
3 years 6 months 20 days 13 hours 54 minutes 30 seconds

They all settled down in an empty spot while seeing people glance at them.

"Queresha-ssi, would you like to visit the washroom?" Sang-ah asked.

"Yes let's go together," Queresha stood up and went along with Sang-ah as the old lady followed them as well.

"Why do girls always go to the bathroom together?" Nam-woon asked while looking at Hyun-sung and Haru. Hyun-sung could only smile wryly since he didn't know the answer nor did he want to find out.

"I'll be going to the washroom as well." Haru shrugged as he stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

Hyun-sung and Nam-woon looked at each other and then at Gil-young who was following Haru to the bathroom.

"Let's go I want to take a leak as well," Nam-woon spoke while walking and Hyun-sung followed after glancing at Myung-oh who didn't move.

Haru was sitting inside the cubicle tapping his finger on his thigh as if waiting for something.

[Ha-kun you took way too long to be alone,] Kurumi's voice rang in his head.

[That is the first thing you say after 3 and half years?] Haru chuckled; he hasn't been in contact with Kurumi since the day they arrived here.

[3 years, 6 months, 20 days, 13 hours, 54 minutes, and 30 seconds to be exact.] Kurumi said in a serious tone like this was important.

[Ok I get it I am sorry, I had to do it the normal way otherwise it would only attract trouble,] Haru said, to be fair he missed her as well but what is necessary is necessary.

[I understand, I have been seeing it myself. You are doing a good job avoiding suspicion; just don't open that attribute window, I am sending a false one to the people monitoring the planet, so don't worry it won't look unnatural, I have already notified everyone but I needed to wait till you are alone to tell you that,] Kurumi said.

[Well, I won't do that, anyway is everything going alright?] Haru asked.

[Seriously, this one and only beautiful Kurumi-chan is talking to you and you are worried about some plan, Hmph,] Haru smiled hearing that.

[Ok stop sulking, I know you are the best which is why I asked for your help,] Haru said.

[Umu, It is good that you know, and for what you asked it has been done. All of your physical powers will return over a course of time so that it doesn't stand out and look unnatural, but it will be done soon so don't worry and create a good front so that it doesn't look out of place. Also, I have activated the inventory, everyone can use it but use it in moderation or it will look suspicious,] Kurumi said seriously, if they get caught after all this bullshit she will be super pissed off.

[Point noted, though is it really safe to talk in here?] Haru asked, you can never be too sure right? He felt that Nam-woon, Hyun-sung, and Gil-young were also in the bathroom. Plus he didn't put it past the Dokkaebis to film everything.

[Yes, it is fine they do not film the bathroom area, these guys surprisingly have a sense of privacy,] Kurumi said, she was pleased with this since she could talk to Haru daily like this.

[Rather than a sense of privacy, it is more like it wouldn't be interesting to see a human take a shit or a bath, from what I gathered these constellations like to watch us for entertainment, at least some of them I'd say, but I have only seen a few of them till now,] Haru thought while remembering the messages from a few constellations.

[I'd say it is good that they don't film you while bathing, I don't know how many vixens will flock to you,] Kurumi grumbled unhappily.

[Don't oversell me,] Haru sighed; he knew he was good-looking but not so good that people would jump at him.

[You are just too unaware, to me you are the most good-looking being to ever exist,] Kurumi said seriously to make sure her point gets across.

[Ok, I get it don't praise me so much I'll blush,] Haru spoke half-heartedly. Kurumi grumbled since it looked like her point didn't get across.

[Leaving that aside, about the constellations if they only see you as a source of entertainment that is good, let them live in ignorance it will only make it easier for you,] Kurumi said plainly.

[I think the same,] Haru nodded since he was thinking along the line and was making his own plans but there were still too many unforeseen circumstances that he didn't know about, so it was harder to set a concrete plan.

[So then, I'll monitor the situation and tell you if something is wrong, just don't forget your main goal,] Kurumi said.

[What else would I do besides that?] Haru questioned.

[Increase the size of your harem,] Kurumi said in a flat tone.

[The thought didn't even cross my mind,] Haru said with twitching eyes.

[It did cross someone else's mind,]


[I'll tell you later, Ok Bye and remember do not try to enter your mindscape, I am still working on the flame if you intrude it will go berserk,] Kurumi said and the connection was cut.

'Well, I guess I'll know with time,' Haru shrugged and took out his phone from his coat's inner pocket.

'There are a lot of messages,' Haru thought as he opened their group chat to see nearly 70 messages. others aren't able to use their phones right now since there is no network in the entirety of Seoul. But Haru and the others were using the phones made by Queresha so they didn't need to worry about the network.

'It seems like all of them are safe,' Haru smiled softly looking at the messages.

Jin-ah was with Alea, Hae-in and Kanae were also together while Zenobia was alone but she seemed to be doing alright.

'Even if all of them are smart I can't help but be worried about them,' Haru thought while looking at the messages with a gentle look, and Kurumi wasn't lying if someone looked at his face right now they will fall for him in an instant.

'As expected, they didn't choose a constellation, well there is no need for that anyway, but it seems that Kanae is pissed off,' Haru thought while looking at the messages. It looked like Queresha used the phone while she went to the toilet; she actually shared what she thought with others who also did the same.

Kanae – These damn Constellations I'll beat them up just you see.

Hae-in – Just calm down will you, we still don't know their goal or anything.

Resha – I am certain the constellations want something more than just entertainment from the people, that is why they watch these scenarios. Like this they can choose people the people with the most potential, their reason is still unclear but it definitely isn't something like pity or mercy.

Zenobia – I second that, I also think the riddle-like names have a reason. It is most likely to hide their identities from us, but once again I see no reason for this since because of that they can lose talented individuals as their names might seem unappealing. Since it is not like only one constellation can send a sponsorship request to one person, Just like it is a competition for the people to catch the eyes of a constellation it is also the same for them, the only question left is, what do they get out of it?

Jin-ah – Now I have more questions thanks to you guys.

Alea – I'll just pretend I am understanding everything.

Hae-in – I think the reason they are using those riddle-like names is that they can't use their real names, this is assuming they are mythological figures it can be because we can't hear their names or it will likely kill us (Humans) or it can be to even out the playing field, like imagine you get a sponsorship from Zeus and then you get one from Dionysus, I mean it is obvious who people will choose if their names were given outright.

Kanae – You are reading too many novels to think of the first reason. I am more sided with the second one.

Zenobia – That wouldn't make a difference if the constellations could only have one human they can support.

Hae-in – There is nothing stating they can't.

Jin-ah – Good more Questions.

Resha – Let's not make too many assumptions, we can figure it out slowly. I am pretty sure Haru has a plan in mind.

Hae-in – I still can't get over her calling him that.

Jin-ah – I mean Haru literally hammered his name into her.

Hae-in – Yes, He 'Literally' did.

Resha - ...

Hae-in - Well he did it to us as well, so it is fine.

Jin-ah – ShiShi

Kanae – Jin-ah and Hae-in what did I say about manners in the chat?

Hae-in – Looks like Jin-ah is going to be in trouble.

Jin-ah – I am in Danger.

Alea – Is this a new way of bullying? Cause it is definitely working.

Zenobia – …. Anyway let us get back on topic.

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