
6. Notebook

Thursday, 5th. March. 2015

I'd woken up late, so much so that my usual morning run was replaced with me sprinting to class instead of around the park. I was in such a rush that I'd thrown on the first pair of ripped jeans and white shirt I'd seen. Without even bothering to pack them in a bag, I grabbed my books in hand. Then, I hurried out the door and across the street as fast as I could.

I was in such a rush as I made it to the building that I hadn't seen the blonde guy behind the door. I crashed straight into him, my books flying everywhere as I fell on my butt.

As I looked up, I was astounded to see the guy still standing and rubbing his head after I had hit him with such force. It seemed he was more sturdy than I expected.

"Are you okay?" He worried as he noticed me on the floor, quickly reaching out a hand to help me up.

"Ah, I'm fine! I'm so sorry! I really have to go-" he pulled me to my feet with ease so I quickly collected my books off the floor. He stared at me, possibly still in shock at the collision but I didn't have any time to waste.

"I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time!" I gave a quick apologetic bow before running off.

I made it to class with literally a second to spare before the teacher arrived. Luckily there was a spare seat right by the door that I could quickly sit in. During class, I thought back to the poor guy I'd crashed into and felt bad about having to run off so suddenly.

It was a bit deceiving, his face was cute and soft but his body when I'd hit it was so solid, I could practically still feel the lingering of his muscles beneath his clothes in that split second. He was actually my ideal type and if I hadn't been in such a rush I might've tried to talk to him more.

As I glanced around the classroom I happened to notice two girls looking my way. I recognised them from my first class on Monday. They were two of the four that'd been simping over the bunny guy. I peered around, noting that he wasn't in the room, which only made me more curious as to why those girls were giving me strange side stares.

By the time class came to an end I was quick to duck out of the room and make my way outside of the building. But, apparently not quick enough. Both of the girls had been fast in following me out and were now calling out to me.

"Hey! Wait up a second." The slim one with jet black hair called. I stopped and turned, soon enough they'd caught up and were standing in front of me.

"Hm?" I mumbled, wondering what it was that they wanted with me. The other girl had dark brown hair, pulled back with a bow.

"Why is Jungkook always staring at you?" Her eyes narrowed. Before I could speak the other girl made a look of disgust at me.

"Are you his stalker or something?" I crossed my arms, not really wanting to be in this situation right now.

"Who's Jungkook?" I asked, glancing between the two, but they just scoffed.

"Don't act dumb, the guy from our class. Who else?"

"You better not be harassing him. Seriously, leave him alone otherwise you'd better watch your back." One after the other seemed to have something ridiculous to say about all of this. I felt my stomach clench uncomfortably.

"I seriously have no idea what you're talking about, I don't know him." I tried to reason with them. But, out of nowhere, a tall guy with sweeps of brown curls wrapped his arm over my shoulder. I jumped in shock, but he only pulled me closer.

"Hey Bestie, what're you doing?" The boxy smile he gave as he asked combined with his close proximity had butterflies bursting inside me. What in the world.

"Huh?" I stammered, blindsided by him completely.

"Oh my god. It's Tae-Hyung…" The girl who initiated this entire drama looked awkward beyond belief right now. Her friend grimaced.

"Who are they? Hm? Are they bothering you?" He asked. I didn't know if I should say yes or no when the blonde I'd run into this morning popped out from beside him.


"Hm? What's up Jimine?"

The one who was supposedly Jimin shook his head reluctantly. As though trying to caution his friend from interfering, but, just how had this gone from zero to one hundred so quickly?

"I…" didn't even know what I was about to say, anything to get me out of this weird standoff but I felt Tae gently tug me around with him, arm still around my shoulder.

"Come on, let's get out of here." I gave a small nod and let myself be dragged away with the two I'd only just met. I was half grateful and half confused but I didn't say anything until we were finally out of sight of those girls.

"Thanks for helping me out back there," I mumbled. Still perplexed by the entire encounter.

That's okay, we know you." Tae gave a side glance.

"What? Really?!" I stumbled over my words.

"Yeah, Jimin said you bumped into him this morning and then fell over. And then ran away."

"Hi~" He gave an awkward but cute smile from beside Tae.

"Oh right.. By the way, I'm sorry about that…" but he was quick to wave it off.

"That's okay, did you make it to class on time?" He queried. Unbothered.

"Yeah, just." I gave a small smile. It was kind of them to help me, and, I'd nearly forgotten Tae still had his arm around me until I felt a small shake.

"So, Jiminie and I were about to have lunch. Did you want to join us?" He loosened his grip, his brown eyes questioning me.

"I guess, I mean if that's okay with you two." The pair gave me vibes of sweet, fun and mischievous all in one and I didn't really see a reason to turn them down. They had just saved me from having to deal with some really shitty situation so.

"Of course" Tae was quick to agree but, as he walked beside me I noticed Jimin didn't seem completely for the idea. But, Tae ignored him and the three of us settled down on a picnic bench on campus.

As the both of them pulled out a pre-packed lunch box full of sandwiches I wondered if it was because I'd been so rude to Jimin this morning and perhaps he didn't really want me to be here…

"Jia? You okay? You're spacing out." At the sound of Jimin calling my name, I realised they were both intently looking at me.

"Ah! No! I'm fine. Wait," I blinked a few times, "How do you know my name?" I questioned, now just catching on that I hadn't even introduced myself yet.

"Jimine saw it on one of the books you dropped earlier." They both exchanged a blank look before Tae had spoken up.

"Oh right," I laughed. That makes sense, silly me.

"Mm. It's such a cute name." Jimin eye smiled before slowly pushing the sandwiches closer to me.

"Thank you" I carefully took one making sure to wait for them to eat first before taking a bite. The three of us started eating together, both of them asking me questions about myself.

I told both of them I was in my second year after deferring for a year. They were quick to smile and tell me we were the same age which I was pleasantly surprised about. Our majors were different, theirs being K-Culture, which is what up-and-coming idols usually studied. But, they didn't mention any such activities and I didn't want to pry. I'd only just met them so I let them lead the conversations, which, overall left me in a warm mood.

Before parting ways, Tae had insisted we exchanged Kakao in hopes that we could have lunch again sometime in the future. I happily agreed, they were enjoyable company and I could do with some friends my age.

It wasn't until later that night, just before I was about to crawl into bed that I looked around my apartment for my notebook. I'd wanted to write about the new friends I'd met today but I couldn't find it. I wasn't sure if it was lying around somewhere or if I had dropped it. Secretly I hoped it was the first but I had a feeling it was long gone. With a sigh, I gave up trying to find it and snuggled into the comfort of my sheets. You need to be more careful from now Jia, can't just keep losing your memories so easily.


Memories - Jimin's Piece:

5th. March. 2015 (Earlier that day)

I watched as Jia walked off to her afternoon class. Hair swept prettily in the breeze behind her as she walked, pretty and delicate as a cherry blossom floating from the treetops. It was so strange seeing her after what felt like forever. Nostalgia was setting in. But…

"Tae, I don't know if we should be meddling. I just have a terrible feeling about this." I looked at him, and the way he looked back at me convinced me that he understood.

"Hm? You're okay with just ignoring her then? Really? Jiminie…" Despite knowing, he didn't feel the same way and it didn't surprise me.

"No… I'm not. It makes me feel sick. But…" I sigh, the conflict of what I wanted and what I knew was best for her hurts my head.

"I know. I feel the same way. But, from the beginning, when everyone agreed we needed to let her go, I couldn't. You know that. Nothing's changed, I still can't let her go. She's our soulmate." He was right. Without her the two of us had stayed up together countless nights, unable to sleep, sometimes talking about her, other times not talking at all. We both knew how the other felt.

Our missing third piece. And, as a result, Tae and I had been left incomplete.

As hard as this is, I just don't want her to suffer anymore. She doesn't deserve any of it.

"We should be careful… Let's take it slow, okay? Promise?" I caved a bit, knowing that if Tae had set his mind there was no convincing him otherwise. The best I can do is try and make sure nothing happens.

"Okay, promise." He gave a small smile. Our best friend… By some miracle, was she finally back?

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