
43. Favour

Friday, 17th. April. 2015

Sometimes life goes fast, sometimes it goes slow. My week and exams had passed, this weekend was the beginning of semester break.

Hoseok had only messaged me once since I last saw him, and that was to wish me luck for exams. I replied with a Thankyou. Of all things, I didn't expect him to message me about that. It was sweet of him.. And it made me think maybe he hadn't told the others of our encounter.

Mostly, not much had happened. I'd put the notebook on hold so I could focus on school and my new job. Mr Kim made good on his word and got me a job at his club, carousel.

It seemed strange. The last note from Hoseok that I'd read, he'd told me I'd worked as a hostess in the past. For the few shifts I'd done, seeing the girls looking so dolled up and pretty, there was something majestic and enticing about them.

At first, I thought I might feel out of place in such an extravagant club, but I didn't. It was almost like I was meant to be there. It all felt incredibly natural. Like I'd done it before.

I'd had dreams, ones that were like the ones I'd had of Tae. Dreams of being surrounded by bottles of champagne and girls that were dressed to nines. In one of them, I could've sworn I'd made out one man accompanying me as Jin.

It only made me more curious about the other people who were there with me. But, it was still too hard to make out their faces. It was still blurry.

Either way, I felt like I was on the right track. Slowly but surely, memories were returning to me. That's what matters.

After getting ready, I went down to the car that was waiting to take me to the club. I had a shift at the bar tonight and it was going to be a busy one, seeing as it was the beginning of the weekend.

When I got there, Haru greeted me on my way to the back room to put my bag away. It must've been the only room in the entire place that wasn't lush red and black and dripping with burlesque themed décor. All the staff except for the hostesses kept their belongings in the back room. The girls had a beautiful dressing room of their own which was reserved for only them and staff that needed to be there, like makeup and hair stylists or Haru, seeing as he was the manager.

I'd been lucky enough to get a glimpse of their space during my orientation, but apart from that, I hadn't been back there. Working at the bar had been smooth, though, part of me was drawn to the glamor of the girls. Part of me wanted to be one of them. But, for now I was also enjoying making and preparing drinks, so I wasn't about to complain.

I went back out to the bar and helped Yvonne prepare for the opening. The girl who held 2nd place in ranking, Lilly and 3rd, Sephora, sat down and chatted with us while they had a drink. Lilly was a short, sweet blonde girl and Sephora, a fiery, yet elegant, dark brunette. They were two of the few girls I'd met so far, but, seeing as it was still my first week, I was sure I'd meet some others, eventually.

The club filled out quickly, just as predicted. The night was vibrant and busy and in full swing. Yvonne and I had been preparing drinks nonstop, and I'd noticed Haru rushing around all over the lounge, appearing quite flustered.

I thought he was about to pass the bar and head down the hallway which led to the dressing rooms but he stopped right at the bar and beckoned me over so I put the bottle I had in hand back on the shelf and went to see him.

"Jia, I need you to do me a favour" Haru's usual calm and collected manners were looking a bit frazzled as he spoke to me.

"Hm? What's that?" I questioned, worried about what he may ask of me.

"Two of my usual girls called in sick tonight, so I'm short on help. Can you work the floor for the rest of the night?"

"What? Are you sure? What about the bar?" I questioned. I wasn't opposed to the idea, but I was also nervous. It was all so sudden.

"I can have my security Leo take your place here, but I can't exactly have him drinking with the clientele. That'd be.. strange. I can't even imagine how he'd look in a dress. Come to think of it, none of the dresses we have on hand would even fit him. He's humongous," Haru rattled on. I could tell he was under pressure from his absent girls and how busy it was.

"Yeah, I see you point. I guess I can help then. But, I don't exactly look the part right now" I motioned down to my all black attire. A simple tank top and skinny jeans. Haru peered down but was quick to brush off my concern.

"Easily fixed. I can have you transformed into a saucy sex goddess within twenty minutes. Now go, hurry off into the dressing room and find Sia. She should be back there doing touch-ups, tell her it's urgent. Alright?"

I gave a nod.

"Okay, what should I do after that?" I asked, now stepping out from the side-door of the bar.

"Just come and find me. Quick, now go" Haru nodded towards where the dressing room down the hall was so I took off.

As he'd instructed, I found Sia, one of the makeup and hair staff, finishing a girl's touch ups as I entered. After telling her the situation, she hurried me to take a seat at one of the vanity tables and got to work. I thought Haru had been exaggerating when he said twenty minutes, but he really wasn't.

Sia hadn't done much to my hair, merely let it down and straightened it then added some volume and waves. The makeup she applied was minimal, but it still made me glow. I was in disbelief at how much she'd done in such a short time.

Next was an outfit fitting, and as far as I knew, I'd never had to squeeze into a corset before. It was a satin baby pink, imbedded crystal seams with feathers at the bottom that made up the skirt part. Thigh high white stockings and crystal heels were the finishing touches.

Sia gave a big, satisfied smile as she admired her work before ushering me back out to the floor. My heels clicked against the black marble floor as I strolled down the hall to find Haru again, but I didn't need to go far at all.

As soon as the lounge came into view, his gaze met mine and he approached me from across the room.

"My dear god, I don't even have words. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? I-" he stopped himself and let out a long breath.

"Haru, are you alright?" At this point, I was worrying a little about him. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost, but like maybe a really sexy ghost. It was still worrying.

"I'm fine! I just wish I had more time to admire how incredibly stunning you look. We need to have a talk about getting you into the cast later, but for now, I need you to help in the VIP room," Haru gently guided me back across to the opposite end of the lounge where there was another hallway.

"The VIP room? Wait, it's my first night. Will I be alright?" I turned to him, but he seemed to not think there was any problem.

"Absolutely, my dear. I'd let you step on me and I'd thank you for it. Did I mention how drop dead gorgeous you look right now?!" Haru gave me an incredulous look as though I was oblivious. I mean, I looked really pretty right now, but he was talking it up way too much. I didn't have anymore time to question him as he opened the door, carefully pushed me in and introduced me to the room.

Haru closed the door again before I'd even looked up from my introductory bow. But when I raised my head and my eyes met with the two clients seated in between two other girls, I felt my heart drop.

Jimin and Tae, at seeing me, sat up straight from their leisurely lounged positions, shock both written across their faces.

Oh. My. God.

"Jia. What the fuck"

"Uhh. I should go-" I went to turn and leave when Jimin, with impeccable reflexes, got up and blocked off the door.

"No, don't leave. Stay for a drink, will you?" His gaze met mine. I didn't know what he was thinking. I was in shock at how quickly this had all transpired, so when he gently took a hold of my wrist and pulled me down to sit between him and Tae, I just let him.

The other two girls introduced themselves and Mia and Venus both seemed confused that their clients knew me but didn't make a fuss. Instead, they poured me a drink. Which, seeing as I was technically their help, I probably should have done for them. Oh god, this was not how this was supposed to go.

Jimin laughed, mentioning to Mia and Venus that the three of us went way back. That we were friends from back in early school days as we cheers and drank. Tae had been gazing heftily at me since the moment I'd walked in. It felt like he was about to burst at any minute.

"Cut the crap Jimin. Jia, what are you doing here?" Tae asked, finishing his drink and plonking it down on the table with a thud. Jimin glared at him, but Tae didn't give a fuck.

"I.." I didn't know what to say. From the moment I saw them, my heart had sunk to the depths of my stomach. The knot in my throat only tightened as he broke out in accusations.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Please excuse me for a moment" I swiftly got up, quicker than they were expecting because I made it out of the door. But just as I approached the bathroom, I heard heavy footsteps behind me.

Tae pushed me into the bathroom with him and closed the door before I even had a chance to try to escape.

"Tae, what are you doing?!" I gasped. The space in the toilet was only enough for two people at most, making it impossible to put any space between us.

"What am I doing? You can't seriously be asking me that. What are you doing? Why did you run away from us, from me? And why were you with Mr Kim? What are you thinking?" His words hurt. Intimidating, making me feel so vulnerable, but I couldn't run. I was trapped, forced to look up at the heavy gaze he held over me. I needed to fight back.

"Why did I run away?! Because you guys had a gun! What would any normal person do?! Of course they would run! You're the ones that lied to me! If anyone should be mad, it's me!" I felt myself trembling as I forced my words out. It left me panting, as though short of breath. My heart was racing, but Tae stopped.

I can't believe I'd just outburst like that at him. Who was I? This wasn't me? Why does Tae look.. hurt?

"Tae," I reached out but gasped as he caught my wrist in his grip.

"Just forget about all of it. Come back and drink with us. Let's just pretend none of this ever happened" he raised my wrist to his cheek and closed his eyes. As though lingering in what I didn't know.

"I can't.. And if you won't tell me the truth.. I'm going to discover the truth for myself.. there is no stopping me.. not you, Jimin, or anyone else can." I whispered. As though I was scared to say it, as though those words were a secret, one I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.

"Please, just stop this. Everything is a mess and confusing, but, here's what we're going to do," Tae spoke in a chillingly calm tone as he opened up his eyes again and looked directly into mine.

"I'm going to come and see you here every night until you forgive me. That, or until you finally give in to me. Whichever happens first."

"No.. no you're not.. you can't do that" I was in disbelief. How could he say that?

"No? And who's going to stop me? Enough of this, let's go back" Tae turned and before I could say another word he slid open the door, entwined his fingers with mine and led me back with him. I still felt shocked by how determinedly he'd declared that he wouldn't stop as he pulled me to sit between him and Jimin.

"Jia, you're back. Are you alright?" Mia asked, noting my obvious discomfort. She seemed like a nice girl, they both did. I can't let this ruin the night. I still had a job to do.

"I'm fine, maybe we should have another round" I forced a smile, forced myself to swallow it all. The anxiety, the hurt, the confusion. Fuck it all.

"Sure, let me take care of it" Venus was quick to pour a round, clinking glasses around between us before getting up and turning on the Karaoke. Tae and she started fussing over picking a song and Jimin leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"What the hell was all that about?" I felt shivers at his words, at how close he was to me.

"Nothing, Jimin. Let's just drink. For old times' sakes, okay?" I was tired. Exhausted and run down from stress, I just didn't have it in me anymore to resist. I just wanted to forget these problems and the hurt.

"Drink? Really?"

"Yes. Let's drink. Isn't that what you're here for? To drink the night away with pretty girls, unwind and forget about all the fucked up things that are going on." Jimin seemed momentarily stunned by my words.

"Did I hear you say you wanted to drink more?" Tae hummed as he plopped back down beside me, hand grazing over my exposed thigh. I bit my lip and gave a nod.

"Alright, if that's what my baby wants. Let's drink" Jimin glared cockily at me, as though accepting my challenge. The look Tae and him exchanged was one I knew. It was the one they gave each other when they were up to mischief. I'm so screwed.

Mia and Venus graciously took the hint that the boys were mainly focused on me and turned their attention to karaoke and pouring drinks. Seeing as the bottles kept coming, and the money was being spent, it didn't really matter how they entertained the boys.

They'd pinned me between them, Tae's hand stroking my thigh and Jimin's arm around my shoulder as the three of us downed another. My head was spinning, and I felt like I was burning up. My cheeks flushed. I could feel it. Flashbacks of the time they'd tag teamed me crept into my mind but I pushed them away.

"How're you holding up, baby?" Jimin cooed, pushing my hair back and peering into my face. He was so close, lips so plump.

"Yeah, mm fine" I hummed, giving a purse-lipped smile. I was drunk as hell. Probably not fine at all, but whatever. If this is what they wanted, yet again, they'd won.

"You sure? You're doing that thing where you sway?" Tae asked. I felt like gravity had given up as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Do I? Mm, must be drunk then. Guess you guys win. Congrats" I laughed, barely able to stop myself from rolling off Tae. I grabbed his thigh to steady myself.

"So, why did you run away from us? Did you really think we'd just let you go?"

"I don't think she gets it yet, Jiminie" I felt Tae's deep voice tickle my ear. "You need us, as much as we do you. We love you, Jia" I felt a soft kiss on my ear. But, I couldn't move, I was way too drunk.

I heard Jimin sigh.

"She needs to go home. She's going to pass out if she has any more." Why did Jimin sound like he cared? He hadn't all night? And when I suggested we drink, hadn't he been all too eager to take me up on it?

"Let's get her home." Tae replied in a low voice, as though not wanting anyone else to hear. By this point, the girls were totally absorbed of singing emotional songs and swaying from side to side while holding each other.

I felt myself being picked up by muscular arms. Jimin's scent filled my nose. I could barely see straight. The lounge outside was blurry.

"Is Jia okay? Here, I'll take her" I think it was Haru but I just couldn't focus anymore.


To my astonishment, Haru had somehow convinced Jimin and Tae to hand me over to him. When I regained my composure, I was sitting, slouched over the bar. Haru had been helping me drink water until I felt alright enough to be driven home. Part of the night was fuzzy and I couldn't remember.

My driver, Kai, made sure I got back up to the apartment safely and Koh was the one to make sure I passed out in my bed.

My thoughts whirled, but I couldn't keep up, so I fell asleep.

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