the new branch in North America Ms. Edison. I believe this would be a good partnership. Schicksal would be sending you some directives and other matters that the branch would help with." Ottilie also signed and gave a smile to Nancy.

The young scion nodded. 'Well, that was easy. I will just make the money back. Though I have to withhold Tesla's pay.' She thought in her mind as she went back to New Jersey.

"Overseer, is that really fine? We will have to divulge important data to the branch would we not?" Reanna asked Ottilie who just nodded. "It will also make us have faster progress in deciphering the previous era. There are a couple of geniuses in America right now Reanna. I know they will be joining her endeavors." Ottilie researched about Nancy and found the loli science brigade.

"And they are all geniuses that have won nobel prizes at an age where normal people would indulge in their vices and debauchery. Basically an age where you are stupid. They will discover great things for sure." She then returned back to her mansion and Reanna followed.

'Be careful young girl... You do not know what you just got yourself into.' Reanna silently prayed for the young blue haired girl.


Nancy immediately called her friends along with Emma to inform them of the successful negotiation. "Ladies, we got em'. I am now in charge of a branch of Schicksal here in North America." She said with a smug smile on her face and Emma clapped.

"Ohhh, that's no small feat Nancy. Schicksal is famous after all. And they have strange equipment that doesn't seem to belong in this time. Also they're very mysterious and secretive." Emma hypothesized that they must have received advanced tech or unearthed it. As they have really strong weapons and gadgets.

"Congrats Nancy. So, what would you do now? I doubt you'll be raising a valkyrie order like their overseer." Schrodinger asked as she didn't really see Nancy or any of them going through that route.

"Umu, how would you distinguish yourself as the North American branch anyway?" Lieserl was curious on how Nancy would run the branch.

"It depends. We will be of course receiving data and certain directives from the main branch. And I guess I'll go from there." Nancy shrugged.

"Hey Edison. Where's my money? I need it to build a new project that will surely impress Dr. Vill-v." Tesla was like a loanshark and hassled Nancy for some cash.

"Uhh, look at the time! I actually need to review the contract extensively once more. Gotta go, see you, bye!" She ran away as she's currently in the red fron the contract.

"Hey! Fuck! I knew it, come back here you goddamned liar! I'll have my money even if I have to shake it from you!" Tesla ran after her and they went on a wild goose chase inside the campus.

"Fufufu~ They've really gotten closer over the years haven't they? When they first met, they looked like a pair of nemesis' that would fight tooth and nail against each other." Emma chuckled and thought of the development of their friendship.

Lieserl sighed and shook her head. "Tesla should've saw that coming. I don't know why she always fall for that, thought she's no businessman that's for sure."

Schrodinger then thought of how impulsive Tesla was. Especially whenever it concerns her 'greatest creations'. It always would explode due to her being too ambitious to impress Vill-v.


After a few months. With the help of Spiral workshop, their base for the branch was finally completed and they just received their orders from the main branch. "Make a metal detector? What in the world does that even mean?" Edison looked at the relatively simple order with the others and scratched her head.

But there was a box accompanied by the letter and they opened it. Inside was a small piece of golden metal, Soulium. Still shining with its gold and platinum coating, unaffected by the thousands of years.

"Is this the metal they want us to find?" Schrodinger picked it up and observed the little nugget. And it was light. "This isn't gold, an alloy perhaps? They won't tell us to find these if it isn't hard to find. We will have to study this thoroughly." She then gave it to Einstein and Tesla to observe.

"We have no idea what this is. Maybe we should ask Dr. Vill-v or Ein-nii?" Tesla thought they would know what it was. Lieserl shook her head. "No, we can't rely on them forever Tesla. They've done a lot for us already. Besides, they aren't even a part of the branch anyway." Ein, Vill-v, and MEI refused to be part of it unlike Emma that thought it would be fun.

"Alright mophead. Just saying you know? Dr. Vill-v and Ein-nii know everything, they just don't, tell us the answer to some of our questions so it just popped up into my head." Tesla then sat down and started thinking on how they'll make a detector for the metal.

Emma then tried with a simple metal detector. But it was bugging when she put it over the piece of Soulium as it had a small amount of honkai energy stored inside it.

"Hmm, normal metal detectors don't work on it. Does it have a special property that disrupts circuitry or something?" Tesla tried a multitude of other metal detectors and they all failed.

"Hah, there's no such thing as an easy lunch. Let's try to study it first and then we'll search for some." Emma sighed as it would be a big task, having basically no information about the material.

Schrodinger then tried a honkai energy detector that Supergen created to search for honkai infested areas. And there was a reaction to the metal.

"Ohhh? That's a pretty interesting finding." Lieserl got curious and immediately ran some tests with Tesla to determine the materials of the metal.

And they found out it was an unknown element. Also, with their limited amount of honkai energy, they found out it absorbs it like crazy. But it didn't leak any of the energy absorbed. Also, it was very very durable.

"Woah, we need to get more of this stuff pronto. I might be able to make something amazing with this for Dr. Vill-v!" Tesla got excited from the new discovery and everyone nodded. It was a revolutionary metal that would be the anti thesis for honkai.

"Let's get this thing started then. We need to have as much of this stuff as possible. So Nancy's little branch would grow." Emma smiled and they began their experiments to find more Soulium.


Thanks for reading everyone. The 1st honkai eruption is just around the corner. And Anti-entropy would be formed after a few years of the 1st herrscher's birth.

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