
55. Spinning

28th, Tuesday Afternoon. April. 2015

With unmatched confidence, I took my first step into the lounge of Seventh Heaven, following behind Hoseok who greeted me and the cast from Carousel once we'd arrived in the lobby. The dim, bisexual lighting illuminated the lounge, shrouding the idols or other guests that were here in a veil of mystery. Mellow and smooth, the low bass resonated in my chest. Some heads turned, and some stepped out of the walkway as we went further into the club towards the front. But as I passed, most cliques of idols scattered across the lounge were low key settled, much too caught up in the popping of bottles to even notice us over the buzz in the air.

No one here tonight was your average person. You could just feel it, the atmosphere of being surrounded by the elite. But everyone here had their secrets, a freakiness. One that could only exist and be entertained at a club like this one. Hidden away, confined to behind these walls, that's where it all came loose.

As we approached the side of the stage, Namjoon stood there. His gaze drifted to me almost expectantly, eyes widening for a moment before Hoseok snapped him out of it.

The two exchanged a few words before Namjoon sent a few of the girls off to join and entertain at guests' tables. I admired the well-fitted red suit jacket and slacks he wore and how sexy they looked against the black turtleneck, as well as the glimmer of his rings as he pointed out several tables.

Wynnie was the last as Hoseok escorted her to the nearest table to us and introduced her to the two guys seated there. They were handsome, but of course they were. Weren't all idols immaculately put together? Wyniee smiled cutely as she wiggled in between them and took a drink that one of them had hurried to pour her. Good for her, I hope she has a good time with them. But I was still standing beside Namjoon, neither of us saying a word until Hoseok was content that he could leave Wynnie there. Once he was, he came back over to us.

"So, which table will kingpin Namjoon assign me to, hm?" I gave him a little cheek as I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? Ours, of course." He volleyed back. Without another word, Namjoon set off and with a cheeky smile, Hoseok pulled me along with them. We approached a table that had a stack of bottles on it at the front by the stage. There were two girls I didn't recognize. I didn't even need to ask because as soon as we reached the table, Hoseok introduced me. "Jia, this is Cece and Lilo," He gestured to the one sitting beside Yoongi first, and then to Lilo, the one beside Jimin on the end of the couch.

Lilo had long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a black, sparkly two piece brassier and mini skirt. Cece had long, straight black hair and a mysterious allure to her. Plump burgundy lip and sharp almond eyes, dark pupils. She wore a black satin mini dress where the strap fell off her shoulder. A cigarette was idly set between her fingers. A thin trail of smoke slowly tangled up and disappeared into a light haze in the air. Cece's eyes set on me, widening as though seeing a ghost. Suddenly she slips her cigarette into the tray on the table and hesitantly stands.

"Jia, is that you? It can't be.." she murmurs with a slight haze of urgency. She loops her arm around mine and drags me towards the bathrooms. No one stops us as she leads me off and it isn't until we're behind the door of the woman's restroom that she stops. I feel my headache as we stand before each other, her eyes blown out as she just looks at me.

The seconds pass as I roam the pretty, almost doll-like features of her face and it comes to me. Doing lines of coke with her in toilet stalls, the hostess club I used to work at. Her handing me shots in the dressing room, us laughing and drinking together. Images flash through my mind. It seems like forever, but in actuality, only a quick moment had passed before she snapped me back out of it as she broke out.

"Jia, it's me, Cece! What's wrong with you? Why are you acting like you don't know me?" Her lip trembled, a mixture of hurt and confusion, but I suddenly felt a pang in my heart. Cece. She was someone I treasured. We'd been close, always a little wild and untamed when we were together. Seeing her standing in front of me, I pulled her into a tight hug. It felt like a rush of relief after finding something precious that'd been lost.

"I'm sorry Cece, I- I'm sorry. I know you, I do. I missed you." As I held her, I could feel her shaking a little, and she hugged me back. Even though I knew she was a good friend, it wasn't clear what had happened between us, but right now, that didn't matter.

"Jia, I can't believe you're here. I thought I'd never see you again. I'm so happy right now." She pulled away, holding me at arm's length. She gave me a once over as though to confirm it was actually me and I wasn't a figment of her imagination. Suddenly, the door flew open and Wynnie rushed in, only to stop in her tracks and stare in shock at seeing us caught in a moment of some sort. However, it didn't last long until she regained herself.

"Oh my gosh, Cece! You ran into Jia?! I was just looking for you. I was going to tell you everything," Wyniee blurted out as though she needed to explain urgently.

"Wynnie, Cece. We used to work at the same club. I remember-" I began to explain, but Cece merely looked at us as though confused. Wynnie screwed her eyes shut and gave an exasperated sigh before leveling with us both.

"Okay, okay. Cece, long story short. Jia.. She was involved in an accident and lost all her memories. Including us and All Black."

"Yeah, that's right, that's why I didn't recognise you straight away." I added, only now realising the situation. Cece was an old friend of ours, but she did not know what had happened to me. Knowing we might run into each other, Wynnie had come to try to explain.

"But you remember Cece, right? She was one of your best friends until.. You resigned and left." Wynnie trailed off the last part.

"Wait, what- I don't.. You lost your memories?!" Cece looked between the two of us apprehensively before snapping out of it and pulling me back into another tight hug.

"We can talk more about it later. I'm just SO happy to see you." I gasped in surprise at how tightly she was holding me, but it was warm and a little tear jerking if I was honest.

"It's still a little fuzzy, but I missed you too, Cee," I saw Wynnie's eyes gloss over as she looked at us hugging. These girls cared about me. I could feel the genuinity of it. And even though the memories I had of them were hazy, I still knew who they were. And I felt it in my heart that they had been my friends. They still were my friends.

"I still can't believe you're here of all places?! How? You're working at another club now, right? Carousel? You know Bangtan too? I remember you being friends with Yoongi back in the day but," Cece pulled away and now that the initial shock had settled she was firing off questions.

"Yeah, she works at Carousel with me," Wynnie said.

"I've known Bangtan for ages, I think? No, I'm sure of it. Since before they debuted. But when I lost my memories, I forgot them, too." I played with my lip a little as I was pulled into thought about it.

That's right, I'd known them for a long time.. Even before I started working at All Black. Jin used to come and visit me there, and that's when I'd run into Yoongi selling Cece a bag of Coke out the back of the club one night. I remember being shocked, but I'd learnt more about them and started living at a club they managed. But it still felt like parts were missing..

"I wish we had more time to talk, but we need to get back." Wynnie sighed.

"You're right. At least we get to spend the night together! Oh! This is going to feel like good ol' times," Cece gushed. "Wait! No, let's do some lines before we go back. Then it'll definitely be like old times."

I laughed, a wave of her familiar antics hitting me like nostalgia. "Fine, fine, but let's make it quick," I playfully hit her arm.

The three of us proceeded to squeeze into a toilet stall and sniff lines off the back of each other's hands, which we ended up laughing about when Cece mentioned that everyone in the club was just doing it outside and that we didn't actually have to be in here to do them. Go figure. But I didn't care. It was purely for nostalgia of the old times when we used to have to be all secretive about it back in the days, and we had a good laugh out of it too.

My nose tingled and my head felt light as Cece and I went back to Bangtans' table right up at the front of the lounge beside the stage.

"What took you girls so long?" Namjoon asked as we slipped past to take a seat with them. Jin, who was beside Namjoon, looked at us too, a glass of champagne in one hand and his phone in the other. A rush of confidence hit as I plopped down into the space on the curved couch between Hoseok and Jin.

"They're old friends, if I remember correctly. Probably needed a moment to catch up." Yoongi cracked a bemused laugh and leaned forward. He looked between Cece, who'd sat next to him, and me.

"Yoongi's right. We're long lost soulmates reunited once again," Cece said dramatically before laughing.

"What a touching story," Jin laughed, but then went serious. "Wait! I remember you working there! Jia even introduced us at one point, huh?" Cece just laughed as Jin was hit with a revelation he was making out to be much more dramatic than it actually was.

"I'm supposed to be the one with memory loss and even I remember that," I nudged him, which Namjoon stifled a laugh at. Yoongi snickered as well from beside Cece.

My gaze wandered to the pretty blonde girl sitting at the end of the couch pressed close beside Jimin. Seems I truly didn't know her. My stare caught her attention from her conversation with Jimin and she spoke to me.

"So, you're Jia. Nice to meet you after hearing so much about you. I'm Lilo." I gave a smile and dipped my head to greet her.

"Mm, Jia. Nice to meet you too." Her name sounded familiar, and then it hit me. I'd heard Tae and Jimin talk about her once while they visited me at Carousel. What was it they'd said…?

"Wait, what did you hear about me, exactly?" I questioned her. To this Jimin smirked and lent forward.

"Only nice things. Don't worry baby," Jimin sent a wink in my direction before leaning back and taking a sip of the champagne in his hand. Lilo stifled a giggle. They looked much too cozy sitting there together for my liking, but right now, it wasn't exactly surprising. Jimin seemed to have a plethora of bitches and I would not let it get in the way of me enjoying my night.

Meanwhile, Jin had poured a round of shots, which were quick to disappear. Cece and Yoongi clinked glasses and took them. Hoseok had picked up mine along with his and flashed me a cheeky smile. "Head back, open up," He beckoned with a slight nod of his head and pressed the glass to my bottom lip. The light burn as it went down was only hotter with the way Hoseok watched me, biting down on his lip as though enjoying seeing me take it for him.

"Jia, you remember, right? Yoongi here used to come and sell me bags of Coke," Cece's sudden comment as soon as I'd finished my shot caught my attention.

Yoongi cracked a laugh but shook his head. "Shh. You're not supposed to go around telling people I was your dealer," I bit back the small shiver as I felt Hoseok's hand rest on my thigh and give it a light, deliberate squeeze as we listened to Yoongi and Cece bicker.

"What! It's true, and you used to ride around on a moped delivery scooter. At that time, you gave me a bag of cookies." Cece cracked up even more and Yoongi just became a little bashful.

"Yoongi, they were good times! Don't get all shy about it," Hoseok laughed along with the rest of us.

"Ahhh. You make it sound weird. I just didn't want them, that's all." Yoongi mumbled back. The way they talked was like they were old friends. Like we all were.

"Speaking of, should we have a few?" Cece suddenly proposed, pulling out her magic little bag of white powder.

"How much do you have left?" Yoongi asked, holding the bag a little closer to the light on the table to check the bag she'd handed to him. It was dim in the club, but still enough to see with the candle lights and lamps on the table.

"Enough for now," she replied casually to Yoongi.

"Make me one too then," Hoseok added before looking at me. "Did you want one baby?"

"May as well," I shrugged. I'd already had a couple earlier and that light buzz was fading so, another wouldn't hurt.

"Well, while you do that, who needs a refill?" Jin spoke, catching our attention. Hoseok moves to place all the glasses on the table and then Jin turns to me, popping the champagne bottle in hand with a cool wink.

"Wow, so slick Jinnie." I cooed. Hoseok laughed, but Jin just went with it and poured out another round of drinks.

"Here," Yoongi nudged me before handing me a rolled up note and sliding over the tray, which Cece had made up some lines of Coke on. I took it from him and lent down. Hoseok quickly held the loose hair that'd fallen out of the way while I had my line. My nose tingles so i wiggled it and sniffed a couple times for good measure. By the time I'd finished and handed the note back to Yoongi, Jin had handed out the round of Champagne. As I went to grab it off the table, I heard Namjoon's voice.

"Seeing as you guys are all settled in, Hobi, we gotta go do the rounds." As I looked over, Namjoon stood and Hoseok did too. But Hobi turned back to say a few last words before going. "Don't just stay here and play games, you all need to go and mingle too."

"Yeah, yeah." Jin waved him off, already back on his phone playing some game. Just as I was about to take a sip of my Champagne, suddenly a hand appeared from behind me and cheekily took my glass.

"Wha?" I quickly whipped around only to see Tae cheekily swinging my glass in his hand with a big grin on his face. "Drinking without me, I see, naughty girl."

"Tae!" I exclaimed. He walked around and settled into the free space beside me, locking me in between him and Yoongi. I watched helplessly as he teased and sipped from my drink.

"Just pour your own," Yoongi looked up to us from the lines he was doing with Cece and scoffed at Tae.

"But I want Jia's" He pouted in response. I almost felt bad. Those puppy eyes were hard not to give in to.

"Here, just have these," Jin shoved a few shots towards us.

"Thanks- hey!" I turned to thank Jin and take it, but Tae had quickly scooped mine up before I could grab it.

"Uh, uh. Not so fast," He quipped. Once again, teasing it in front of me. "What's the magic word? Hm?"

"Tae, no fair." I playfully nudged him, but he merely grinned. I think he was already drunk. He usually wasn't this cheeky unless he was.

"Noo.. The magic word is, pleeease Tae Hyung," He whined all cutely and I couldn't help but giggle and concede.

"Fine, fine." I lent forward on his thigh and rubbed it with both hands, "Please Tae Tae."

"Such a good girl," He coos in my ear. With an appeased brow raise, Tae pulls me closer and brings the glass to my lips, so I take it as he carefully pours it down for me. Luckily, his chest is pressing up against my shoulder for support because I feel like I'm melting a little.

"This is so fun to watch," Jimin comments with a giggle from across the table. He and Lilo had been so huddled in the corner, conversing in their little world, I'd nearly forgotten they were there.

"Is it?" Tae hummed bemusedly, looking between the two.

"Jia," Yoongi nudged my arm. He and Cece had made up a few more lines and were both looking at me expectantly, as though wondering if I was interested in another.

"Another?" I asked, and he nodded. "Yeah, come here," Yoongi gently grabbed my hand and pulled, guiding me to scoot over into his lap, so I did. It was so comfortable being huddled up on Yoongi. His arms slipped around my stomach and Cece grinned happily at me.

My head was spinning a little. I didn't catch what Jimin and Tae had said to Lilo, but whatever it was, it'd prompted her to go up on stage and dance the pole. Yoongi held my hair back this time as I leaned forward and sniffed the thick white line of powder off the tray in front of me.

I looked up, a rush hit me. Lilo was slowly spinning down the pole, almost as if she was gliding. "Sexy, right?" Cece commented as she noticed me watching, taking the rolled up note from my hand. I mumbled in response, so she carried on. "Lilo is probably the most talented dancer here. Notorious for it, I suppose, among other things." She kind of snorted in annoyance at the last thing she'd said. I didn't really catch her ulterior meaning, but I was too high to care right now.

After Jimin and Tae take a quick shot, Tae gets up on to the stage too and starts swinging on the pole with her and we all crack up laughing. Even a few laughs out around the lounge can be heard, and Jin gives him a wolfwistle. Jimin is in a fit of giggles, and even Yoongi is laughing. I can feel his chest heaving through the thin material of my dress.

It wasn't until Jungkook had plopped down beside me, drink in hand, with a satisfied sigh, that I'd even noticed him over the excitement. "Jungkookie, where have you been?" I felt my heart skip happily at seeing his cute face. I was so high right now, everything was whizzing. "Oh you know, just lying around, thought I should come and see you though," He grinned at me before looking over to where Tae was still playing around on the pole.

"I think he's found his life's calling," Yoongi joked to us about Tae, and Jungkook smiled so widely. I shuffled back a little and got comfy on Yoongi's lap and indulged a little in his careless way he was tracing touches over my thighs.

I zoned out as everyone around me talked and laughed for a slight moment. There was so much happening. Cece and Jimin laughed about something. Jungkook had passed Yoongi his drink, which he was sipping from. It wasn't until Tae and Lilo had come back and Jungkook was popping another bottle of Champagne that my surroundings drowned back in. The cork of the bottle had hit Jin in the face while he was deeply concentrating on his game and he yelled, "AH MY HANDSOME FACE?!" But after checking, he was actually fine.

Everyone laughed it off and got ready to do a round of cheers. Yoongi carefully helped me off his lap, and I squished in between him and Jungkook, glass ready in hand. A clinking of glass and cheers followed. Once it quietened down a little, I noticed Koo's gaze trailing down the front of my dress.

"What is it?" I giggled, and he looked back up at me. Koo sucked in a sharp breath. "It's dangerous for you to be looking this tempting, you know."

'Is that so?" I laughed, and he broke into a little smirk. I stood up and teasingly swayed my hips a little, just enough to flaunt it in front of him.

"Ohhh, what's this?" Tae slid over closer to Jungkook.

"Ahh. This dress," Jungkook's hands naturally gripped my hips, "It's too sexy."

"Mm." Tae hummed in agreement, leaning forward. Their gazes were both fixed on me.

I moved in front of Tae, whose grin widened cheekily. "Lemme see that ass." He licked at his lip and I laughed. I threw my head back and stuck it out for them, just like they'd asked. Low groans came from each. It felt so nice to lose myself in the moment. Nearly everyone had disappeared, except Jimin, who slid up beside Koo and offered me a hand to come to him.

I took it and he sat me down on his thighs. These damn thighs of his, always so firm and- "Take a shot of this baby," Jimin slipped a small glass into my hand and I threw it back without a second thought. The room was spinning. It's so spicy.

"Jimine, I think I need some water," Jimin peered into my face for a moment, then gently helped me up. He takes my hand and gently leads me away from our table, through a few people, towards the back of the lounge. He leaned up close beside me against the bar counter, locking me in. My body tingled as the arm he had around me traced up my side. I leaned against him to try to stop the spinning as he asked the bartender for a glass of water for me.

"Baby," Jimin whispers in my ear. "That body. I want all of it to myself." I can feel him slurring his words a little. Is he as drunk and fucked up as I am?


"I wanna fuck you nice and slow," I shivered as his words hit me. The bartender placed a glass of water down and I sipped it. When Jimin clicked his tongue in annoyance, he said he needed to piss and told me to wait here a little while. So, I did. I leaned against the bar and sipped my water.. The flashing lights are enough to blind. Breath.

It isn't until there's an unfamiliar guy's face right up in front of mine that I even notice he's there.

Who is he?

An irk runs over my skin as he gets closer to whisper in my ear. "Hey babe, what're you doing here, all alone, Hm? Fuck you look delicious."

Unwanted touches followed his words all over my shoulder, my breast. It's rough and painful. It turns the intense euphoria I was filled with into an overwhelming repulsion instantly. The nausea floods in so quickly, flipping my stomach over with every invasive grope. I struggle to push him off, but it's futile. I can barely hold on to my consciousness. It was slipping out of my grasp, like I was being dragged underwater. He closes in and slips his hand under my dress and starts groping my pussy. He forces a finger inside me.

Jimin. Where's Jimin? I call out Jimin's name, desperately.

My vision blurs in and out.

Namjoon. Namjoon's got me in his arms. But it's too late.



Hoseok asks the question that's burning in my mind. "What the fuck is going on?" He looks pissed, but not as fucking pissed as I am right now. Jungkook is quick to pull this piece of shit up by the collar. The guy freaks out and denies doing anything, but I don't have any room for patience or remorse. Not when it concerns Jia. I give Hoseok and Jungkook a nod and they drag him away. Jia is loosely clinging to me, but, as I peer down to check on her, I feel her body limpen. Luckily, I'm quick to catch her, but fuck. She's so out of it. I need to get her somewhere quiet and lay her down.

Suddenly Jimin appears, looking utterly confused. "What happened?" Just as he asked, his gaze dropped, and he went wide–eyed.

"Some fucking creep just came onto Jia. I caught it from across the room but, fuck." I sighed. This is bad. "Help me get Jia into the back room."

Jimin nodded, carefully took her out of my arms and carried her while following me back behind the stage to the private lounge.

Once we get back there, Jimin settles on the couch and lays her on his lap. I sit down beside them. A million thoughts are running through my mind. How did this even happen? More importantly, I need to get her to wake up. "Jia," Just as I cup her cheek and call her name, her eyes flutter open weakly.

"Joonie," she murmurs my name, barely conscious. Jimin lightly taps her cheek, which seems to help rouse her a little more.

At that moment Tae rushes in, the stage curtain whipping with force behind him. "Jia, are you okay?" His attention is focused on her as he takes the spot on Jimin's other side. Hobi appears too, thank god. "Joon, what should we do with the guy?"

I glance back at Jimin and Tae Hyung, and am forced to leave Jia to them while I deal with this. "I'll be back. You two, take care of her for a second. Alright?"

They both reassure me they've got it so I tell Hobi to go back out and check on the club while I deal with this mess.


Distortion. I was back in that room again. Hell. Where hazy smoke sits stale in the air. Again. And again. When will it end? I'm breaking, piece by piece, crumbling. The weight on top of me. I can't move. It hurts, it's ripping me apart from the inside out. Setting my insides ablaze. That menacing laugh. It haunts me. That dark, moonlit room. The endlessly stretching terror swallows me up. Reira. Again. Those terrifyingly beautiful blue eyes. Soft velvet, as red as blood, such an alluring dress. I'd worn it when he hurt me. Flickering, the memories, flickering by, frame by frame.

Who's Reira?

Was he the one?

"Jia," I fought the blurriness in my head, trying to stay conscious. Jimin. Namjoon. Tae. They're all looking at me so worriedly.

"What happened?" I could barely hear my voice. My limbs were so weak. Jimin's soft touches were so soothing as he caressed my head. I gave into his hushed whispers and rested my weary head against his chest.

My heart skipped beats, waves of panic rushed over suddenly, then there were brief moments of calm, but they didn't last long until I was overtaken with anxiety again.

"It's okay Jia, we've got you." Tae's voice was so warm, like a comfy blanket wrapping me up. "We won't let anything happen to you, I promise." Jimin whispered, holding me as I huddled there into him.

"Jiminie, Tae Tae," I mumbled to the bits and pieces I caught of their comfort whispering to me. They were trying to calm me down. I peeked to see it was Tae that had literally draped a blanket over me and was tucking me in. I don't know how much time had passed, but slowly I was able to focus a little more.

"I cut off his finger, and he cried, what a pussy." Jungkook's voice came from somewhere off in the distance. There were more muffled talks. It sounded like Joon but I couldn't make out the words. Jungkook. He'd been the one to kick the door down, the anger in his eyes. It's clear in my mind. I shuddered as glimpses of him fighting flickered through my mind.

As I felt Jimin slide me over it pulled me back to reality. As I opened my eyes, I saw Yoongi. He kissed my head, buried his face in my hair. "Yoongi.."

"It's alright, I'm here." His hands rubbed through the blanket soothingly over my back as he spoke in a low voice. "Jimin and Tae had to go with the others to give a speech about the album drop. After that, we're taking you straight home." I closed my eyes and tried to let his comfort ease my lingering unrest, but, again, that person I'd seen cropped up in my mind and my insides churned.

"Yoongi.." I tugged at his shirt. He lifted his head and looked at me questioningly. "Who's Reira.."

An uncertainty flashed through his eyes before he closed them and rested his head back on top of mine.

"Why?" His voice mumbled.

"I.. I don't know. I saw him when I passed out. Who is he?" I asked again, but was met with silence.

"Not now, let's talk about it later." Was all he said. I let it go and closed my weary eyes.


When I opened them again, I was in the back seat of a car, still wrapped in a blanket. My confusion mellowed as I realised Jin was holding me now. "Where are we?" I felt so tired, my voice cracked as I spoke.

"Going home, just rest, Jia." Jin smooched my head and gave a smile. I wanted to laugh, but I was so drained I could barely keep my eyes open, so I gave up and closed them again.


When I woke up again, it was in the comfort of bed. I was in my pyjamas, too. I sat up and squinted, trying to collect myself. I was in my bed. The boys are all in my apartment. Namjoon looked at me from where he lay beside me, book in hand, as though he was just reading. Jin, Jungkook, Jimin and Tae were eating ramen and talking at the table. Hoseok was dozing off on the foldout couch and Yoongi was sitting beside him writing something in a notebook.

They were all here, comfily squished into my apartment, as though they all lived here with me. But something else. It was like déjà vu. After I'd been hurt the first time, Jungkook and Jin had saved me. Since then, I'd moved in to their club and.. And just like before, they came together and stayed with me. Had taken care of me. Had always been there for me. It wasn't déjà vu. It was real. I had my memories.

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