
Her boyfriend's words

After making breakfast and serving them on the dining table, he went back to her room only to see her applying make-up on her face. Tristan approached her and stood behind her, with that, their reflection hit their eyes and he smiled. "We look good together,"

"Obviously," she replied and he went to stand across from her.

"Why are you applying so much paint on your face?"

Liliana paused applying mascara and closed the case. "Because it makes me more. . . beautiful and mature." She answered.

Tristan sighed, "your boyfriend says you are more beautiful without make-up,"

Liliana glanced at herself in the mirror. "But I look childish, people say I have a Barbie looking face." She uttered and Tristan went closer to her before tucking her hair behind her ear. "Let me see," he looked at her face and smiled before pocking his finger on her belly.

"Tris-tan," she warningly called his name as she jumped from his action against her.

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