
20. Weathering With You

Friday, 20th. March. 2015

The faint sound of rain tapped on the window as I woke up. Spring showers had finally arrived, but I hoped they let up before I had to leave for class. I reached to my side bench for my phone to check the weather but I saw a single text notification from Tae. Curiosity filled me as I slid it open. It was a short message and a link to a video.

'For you'

I clicked on it, only to be taken to another page. Someone like you - (Sung & produced by V).

I pressed play. Tae's sweet yet deep sultry voice emanated from the speaker of my phone. I listened, in a trance until the very end.

Was this really for me? Surely not… it had to be for his fans, right?

It was posted on their groups' video page…. But then why text me and say it was for me? He didn't seem like the type to say things he didn't mean.

After noticing the time I put my thoughts aside to check the weather. Glad at seeing the rain was scheduled to stop soon I got up and ready for class. I didn't know who to expect at my door this morning but whoever it was I didn't want to keep them waiting.

Luckily I'd just finished packing my bag when the knock on my door came. And, when I answered, Yoongi stood on my front balcony. The beanie, ripped jeans and black hoodie he wore made him look cute as hell. Not to mention the way his clear skin glowed perfectly in the morning light.

"Morning cutie" He greeted nonchalantly, stifling aside a yawn by covering it with his hand, folded umbrella in the other.

"Hey, didn't sleep well last night?" I questioned as I stepped out and locked my door behind me, trying to push aside my thoughts of how good he looked when he was sleepy.

Yoongi gave a small grumble. "If you can call four hours sleep, then sure."

"Jeez. That's rough. What were you doing?" I asked, the two of us made our way down the stairs, Yoongi following closely behind me.

As we walked to class Yoongi told me in more detail about the song he'd been working on for the new album, The Most Beautiful Moments in Life. It'd been the reason for his lack of sleep and countless nights up late locked away in his studio.

Upon hearing how hard he was working I felt moved. So, despite being unsure of how helpful I could be I still offered to give him a hand if he ever needed it. He gratefully accepted my offer, giving a teasing smirk as he warned me that I couldn't take it back now and not to regret it when he called me up to join him.

We arrived at the door to my class in no time, the two of us coming to a halt and turning to face each other.

"I'll be busy during the day so Jungkook is going to spend lunch with you. But, I'll come and pick you up at the end of the day. How's that sound?"

"Okay, sounds good. Have a good day and I'll see you later" I gave a wave.

"You too, see you tonight Jia" Yoongi gave a pursed-lip smile before leaving. As I sat through class my mind was restless. This was turning into a habit.

The lack of sleep was the cause of Yoongi's bluntness, no doubt. That, or maybe he was just naturally the sarcastic type. Every time I'd had a run-in with him it'd confused me. Cold then warm.

Comparing the first time I'd walked in on him in the studio to now, it'd changed dramatically. Did he feel sorry for me? Was he being nice out of pity? Or perhaps it was only because his band members were fond of me?

Mostly he seemed to be the one saving me when I'd found myself in trouble. All by a mere coincidence, of course. I didn't get the feeling he did it because he felt any particular type of way about me. More so, he just happened to be there and didn't want to be a complete asshole by leaving me crying alone. Or worse, getting pushed off a balcony...

But, even if it was out of some strange obligation I was still grateful. A sweetness resided behind his cool front. And he'd warmed up to me recently too. For some reason, the initial embarrassment I'd felt at being comforted by a stranger melted away. There was an undeniable reassurance and security when he'd held me, one I hadn't had the time to reflect on since I'd been spread so thinly of late. That, or I always seemed to be having some kind of existential crisis.

Either way, Yoongi intrigued me and I wanted to know more. Maybe tonight would be the chance to do so.

Jungkook was waiting for me by the block of lockers in the hallway. The amount of stares we got was unnerving.

"Hey, I made some Onigiri for us. Did you want to have that for lunch?" He greeted me casually, his smile cute yet charming enough to make any girl smitten.

"Oh, that's so thoughtful. Sure, I'd love to-" I replied, trying to ignore the amount of attention still directed at us from other students passing by. Jungkook faltered as he noticed my uneasiness and stepped closer.

"If you want we can go somewhere away from everyone" He bent down to say in a low voice, tickling in the shell of my ear. I gave a small nod.

So, upon deciding it best to eat somewhere out of sight, Jungkook led me across the road and down the street until we reached a rundown building, not too far from campus.

Somehow, the tucked-away placement of the premises being partially in an alleyway served as a good hiding spot. I doubted many people would've even noticed it. The concrete walls, which reached about four stories high were stained and the glass of the windows had been broken in long ago.

"C'mon, it's up these stairs" I was physically pulled out of my inspection and led by the wrist towards a fire escape staircase beside the buildings.

"Up here? Really? Is it safe?" I questioned, shifting my gaze from the stairwell that ran from the top of the building and back to Jungkook. He seemed unphased.

"I've got quick reflexes, if you fall I'll catch you" The side of his lip curved into a confident, reassured smirk. His words stunned me with an unexplainable nostalgia, washing away any prior doubts I had.

He gently pushed my back from behind, playfully hurrying me up the stairs. Once climbing the last few steps we reached the rooftop.

Along the metal railings that surrounded the rooftop, grass and delicate yellow oxilas had grown. I can see the greenery growing through the square concrete slabs under my feet. The musky scent of dampness from recent rain remains in the air.

The heavy, puffy clouds split, allowing rays of sunlight to shine through, shimmering on the damp concrete and reflecting off the last water drops on the leaves.

Under the first rays of light, a red gate tucked in the corner of the rooftop sparkles. A cobblestone road leads to the shrine's arch entrance. It stood, old and weathered. It felt almost beautifully mysterious to find it up here on this abandoned rooftop.

Jungkook walked ahead, his hair gently catching in the tepid spring breeze as he peered back at me.

"Are you coming?" He tilted his head, innocent smile widening, the silver of his earring gleaming in the sunlight.

"Yeah, how did you find this place?" I questioned as I took a few steps forward to follow his lead.

"Just happened to stumble across it. I usually come here when I want to be alone or need to clear my head" His hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie as he walked towards a low pile of bricks beside the shrine.

"It's beautiful up here. Oh!" As I walked across the rooftop the buildings of the scattered city past the railing came into view. "And look, you can see everything. Our school, my apartment!"

I leaned against the metal railing as I pointed to the various buildings, feeling a little cold through my thin pink loose-fitting knit. Jungkook stopped closely behind me, his solid form encasing me between the metal bars and him.

"You're right, wait. Look over there" He leant in, bending a little beside me. Voice residing in my ear as he pointed out.

"Where?" I followed the line of sight, trying to figure out what I was looking for exactly while trying to keep my fluster at bay.

"Can you see it? Our Agency," His voice dropped an octave, lowly and soft.

"Oh! Yeah, I can" I glanced at him with a smile, his dark features and tiny bunny smirk only looking more mesmerizing up close, small details of his skin became noticeable. I gently pushed at his chest and he stepped back. "Let's eat, I'm getting hungry."

"Yeah." Without hesitation, he went over and sat down on the low pile of bricks. I joined him and he set up our lunch across our knees. Jungkook popped off the lid to reveal sets of perfectly triangle Onigiri.

"Wow! Did you seriously make these? They look amazing. I don't think mine even turn out this good." the two of us shared in a quiet laugh.

"Hmm. Someone special to me used to make them, so I decided to learn how to cook them too" He shared, picking one up and offering it to me.

"Ohh. That's nice" I took it from his hand and nibbled at the tip of the rice, "When I was younger my parents weren't always around to cook and stuff so, I had to kind of put what I could together to eat. Onigiri was easy so-"

Jungkook listened attentively, softly chewing as he did. I shrugged before taking another bite. "These are delicious. You're a really good cook" I mumbled, trying not to open my mouth too wide so rice didn't fall out.

"Thanks. I bet yours are even better though" he scrunched his nose cutely. The two of us continued to eat until we got down to the last ones.

"Thanks for sharing lunch with me. Oh, and also for making sure I'm okay... I appreciate it" I bit at my lip, wanting to let him know how I felt.

But, at the mention of it, the air around Jungkook shifted. He paused for a moment, poking at the inside of his cheek with his tongue as though in thought, smiles from earlier disappearing completely.

Finally, he spoke. "It's my fault you're in this situation, to begin with, you shouldn't be thanking me."

His words roused a guilty sting in me. He blamed himself, believing that it was somehow because of him. Seeing as those girls were his stalkers I could understand why.

"No it's not, please don't say that," but my plead seemed to fall on deaf ears.

"Jia I'm sorry…" he began to say, brows regretfully crinkled together as though pained. I panicked, not wanting him to misunderstand.

"No, don't apologise" I pushed, trying to let him know that I truly didn't think any of this was on him. But, his voice adamantly cut through.

"Stop, please, you don't even know what you're saying" Jungkook dropped his head, hair lightly flicking from side to side as he shook it in denial.

"What's that supposed to mean? I know what I'm saying. Don't apologise, none of this is your fault, so please…" My words trembled as they fell from my lips, pulling his attention up to me. I didn't want him to blame himself for any of this.

Jungkook's glistening eyes treaded on the brink of tears. My heart swayed in the momentarily passing breeze. Sentiments floating like speckles of dust in the air.

Slowly, he leans in until his lips softly seal against mine. The gentle warm quiver of his breaths between uneven kisses leaves me light-headed. Each one reveals the tenderness of his heart. One after the other, so soft and innocent.

Dizziness hits me, yet my heart yearns on its own, unwilling to let me pull away. But, as he does, a rush of thoughts collide with my feelings.

He's in love with someone else, isn't he?

"Jungkookie…" I touch the place his lips were only moments ago. Wide-doe eyes meeting mine, swirling haphazardly. My chest tightens, my mind fizzles out and I start to panic.

"I'm- I'm so sorry-" I quickly stand, thickly swallow the lump forming at the base of my throat and do the only thing I can think of.

I run away.

The clang of the metal staircase rings as I clamber down them. I had no idea what I was doing. The intensity of the moment, the conflict of feelings is so overwhelming.

As I reached the ground I knelt forward, stopping for a moment to catch my breath.

"Jia, wait!" Jungkook called as he rushed down the last of the steps, he hadn't been far behind me. My heart raced and I breathed hard.

"Hold on. I…" he paused for a moment, running his hand through his hair to push it out of his flustered face, "I still need to walk you to class."

There was a moment of silence. Still lightly catching our breaths. We both looked at each other, awkwardly.

"Oh.. right…"

Wow. I was officially a dumbass. I didn't know what was more embarrassing in all honesty. Running away after being kissed by him, or awkwardly realizing that he still needed to take me back to school afterwards.

I don't think either of us knew what to say on our walk back to the campus. Instead, we strolled side by side in awkward silence. My gaze is directed down at the wet grass under my feet, it reminded me of the rooftop, my mind plays back the scene again all too vividly.

"Jia, we're here" Jungkook's voice pulls me out of my trance and I see the classroom door behind him.

"Okay, Thankyou for lunch. And.. for being with me today…" I chose my words more carefully, not wanting to accidentally bring up the topic that had set off our emotional exchange earlier.

"It's okay" he spoke quietly.

"I guess I'll see you later?" I hesitated, this parting of ways was painful.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." Without knowing what else to say we parted ways.

Daydreaming through my classes seemed to be becoming a bad habit. But, it was impossible to forget. His lips on mine. I replayed it over again and again in my mind. As though projected across my imagination. The feelings stung at my heart and I didn't have the faintest idea why. My heart and mind were out of sync.

But, as class reached the halfway point my thoughts were overtaken by a slow throbbing that bloomed from behind my ears.

The ache mingled with a strange static, as though the two were trying to dissociate, separate from each other. It sat mildly, bearable until class came to an end. But, having it prolonged like this was tiring.

It was such a relief to see Yoongi waiting for me as stepped out into the hallway.

"Are you feeling alright? You look pale" he questioned as I got close enough for him to notice.

"Another headache came on during class. It's only mild but I've had it for a while" I explained as I stood before him.

He worriedly bit at his chapped bottom lip before lightly sighing. "Let's get you home then."

I nod gently as to avoid accidentally making the pain any worse. Yoongi sent worried glances my way as we walk back together despite not saying anything.

When we reached my front door, he leaned against the wall and held an arm to stop me, I gazed up to him in question. "Does your head still hurt?"

"A little" I nibbled at my lip. I felt torn. It was all too easy to indulge in the comfort he showered me in. But, why did I feel like I was taking advantage of that?

"Did you want me to stay a little while? Just to keep an eye on it for a bit? After what happened with Hobi… " He muttered, hand dropping from my shoulder and loosely hanging at his side. Eyes searching mine. I didn't know what for.

"Please... I know you must be tired... But, I'd feel better if you stayed with me." Yoongi stood up straight, sighing into a pursed-lip smile.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." I let my worry go, and instead pulled out my keys and opened up my apartment door.

Yoongi slipped his shoes off after me and strolled over to the couch. I watched as he collapsed down onto the cushions and rolled over, hands tucked between his thighs, gaze directed over at me.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I asked, grabbing my laptop out of my bag before going over to join him.

"No, that's fine" he mumbled, eyes leaving me to take a skim over my apartment "It's a nice space. The interior is simple. I like it."

I sat down cross-legged beside Yoongi and opened my laptop, sparing him a glance as he praised the interior design. "Yeah, I didn't think the University scholarship budget would've covered this."

After browsing through a playlist I clicked on one and pushed my laptop aside. Yoongi smirked with intrigue.

"Endless Love? You always surprise me" he snorted fondly. I felt confused.

"I do? What do you mean?" I questioned, shifting to lay down beside him, mirroring his comfortably tucked position. He went blank for a moment, I let the haunting sounds of the piano fill my senses calmingly.

"Ahh. I mean. The day you were peeping on me in the studio. Wasn't expecting that. Then, of all places, you show up at the only peaceful nap spot I have on campus." The rasp in his voice sounded tired, he closed his eyes.

"I guess you're right" I mumbled, giving in to the heaviness of my eyes and closing them too. The sounds of the piano filled the silence between us. The faint sound of his breaths tickled my ears as the piano melody lightened in parts. My headache had disappeared a while ago without me realizing it. But, the exhaustion it'd left me with swept me away.


Memories - Yoongi's Piece:

Present Day

The soothing melodies of the Piano mixed with my already exhausted state had knocked me out earlier. But, it must've been around midnight now that I'd roused awake. The light of the moon shined through the window, and as I followed its rays I saw Jia curled up asleep. The pale illumination reflected dreamily on her skin, it was hard to look away. I was enthralled by her soft breaths, cute lips, long waves of her beautiful hair.

It'd been such a long time since I'd been able to take in the sight of her like this. It was as painful as it was beautiful. A double-edged sword. The self-restraint it took to keep my distance was damn torturous.

I noticed her shiver, the light fabric of her knit top wasn't doing enough to keep her warm so I got up and grabbed her blanket from her bed and gently draped it over her. I crawled under beside her, as badly as I wanted to move closer I held back.

I had to make sure I did this right at took my time, the last thing I wanted to do was rush and overwhelm her. As it stands, having the seven of us suddenly crop up in her life was probably stressful enough. Lately, that's been one of my main concerns. I knew the guys were as excited and eager to have her back as I was, but I still worried. When everything seems to be going well, that's when disaster hits. I knew it all too well.

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