
22. Edging

Saturday Afternoon, 21st. March. 2015

The three of us made our way down the street. After a short walk we approached a small building complex that was closed off by a high concrete wall. Tae pressed a few buttons on the keypad and the gate opened.

"Surprisingly, we managed to get back on time" Jimin hummed, waltzing down the path that led to the front door first.

"I wonder if Hobi and Yoongi Hyung are finished yet" Tae asked, gently pushing me through the gate before him. I waited for him to close the gate and walked beside him as we caught up with Jimin who was waiting at the door.

Jimin opens it with his free hand and Tae gently nudges me inside. As soon as we shuffled in and took our shoes off we were greeted by a familiar voice.

"Jia, you made it" Jin, who was cooking in the kitchen, which was against the wall, called out to us with a keen smile.

"Hello! Yes, luckily Hoseok remembered to let me know". Jin stifled a laugh while shooting a look back at Joon who was seated at the coffee table centring the small room. Tae walked past and joined Jimin in putting down the bag of snacks he'd been carrying on the table.

"Ahhh. Sorry about that, I meant to tell you. It just slipped my mind." Joon laughed awkwardly before beckoning me over, "You can come and sit here." The cushioned seat by the window looked like a good place so I wasn't in the way while the others started to get busy.

"It's okay, I know" I teased, slipping past the tight space between the boys and over to Joon. I sat on his right side, my back was slightly facing Jin so I had to turn on an angle. Jimin and Tae were now both unpacking the bags they'd set on the table. Their dorms were much smaller than I was expecting. It was fascinating watching as they managed to not bump into each other given the tight squeeze in the kitchen area.

"Where's jungkookie?" Jimin asked, and as he did, a door opened from across the room. Flicking his wet hair back, only a towel wrapped around his hip, Jungkook walked out of the bathroom. My eyes fell to the etched abs and v that followed down. Oh my god...

"Oh, you're back" he smiled, which only added to how sinfully handsome he looked right now. Heat rushed to my cheeks and I ripped my gaze away and stared at the wall, trying not to make it obvious how stunned I was.

"Jungkookie, go put some clothes on. You're freaking Jia out" Tae told him. The glass bottles he was packing in the fridge clinked lightly.

"Yeah, hurry up. Don't just stand there, She's turning red as a tomato" Jin added, turning to scold him, waving the spatula in his hand. I couldn't tell if he was actually scolding him or making fun of me. I mean, I knew Jungkook was attractive before, but...

"Oh, sorry Jia" He apologised before he left. I heard a door close after him. I felt myself relax at the sound.

"You can look now, he's gone" Joon peered at my face with a bemused, dimple smile. I turned back around, returning his smile to let him know I was alright. As soon as Jimin finished with the snacks he came and sat across from me, which was to the left of Joon. Trying to ease the awkwardness from before, I tried to make some small talk.

"So, you guys all live here together? I guess it's normal for you to walk around naked," I ran my hand through my hair, laughing shyly.

"Sure is," Tae said plainly, coming and sitting down beside me on the right, locking me in comfortably between him and Joon.

"Yeah. But, we should probably move into a bigger place soon. It's too cramped here," Jin said dramatically from over by the stove. He wasn't wrong.

"Aw. But there are so many memories here though." Jimin said, resting his chin in his hand as he gazed around thoughtfully. Knowing how the boys were, I'm sure they really did have plenty of crazy and fun times while living here.

"Hyung, how long until dinner is ready?" Tae asked, looking back at Jin, licking at his lip subtly.

"Shouldn't be long. Did Yoongi and Hobi reply yet?" Jin shot a glance over in our direction, I soon realised he was asking Joon as he picked up his phone off the table.

"Yeah, they just did. Said they're five minutes away," he answered. The door creaked and Jungkook came back out wearing a baggy hoodie and sweats.

"What I miss?" he flashed me a tiny smile before making himself comfortable next to Jimin. The way he sat back and leaned on his arm, bent his leg, he appeared much less shy than usual.

"We got snacks" Tae replied, shifting so his knee was slightly overlapping mine.

"Where?" Jungkook, within seconds, was back on his feet and scouring the kitchen bench. Jin pointed them out so he grabbed a few packets, took his seat again and scattered them across the table.

"Don't go too crazy, we have that concert next weekend" Joon said from beside me.

"Concert?" I looked to Joon questioningly. But, it was Jimin that replied.

"We're doing a Live Trilogy, BTS Begins. It's going to be at the Olympics Hall" He beamed, grabbing one of the gummy bears out of the packet Jungkook had just ripped open and popping it in his mouth.

"Ohh. No way, that's a big deal!" I exclaimed, recalling the venue in question to be quite well known. Suddenly the door opened and Yoongi and Hoseok came in.

"What's a big deal?" Yoongi asked, catching the last of our conversation.

"The concert next weekend. That's why we've been so busy. Preparing for that, as well as working on the new album" Joon answered Yoongi before looking back at me humbly.

"Ohhhh. The concert, right. 2,500 capacity" Hoseok added as he followed in behind Yoongi. They put their things down by the door and took off their shoes.

"Mm. And both nights are sold out" Yoongi grinned, settling down on the cushion beside Jungkook. Hobi made himself comfortable at the end of the table next to Yoongi.

"Congratulations~" I hummed, it really was amazing. If I wasn't mistaken, they'd only debuted two years ago, yet, they were already selling out shows with such impressive numbers. I received a few thanks from around the table.

"Alright! Finally, we're all done. Someone help me serve" Jin turned, pointing his spatula over at us. Hoseok and Jimin were the first to get up and lend a hand.

"Ah, let me take care of the drinks then," Yoongi half groaned, getting up and going to the fridge.

Tae leaned a little closer to open some space for Jimin and Hoseok to set up the table. His arm propped behind me, cheek nearly touching mine as he watched plates being set down and a round of shots being poured. I tried to stay still until they'd finished, I was already practically in his lap.

Once everything was set out on the table Tae leaned back and I relaxed. Jin took the last seat between Yoongi and Tae. Hoseok helped to hand out shots as the remainder of them were poured. As though one big happy family, we began to serve dinner, clink glasses in cheers, and get lost in the comfort of each other's company.

Seeing as the dishes were spread widely across the table Tae had taken it upon himself to reach over and pick things to place on my plate. It was so sweet of him, the way he continually cared for me. I didn't want to admit it but, it made me feel like I was his girlfriend.

Joon, on the other hand, had been refilling my glass whenever I emptied it. Seeing as most of the boys drank eagerly I followed along, matching their pace. By the time everyone had eaten their fill the two youngest went to clear the table and wash up. As soon as they were done and sitting back around the table more shots were poured and handed out. By this time I could already feel a warm flush to my cheeks.

"So, what should we do?" Hoseok asked with a contented sigh as he looked around at the others. The meal we'd just shared had hit the spot just right.

"Something relaxing, I feel like I'm about to pass out from a food coma" Yoongi added, leaning back and rubbing his stomach.

"What about a game?" Jin's proposal caught Jungkook's attention and they exchanged a cheeky smile.

"No, you can't be serious? I know what you're thinking." Joon replied, leaning closer over the table, shoulder pressing firmly against my back. But, I leaned into his warmth for support, the drinks had made me a little loose.

"Oh come on it'll be fun, Jia's here after all," Jin said, nonchalantly waving his hand around.

"I'm in." Jimin playfully smacked the table in earnest.

"Me too" Jungkook copied him, almost mockingly and they laughed at each other.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting" Yoongi grinned smugly.

"Is someone gonna explain what's going on? Or…" I looked around questioningly. Tae was the one to answer.

"Well… Have you ever played truth or dare?" The way he steadily held his gaze with mine made me feel small.

"Maybe… Why? Is that what we're doing?" I asked in reply, still trying to figure out if that's where this was going.

"Mm, seems like it" Tae's heavy eye contact broke and he wiggled his eyebrows earning a giggle from me.

"Well seeing as that's settled, who wants to go first?" Jin asked eagerly.

"I'll go" Jungkook perked up. Without hesitation, the first question was asked.

"Truth or dare? Don't take the easy way out" Jin leaned forward. I could smell the mischief a mile away.

"Fine, what's the worst you've got?" Jungkook grinned, cute but evilly. These two were equally matched when they came together, it was fun to watch.

"I dare you to straddle Jimin and give him a little kiss on the cheek" Hoseok jumped in, laughing. At the suggestion, a small chatter broke out.

"What!? Wait! Wait!" Jungkook's smile widened into a little laugh. "Hyungggg" he scrunched his nose. Everyone quieted back down.

"Jungkook-ah, you can't back out now," Jin laughed, smacking his leg as he cracked up.

"Hey! Is anyone going to ask if this is okay with me?" Jimin snapped with a look of incredulity, but he looked too cute to be taken seriously.

"Don't act like you're not going to enjoy this…" Yoongi sniggered.

"Should I be worried?" I mumbled to Tae who'd been bemusedly watching everything play out.

"No, you'll be fine" He flashed me a cheeky, reassuring smile.

"You've done worse Jungkookie, C'mon," Joon waved his hand, passing it off and fondly encouraging the Maknae to hurry up and get it over with so we could continue. I don't know if Joon was aware but I could feel his soft breaths tickling my neck. I pushed it aside and refocused on the chaos that was playing out around the table.

"Fine, Jiminie Hyung, come here," Jungkook said cheekily, getting on his knees, ready to straddle him. A collective of jeers and giggles erupt around the table. I watch with intrigue as the two flirt while completing the dare. Jimin was smiling, looking away shyly but Koo smirked devilishly before placing a peck on his cheek and hopping off and back onto his cushion.

"Jesus, could you two have made that any more erotic?" Jin laughed.

"My turn" Jungkook's smile hadn't left as he locked his sights onto me, "Jia, truth or dare?"

"Me? Ahhh" I laughed awkwardly at being called out so soon.

"Kookie, go easy on her" Jimin slapped his thigh, scolding him playfully.

"Okay fine, I raise your dare" The playful energy they were both sending me was rubbing off and made me wanna join in on the fun.

"Huh? Really? You're not gonna regret it?" Yoongi laughed. Hoseok shared in his amusement at the turn of events.

"No, Shh. She already said it. No take-backs" Jin spoke over the two. Seeming keen to hear what Jungkook could muster in the eccentric brain of his.

"I know" he giggled, "do a love shot with Jimine Hyung."

"Oh? A love shot? You mean like link arms and.." My gaze strayed over to Jimin as I thought about it, he licked his lip cheekily, seeming to be looking forward to what was to come.

"Alright, here, I'll pour" Joon reached over me, Yoongi handing him the bottle across the table.

"Go on, don't be shy" Tae gave me a little nudge before helping me to stand up so I could go and get comfy between Koo and Jimine.

"Here, move over Kookie" Jimin took my hand and placed the cushion I'd brought with me down on the floor for me to sit on.

Joon pushed the shot across the table towards us. As I took it and turned to face Jimin butterflies erupted, my face obviously flushing. The sweet, yet mischievous smile that played on his lips and the fond gaze of anticipation made it much harder than it should've been. He was totally getting a kick out of this.

"What?" I mumbled, his cheeky smile widened slightly, two front teeth poking out cutely.

"Nothing~ Are you ready?" He asked, holding out his arm. I carefully interwoven my arm with his and we both took our shots. The aftertaste of momentary closeness left me feeling flushed. But, I swallowed it down.

Jimin took my empty glass and placed it on the table before leaning closely, just as Joon had done. All eyes turned expectantly to me. I decided to choose Tae for my turn and he happily picked truth.

"What kind of girl are you attracted to?" I asked, curious to know what his type was. As if being squished between Jimin and Jungkook wasn't enough to make me dizzy, his answer only pushed me deeper into smitten docility.

"Girls that look like you" Tae replied instantly, as though he hadn't even needed to give it a second thought. I didn't know what to say. He must have been messing with me, but he looked so serious...

"Ah, you can't just say that, be more specific" Jimin quipped, waving his hand around dismissively. I wanted to turn and bury my face into Jimin's chest to hide, but I resisted.

"Well, let me see.. big pretty eyes and cute lips. Long hair, cute face," Tae said, his gaze not leaving me for a second as he spoke. My cheeks were probably already red from the drinks, but this.

"Huh? Stop being creepy and looking at her like that!" Jin had noticed the heavy eye contact he was giving me and scolded him. I was a little grateful for it and giggled along.

"Right!? You gotta try and be a little more subtle, Jez" Hoseok broke out into laughter too, Yoongi gave him a playful look before speaking up.

"Ok, ok, whatever, who's next?" He urged us to move along. So, Tae picked Joonie, who also chose to answer a truth question.

"Biggest turn-ons?" Tae hummed, Joon gave a small moment of contemplation as though about to give a seriously well thought out answer. But...

"A nice, well-rounded ass. There's nothing sexier" Joon licked at his lip as though envisioning it right before his eyes. There was a mixture of laughs and sighs as to say 'are you serious?'

"Ohh, yeah me too" Hoseok added, taking it as seriously as Joon had.

"Mm, where's the lie though? "I love a cute butt" Jin nodded his head agreeably.

"Nah, that's overrated, I like the curve on the back of the neck, there's that space, and when you kiss it just right" Yoongi smirked, licking at his lips as though imagining some dirty things too. They continued to discuss things but I was distracted for a small moment as Jungkook readjusted and looked at me.

"Are you okay? You look really warm..." He asked. I hadn't noticed until he'd brought it up but I was feeling a little hot.

"Mm... Maybe I should take my jumper off..." I mumbled, grabbing the hem of the fabric. As I pulled it up Jungkook noticed I was struggling a little and helped me pull it off. He carefully placed it over my lap to cover my legs. The gentle way he treated me was sucking me in... But, both our attention was caught as Joon's aimed his next turn at Jimin. He also chose truth.

"Alright. Fetishes. Spill the tea Jimine" Joon, took a sip of his drink as he asked. I got the feeling this might've been a topic everyone was curious about seeing as everyone went quiet as they waited for Jimin to answer.

Jimine laughed cutely, running a hand through his hair and leaning slightly more into me before answering.

"Edging, stopping right before she cums and seeing that flustered look, begging for more," he gave a satisfied sigh as though nothing else would make him happier in the world. His words made me squirm a little, just thinking about it was dangerous.

"You're so evil" Yoongi's retort was quick. Hoseok choked on his drink at his response.

"As if you can talk Yoongi-ah, overstimulation is just as evil" Jin scoffed. Hoseok burst into laughter followed by a few of the others. As I started to feel dizzy, Yoongi suggested we call it a night. Jimin peered down at me and asked if I was okay. I gave a small nod. Everyone agreed and so Joon offered to walk me home. Some of the boys started clearing the table.

Jungkook and Jimin were the ones to help me up. As I stood a small dizzy spell hit me and I leaned into Jimin. After a small moment of him patting my back, I let them know I felt fine again.

"Alright, shall we?" Joon asked, wrapping an arm around me for support. As I replied yes Jungkook waved me goodbye before heading back into the bedroom.

"Take care of her" Jimin commented cheekily before handing me over to him. Joon reassured him we'd be fine and so we gathered our things and left.

Joon held on to me sturdily despite how drunkenly we stumbled back to my place. The two of us giggled over some of the answers everyone gave during the game. His dimpled smiles and how closely he was pressed against me. I was still in a bit of a docile daze, it became blurry.

As we reached my front door Joon stopped and turned to me, his expression changed.

"Hm?" I mumbled in question. He slowly stepped forward, head cocked aside. I'm forced to look up as he comes closer, towering over me. He leans against the wall behind me, caging me in between his solid chest and the cold wall on my back.

"Jia, I want you. So badly," Joon hummed lowly. Any distance between us evaporated as he kissed me hotly, nose lightly tickling mine, tongue teasing, slowly.

It left me breathless, melting into the taste of his plump lips. A low, raspy moan escaped him. The gentle touch of the back of his hand caressed my cheek, coaxing a soft moan from me. I was falling, so far down.

As he pulled away his hefty gaze found me, a lust so dangerous, sirens rang in my ears. His touch slipped down to caress the side of my arm. Goosebumps erupted over my skin at the trail.

I can't move, stuck between him and the wall… But, something felt wrong.

"Jia, you drive me crazy. Did you know that? Do you know what you do to me?" The intensity in which my name leaves his lips. I'm falling deeper. Sirens ringing louder.

"Joon... I… " I breathed, his gaze contemplated me.

"You what? Do you want it? Do you feel it too?" Joon pressed on, closing in, placing soft, tickling kisses on the shell of my ear that trail down my jawline. I shuddered, trying to stay lucid, not fall into the darkness that I teetered on the edge of. Joon pressed his pelvis into me, hardness twitching against my stomach. My mind tips and so do I. Down, as though my thoughts had just committed suicide.

"Just put that good girl title aside for tonight, Hm?" His words echoed but I'm elsewhere. I lulled my head aside, blurry visions projected in the darkness. My heart ached, it was bleeding out. His touches turn toxic. Not again. I need to get away.

It reaches beneath my skirt, to the inside of my thighs. I gasped, pushing his chest, my knees weakening.

"Joon… I dono…" I pleaded, my mind twisting haphazardly.

"If you're not ready I won't force you" I felt his touch retract and he pulled back. I was left panting, looking up to search his eyes. All that lingered was worry and confusion.

I swallowed thickly, desperate to compose myself, to shake off the residing ache that'd overcome my heart. The distance he'd put between us helped, but... I was shaken, nausea surfacing like bile.

"It's okay, don't overthink it..." Joon gently reached up, as though to brush my hair aside but I slapped his hand away. It happened so fast, as if by reflex. I felt like throwing up.

"What's wrong? Jia... I'm so sorry if I-" I cut him off.

"I'm confused. I don't know how to feel... Each one of you.." Repulsion churned in my stomach as my words came out, "I need to go. We can talk about it another time."

It must have been shock that kept him from stopping me as I hastily retreated back into my apparent, snipping the door shut behind me.

I went to the bathroom, splashed water over my face and then dropped to my knees by the toilet bowl. My heart quivered, nausea rolling like waves inside me. I have no fucking idea what's happening to me but I feel like I'd just been sexually violated. These emotions are so intense yet I can't make any fucking sense out of them. My heart yearns for him... But my body...

Overwhelming frustration leaves me in the form of tears that slip from the corners of my eyes.

What's happening to me?

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