
Chapter 939. Peaceful Days.

Yasenia stood in the garden, thoughtful. She had planned many things for when her children were born, and she was thinking about how to implement all of them. 'Let's see… since I will need to teach them, I think I need to formalize my martial art style, right? Creating a "Family Martial Art" can be interesting. It's something that can help my babies since they will have a tail with almost 100% chance. Moreover, if I make the movements doable in the dragon form unless the babies' beast form is completely different from mine, everyone should well receive it."

Yasenia blinked. 'But, what if one of my darlings is born without a tail? I also need to think of how to make changes to the moves so that regardless of how they look, my little darlings will have a way to learn and use the martial arts. If every sister and brother knows them but they can't learn them, they might feel excluded.'

The dragoness didn't want that. While she was not delusional, thinking that everyone would get along perfectly, she wanted to reduce the friction in a healthy way. 'Fights between them should not be stopped unless they are seriously getting upset. I mean, they have a dragon bloodline. If they didn't fight for dominance, then they wouldn't be my children.'

While the dragoness thought, her tail swished back and forth. Eventually, she heard small baby steps. Although she wanted to turn around and go hug the little darling who had recently learned to walk, she resisted with all her willpower. 'Baby is trying to take me by surprise. I must resist. Don't turn around and act as if you can't hear or see her!'

For the powerful cultivator, such a wait was nothing but torturous. 'Ugh, baby, mommy is so proud that you can walk. I want to bathe you with kisses, so hurry up and hug Mommy's leg or tail or something!'

The baby walking behind was Estrella, who would have her one-year-old ceremony around two months later. Estrella walked forward with relatively steady steps, and behind her, Kaleina walked with her hands forward, ready to catch Estrella if she tripped and fell. 

Of course, Kaleina knew that the chances of her little sisters getting hurt with her mother being nearby were probably negative. Still, that didn't prevent her protective nature from making her heart skip a beat each time Estrella almost tripped.

Estrella continued with her mission, and eventually, she jumped onto her mother's swishing tail. "Mommy!" she shouted. 

Yasenia expertly acted. "Oh! You took me by surprise, Estrella!" Then, moving the tail, she quickly hugged the little baby and looked down with widened eyes. "Baby! Did you learn to walk? Wow!" 

Estrella smiled widely, her heterochromatic eyes curving into beautiful crescents. "Hahaha. I did!" 

When she saw that wide and heart-melting wide smile, Yasenia couldn't help but rain kisses on Estrella's adorable face. "My baby is so clever~." 

Estrella giggled, her voice as beautiful as a soft bell. Kaleina looked at Estrella and remembered her times when she was little as well, making her understand Estrella's giggling. 'Mommy's hugs and kisses are the best, after all.' 

She was almost 17 years old already, and she had grown into a slender and beautiful girl. Moreover, her talent proved to be incredibly high, leading her to be on the high levels of the second beast realm. 

Looking up at Yasenia, Kaleina's eyes shone with admiration and love. She was already old enough to understand somewhat what her mother had been doing during all the time that she was in this world. 

In less than two decades, with extreme swiftness and complex politics, her mother had become the de facto Queen of the entire World. 

There was no one that would dare defy her, and if she wanted something, the top powers scrambled to find it and give it to her. In short, she was Distancia's World absolute overlord.

Yasenia's golden eyes moved away from Estrella and landed on Kaleina, making the young girl tense slightly. The dragoness laughed and opened one of her arms. 

Kaleina blushed a bit and rushed forward, diving into Yasenia's arms. "Mommy! Are you surprised that little sister Estrella can walk so well?"

Yasenia leaned down to give Kaleina's forehead a kiss and asked. "Was my talented and pretty daughter the one who taught her little sister how to walk?" 

Kaleina smiled widely. "Hehe. I did!" 

The dragoness used her tail to caress Kaleina's head. "Great job, Kaleina. You are the best big sister in the world~, and an even more wonderful daughter. I love you, dear."

Kaleina laughed, feeling happy. Then, she asked. "What were you thinking here, Mommy?"

Yasenia hummed. "Well, I was thinking about that martial arts technique that I wanted to teach all of you. Remember how I mentioned it to your other mothers during dinner the other day?"

Kaleina's golden eyes glittered. "Really!? What about the name, Mommy? Give it a badass name!" 

Estrella parroted Kaleina's words. "Badass name! Badass name!" 

Yasenia laughed and shook her head. "No need for a badass name. How about…"

Kaleina's lips twitched. 'Although Mommy is so good at almost everything, giving names…' 

"... Ah! Dragon Cosmos Martial Art?"

Kaleina coughed. "Hmhm. Did Mommy take your bloodline name and flip it to name it because you are the creator of the martial art?"

Yasenia's eyes widened. "Wow! How did you know, baby? You are so clever!"

Kaleina's eyebrow twitched, but she couldn't help but feel that this part of her mother was very cute. "Mommy, how about… Grand Cosmos Martial Art?"

Yasenia blinked a few times, and Estrella parroted her big sister again. "Grand Cosmos! Grand Cosmos!" 

The dragoness nodded. "Well, my eldest naming the family martial art seems fitting. Let's call it [Grand Cosmos Art]."

"Oh? That's the name you decided on?" A gentle and nature-like voice reached them from behind.

Turning around, they could see Kali walking toward them leisurely while carrying a decently large egg. Kaleina called. "Mama Kali! How is little sister Dianna doing? Is she going to come out of the egg soon?"

Kali looked down and smiled. "According to my calculations, it should be near the time when Estrella becomes a one-year-old. Cecile's baby should be around three or four months later." 

Kaleina's eyes brightened. "Great! I'll be able to meet little sister Dianna and little sister Katarina soon!"

Kali approached and gave a gentle kiss to Estrella and Kaleina, finishing by giving Yasenia a gentle kiss on the lips. "So, [Grand Cosmos Art]? That's quite an imposing name."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow. "And? My Kaleina invented it. Even if it might not be worthy of that name for now in terms of strength since we are mortals, I'll evolve it beyond any limits and make it worthy of the name." 

Kaleina looked at Yasenia with emotion and asked. "Really?"

Yasenia looked at Kaleina and smiled reassuringly. "I promise."

Hearing those words, Kaleina felt a rush and clenched her fists. "I'll learn it and become the third… Fourth… Hm…" The purple and golden-haired girl blinked a few times, remembering who her family members were, and eventually, she said, "Anyway, I'll become very good at it!" 

Kali smiled, amused. Yasenia looked at Kali and asked. "Did you come here to tell me anything?"

Kali shook her head and leaned close to Yasenia. "Nothing. I just wanted to be with you." Kali looked around and raised her eyebrow. "Where is Flame? Aren't you and her practically inseparable, Kaleina?"

Kaleina hummed. "Well, Flame has followed Mama Andrea and Aunt Embera. It seems that she wanted to learn blacksmithing and also to control her fire better."

Kaleina looked at her hands, thoughtful. 'Hm… Speaking of which, who is my biological mom other than Mommy? Mama Evelyn? While I have her body type, I am not similar in anything else. Mama Cecile? My attributes are Star and Void… Perhaps? Of the rest… Nobody else has anything that's similar to me…'

Kaleina didn't doubt that she was Yasenia's child because all her recently born sisters had the same eyes as Yasenia. Kaleina also had those characteristics of golden orbs with slit pupils, reassuring her.

"What's wrong, baby?"

Kaleina looked up at Yasenia, and seeing the dragoness's loving and tender golden slit eyes, her heart felt soothed. "Hm. Nothing. Don't worry, Mommy."

Yasenia raised her eyebrow and nodded. "Okay. I won't ask. Still, remember that you need to tell me if something is on your mind. Doubts, fears, confusion, and other negative emotions can grow quickly and become Heart Demons. Remember, Kaleina, I am your mother, regardless of what anyone says or what anyone thinks. You are my eldest. Always will be."

Kaleina smiled widely and hugged Yasenia closely, burning her face in her mother's ample and soft bosom. "Mhm. I love you, Mommy."

Yasenia caressed her head and looked at Estrella, who was playing with a few locks of her hair. "Estrella, baby. Do you want to do something?"

Estrella pondered and extended her hands to grab Yasenia's face. The soft and squishy flesh of the dragoness's face got deformed, making Estrella, Kaleina, and Kali burst into laughter. 

The dragoness rolled her eyes, but she didn't move, allowing Estrella to do as she pleased. However, one thing was letting them have fun, and another was becoming a "toy" for the child. Therefore, after a few moments, Yasenia spoke in a soft yet authoritative tone. "Enough, Estrella."

Estrella blinked and released Yasenia's face, nodded obediently. The dragoness smiled and kissed her nose. "Good. Estrella listens so well~."

Estrella laughed and hugged her neck, burying her face on Yasenia and sniffing her mother's relaxing scent. 

Kaleina blinked, looking at Yasenia. 'Wow. Those words…' 

Kali looked at Kaleina and laughed. "Authority. Very important between dragonkin."

Kaleina hummed. "Authority… No wonder when Mommy says something, all little sisters listen to it to a certain extent."

Kali smirked. "Little sisters? A certain someone also follows Yasenia's words quite strictly, no?"

Kaleina coughed. "Hmhm. I respect Mommy! Of course, I will listen!"

Yasenia walked toward the house with them and asked. "What are Aurelia, Skye, and Dawn doing? Do you know?"

Kali commented. "I think that they are in the playground that you've built."

Hearing the word playground, Estrella's eyes widened, and she spoke. "Mommy! Let's go to the playground! I want to go!"

The dragoness and the other three walked over there with no complaints whatsoever. As Kali said, Evelyn, Angel, Cecile, and Tatyana were in the playground with the three children. Now that they were more grown, their characteristics were getting clearer.

Skye followed her birth mother's hair color, with dark blue silky hair and beautiful golden slit eyes. She was a very energetic child who laughed a lot and was always curious about new things.

Meanwhile, Dawn seemed to take after Andrea in terms of hair and skin color. While she was lighter than Andrea, her hair was black and curly. She was similarly cheery. Still, she seemed to love swinging things around, making a few toys fly around from time to time.

Finally, Aurelia was a quiet child. Her golden slit eyes and hair complemented her fair skin, making her look like a pure little angel. She really liked being on Angel's or Yasenia's lap, and hearing stories was something that always made her cheerful.

Estrella, the eldest of the biological children, was very active. Her long black hair and heterochromatic eyes gave her an exotic charm. Every time she could, Estrella would love to run around, appearing as if she had endless energy. 

When the dragoness placed Estrella down, she ran off like a little rocket and joined the other three. 

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