
And Make Their Move

I was awoken from my meditation by the sound of an explosion. Before I knew what was happening, I was hit by the blast wave and thrown back through the glass wall, but it did not stop there. The entire dome shattered, and I was sucked into space. I did not have the chance to even catch my breath as all of the air had been knocked out of my lungs with the initial impact.

I always had a bit of morbid curiosity about what would happen to a person if they were sucked into space, but that did not mean that I wanted to experience it firsthand. What little air had been in my lungs felt like it was ripped out of my body. My body began to swell and stretch my skin painfully, but the most intense pain came from my blood literally boiling. The lower the pressure on a liquid, the lower the boiling point, so my natural body temperature was enough to cook me from the inside out.

I did not know what to do as the seconds to my inevitable death kept passing, but as my panic reached its peak, a calm washed over me. Instantly, I knew what to do and I shifted into my Dusa form, causing the pain to fade away. Normally on the surface, I could be in this form for hours, if not days, using only a minimal amount of energy, but out here, I could feel it draining away quickly. Although I was still flying away from the space station, it was not completely hopeless. I teleported once... twice... three times slowly moving closer to the station, but I was using so much mana and Soul Power while I was out here.

The explosion had ripped a chunk out of the hull and knocked out power on that side of the station. If the airlocks failed with the power outage, the entire hydro-farm would be destroyed, and our set of rooms would also be caught up in the dead zone. Raven would likely be in the Command Center or Engineering, but both Katye and Echo should be in that area. Thankfully, I could sense Katye, so I focused on her as I made my way back. I was nearly out of mana, but I managed to teleport myself next to her and then I blacked out...


"I'm a big girl, Becca, and your partner through all of this. We are supposed to support each other," Katye said while sighing internally.

"I know... and I'll get better."

"I know you will," she said and then kissed me on the cheek, before she walked out of the small room.

Rebecca's current state of mind had been the main topic between Raven, Echo, and her for quite some time now. Although Bellamy was not her real brother, she had made a point of rekindling their relationship and had become friends. When he had disappeared, she had taken it hard even though she tried to hide it.

It did not help that the Council had sided with her when the matter of protecting Luna had come up. As they said, it was more dangerous to have two people with the code in the same location, so Katye had been sent up to the space station while Rebecca stayed and watched over Luna from the shadows. If things had not been so quiet, there was a chance that the Council might have still been on her side, but after a year of silence, they began to relax and could even see the signs of stress in her. If Rebecca had fought her about switching to a proper rotation, Katye had been ready to pull the Council into the matter since she knew that she would have Luna, Clarke, and Diyoza on her side, giving her the majority of votes, but she had agreed fairly easily, just as Raven had predicted.

Katye was wrapped up in her own thoughts as she walked out of the Observation Deck, so she did not register her eyes lingering on an empty corner of the hall. Instead, she headed down a couple more doors and entered the main hydro-farm where Echo was recording the pH levels of one of the tanks. She looked up from her tablet at the sound of the door opening and smiled back at Katye.

"Did things go well?" Echo asked.

"Yes, pretty much how Raven said the conversation would go. Becca knew that she had been wrong by not letting me help and was ready to admit it. We'll be heading down tomorrow, so hopefully, we can get her back to her usual self by the end of the night, but if not, Raven should be able to handle the rest of the work," Katye chuckled lightly.

"Have you talked to her about your dreams yet?"

"No," she sighed, "it would just make her worry more about me with everything else that's going on. It's not like I can say that I keep having dreams of some battlefield where the two of us are fighting with people that we were close to and how we keep dying one by one around her. All that would do is justify her instincts to protect us."

"And you don't think that we might 'need' that protection?" Echo remarked.

"I get that you are on her side, but you were outvoted and even you have admitted the change in her."

"Even with your improvement, do you think you could beat her in a true one-on-one fight?"

Katye sighed and agreed, "No, I don't. Her physical body is far stronger than mine and, since she learned how to use her Lighting mana inside her body to imitate my superspeed, my main advantage is gone... but, that's also why she should return to training up here. She's missing out on training up here and she is starting to faulter with her training on the surface. You would have a better chance at this argument if you could just admit that you were worried about me; even Rebecca managed that."

"You know that I do, so what's wrong with waiting until you are both even in strength?" Echo huffed as she sat her tablet aside.

Katye closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around Echo's neck. "Because Rebecca's and my strengths lie in very different fields. While I will get powerful with time, Rebecca just needs that spark of inspiration to jump ahead, crafting unique spells or learning a new way to use Soul Power. I like rules, she follows her heart... I can build up at a steady rate while she can grow at different rates, depending on her emotions."

"I just don't want to lose you," Echo said with rare honesty.

"I know, but this isn't a death sentence. I'm going down to the surface occasionally while Rebecca trains. The Disciples will come when they come; being on a space station isn't going to protect me when the time to fight comes," Katye replied.

"Fine," Echo sighed.

Katye leaned in and kissed Echo for a moment, but both knew that they needed to return to work. An hour passed while Katye slowly, but evenly, infused mana into the plants to aid in their growth and Echo tended to the machines that ran everything else.

The com system gave off a short burst of static which was followed by Raven's voice, "Katye, Luna is on the monitor waiting to talk to you."

Katye only had time to shake her head before Echo spoke back, "She got the message. We'll be there in a few minutes."


"Is it really sixteen hundred hours?" Katye asked as she stood up.

"It is, ai hodnes," Echo replied.

Katye sighed but accepted it and headed towards the door as she ran her fingers through her hair. Echo followed behind her with a light smile on her face though it faded when she saw Katye stop in the hallway. She was staring in the direction of the Observation Deck with a frown on her face which was uncommon.

"What's wro..."

Echo could not finish her sentence before an explosion erupted. Both women were thrown off their feet by the blast, but before they could even land, another force sought to suck them out into space. If the emergency air lock had not slammed shut, they might have been pulled out into space, but both had another thought on their mind.

"Rebecca!" Katye screamed as she hit the airlock with anger.

Echo did not say anything, but she did run back into the hydroponics farm since she knew that there was a window there. Katye followed behind her and by the time that they could look out the window, Rebecca had already transformed into her Dusa form. Her body flickered and she had teleported herself closer, but Katye was scared as she could feel the mana bleeding out of her. Rebecca only had a minute max with her current reserves which she was cutting in quarters with each jump closer, but she got lucky and made it back.

Rebecca's body crashed into one of the tanks as her transformation ended. She was out cold while blood dripped from her ears, eyes, nose, and mouth. Heavy bruising also started appearing, but she was breathing which was all that Katye or Echo cared about right now.

"What happened?" Echo growled.

"A bomb... it had to have been a bomb," Katye replied, then a realization hit her. "Stay with her."

Katye did not explain any further and jumped into the Shadow Realm. There were only nine people that should be on the space station, but in the Shadow Realm, she could see one extra person. Most people were running towards where the explosion had happened, but there was one person running towards the Gagarin. She did not need any more information and used her power to propel her through the bulkheads and straight at the person. As she closed the distance between her and the fleeing person, her arm ignited in dark blue flames, and she stabbed it through the person's chest then she shifted back to the real world, retracting her arm.

Although nothing could be seen with her eyes, a thud followed her appearance in the real world and, by activating her Wind Domain, she could easily find the body of the cloaked Disciple. She knelt down next to the body and ripped off his helmet, undoing the cloak. He was already dead so nothing could be learned from him, but the symbols tattooed around his eyes identified him well enough.

"Son of a bitch!" Katye spat, slamming the dead body against the floor, though her anger was truly directed at Tori who had brought them to that world...


My eyes opened slowly, but seeing the familiar stone ceiling, I nearly cried with relief. My body ached, but on the scale of times that I had blackout, this was on the minor side of things... or so I had thought. I may have had minor pain, but the overall lack of energy made it impossible to move any part of my body. I had just woken up, but I pushed myself into a meditative state so that I could examine my Soul Realm. Just as I had thought, my Soul Realm had been reduced to the same state it was in when I had first started my training, full of gray storm clouds, but thankfully, I just needed time to recover.

Two days after I had originally woken up, I had finally rebuilt my Soul Realm to its normal state and returned my attention to the outside world. I sat up slowly since I ached from staying still for so long and found a familiar face lying next to me. Running my fingers through her hair, Raven woke up and blinked a few times before she took everything in and latched onto my waist.

"It's been quite some time since you have had to worry whether or not I would wake up... Sorry for falling into old habits," I said with a weak chuckle.

"Shut up," Raven retorted as she buried her face into my side.

I smiled down at her even if she couldn't see it, since I was happy and thankful that I was still alive. The idea that I could truly lose all of this terrified me, but it was also why I could not give up ever. It would not just be what I could lose, but there was also Raven, Katye, and Echo who would feel my death deeper than any other. I had survived being thrown into the vacuum of space, so what could truly kill me at this point?

Raven and I only had a few minutes alone together before I sensed a burst of mana, and both Katye and Echo appeared in the top suite of our home. Although Echo was a bit more reserved, Katye had no problem closing the distance between us and she wrapped her arm around my neck. There was nothing that I could say to help this moment, so I kept one arm around Raven and the other around Katye.

"So, who's going to tell me how long I was out this time? Or what exactly happened?" I asked after a few minutes.

"A little less than a week, but as for what happened..." Echo let her words trail off as Katye straightened herself.

"A Disciple agent managed to sneak onto Go-Sci and set off a bomb in the airlock that led to the Observation Deck. He attempted to flee on the Gagarin, but I managed to kill him before he could. The space station was crippled after the bomb, so we've abandoned it for now instead of risking anyone's life to fix the damage. I did manage to not ruin the Disciple's suit, but the helmet does not work like it should, though Raven has been working on the problem," Katye explained.

I sighed and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. "Well, we all knew that something was bound to happen, just not the when. So, what's the plan now, boss?"

Katye chuckled lightly and replied, "We'll give you the rest of the day to make sure that you have recovered and tomorrow we should meet with the Council. It's clear that we can't just bury the Anomaly Stone, so the two of us will need to guard it. Personally, I think we should move it into the cave where it belongs, but Echo believes that we leave it where it is and build up defenses around it."

"Even if we dropped it on the moon or threw it into the Sun, some other method for the Disciples to reach us would appear, or something even worse than them... The distance doesn't seem to matter, since they were still able to reach Eden and then get up to the space station, so we might as well bring it here and build the defenses in the cave system. Eden may become a battleground at some point, but there is little that we can do to prevent that from happening no matter what we decide to do," I agreed with a sigh.

"Well, this conversation can wait until tomorrow. How about I start cooking a nice lunch while Echo drives into Eden and picks up Madi? She's been worried about you after she heard about the space station," Katye suggested.

"That sounds great and should give me plenty of time to take a shower," I replied.

Katye and Echo left a few minutes later after giving me a kiss which left Raven and I to enjoy the shower, since she did not want to let me out of her sight. When we came down to the kitchen, Echo still wasn't back, but it only took a little bit longer before we heard the rover drive up. Raven and I headed outside while Katye finished up the meal, but more than just Madi had come up with Echo. Diyoza, carrying Hope, also got out of the truck which made me smile when they neared.

Madi did not say anything when she saw me and just gave me a big hug. She was sixteen now and had been living with Diyoza while the rest of us spent most of our time in space, so it wasn't that surprising that she came along as well. After Madi was done, Diyoza walked up, but before she could hug me, a pair of tiny arms were reaching towards me, making both of us chuckle.

After she passed Hope over to me, she gave me a one-armed hug and said, "It's good to see you up and about. Not many people could have survived that."

"What can I say? Raven had been refusing to let me do a spacewalk, so I took it upon myself," I chuckled. "Have you been good for your momma and Auntie M while I was gone, Hope?"

"Yea... I good girl!" Hope cooed while giving me her best puppy-dog eyes.

"You spoil her way too much," Diyoza chided with a light chuckle.

"That's the job of being a godmother, spoiling their godchildren like crazy," I replied, tickling Hope. "Auntie K is cooking lunch, so if you eat everything, I'll get you some of your favorite peaches."

Hope gave a squeal as the others laughed and we headed back inside the house. There was a dangerous cult looming in our future, but as Katye had said, that was a matter for tomorrow. Right now, we just needed to enjoy our time with our chosen family.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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