
7: I'm in the class filled with 'Arrogant Youngmasters'!

I immediately opened it, and inside there it was. A throwing knife with a somewhat abnormal handle, where you could barely make out the silhouette of a ring among the already welded metal.

In the NovelNovel, I gave this ring to an antagonist who was,

surprise Surprise, the descendant of 'The Demon Slayer.' I can proudly say that he was the most robust character in my NovelNovel after the MC himself. He was also a growing point for my MC. Then, why did I steal his cheat item?

It's simple. I was going to take that place.

Yes, the moment I had decided to do so while on my way to get the 'Fruit of Freedom.' Though I had decided to become the cause of my MC's Growth, it didn't mean I would fight with my real identity. No, sir, that would be foolish and make me a massive target for any hostile forces. Instead, I was going to form a fake identity for myself.

'Even though I don't like staying in the shadows, I guess I will have to.'


Exiting the Teleportation Station, I stared at the planet

I had first transmigrated to.


'Exactly the campus that I had dreamed of.'

I sighed and smiled to myself as I admired one best element of My Novel.

It was this Campus right in front of me. 'St. Doofenshmirtz Academy' was the name of this Entire tri-star planetary System.

As expected of me, It was a very original name. I totally didn't copy it from a kids tv show which I still secretly watched until high school.


'Damn! It's still so funny.'

*Laughing Internally*


So anyway, this very original academy was created by yours truly, with a lot of love and care. This academy was the absolute embodiment of the academy I had wished to go to in my previous life. This academy had everything you could ever hope for and even more. This school had huge stadiums as a practice ground, an entire building as a dorm room for a single person if you're excellent enough, Swimming pools, VR capsules. Not impressed?! It will keep getting better from this point onward. A Training ground that is 50,000 feet high up in the air Dueling Platforms that 1 million people can use at once! A chemistry lab with all the chemicals you could ever need with at least 100,000 people able to access it at once, A biology lab that contains a living example for every species of plants, animals, etc., imaginable.

This academy also has a physics lab with a Fu*cking Atom Collider! A technical lab with a fully functional teleportation gate that you could manipulate freely, A school credit system that allows you to pass the grade if you have enough grades in a single subject. And to top it off, a cafeteria which serves high-class delicacy!

An academy can't get any better than this now, can it? However, These are the facilities that are accessible for average students. Suppose you can obtain more scores and climb up the academic ranking chart. The treatment you will be eligible for will make even the President of the Chaos Humans envious!

So you get it; the academy is super cool!!!

Walking towards my dorm room, I looked at the Academic ranking chart to ascertain my current ranking. Looking at the rankings, I was left speechless.


Name: Lucas Ross

Rank: 90,796,183


I wasn't the dead last like many other characters who are always dead last when they transmigrate but was not that far from it either.

If I remember correctly, I had written something like

only 99,999,999 students are accepted every year in this academy. Honestly, 90,796,183 was not that bad of a rank because this body was still sealed before I had transmigrated to this world. So, my predecessor must have put all blood, sweat, and tears to get into this academy with that rank solely through

theoretical scores. Which, though important, amounts to only 30% of the total score in the admission examination. Maybe if there were a ranking solely based on theoretical grade, my predecessor would have been the first in it.


'As expected, He was a descendent of Dantalion, even if he was under a seal.'

I could only admire this guy for his academic talent...

"Wait for a minute!"

I stopped in my tracks because through my memories of my past life; I vaguely remembered something...

"The start of the Second Ark!!!"

The Second Ark! The time after which my sadistic tendencies for torturing and killing characters started awakening.

"Now! How did the second ark start again?"

I started mumbling to myself as I reached my dorm building. Entering the dorm building, I was still thinking when...


*Bang! Bang!*

"Nathen! It's time for practice; wake up! If you don't,

Ms Longsburn will kill us!"

"Yeah, wake up, Nathen!"

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

"Nathen, it's not funny anymore; open up!"

I saw a bunch of boys yelling in the hallway. The boys were crowding around a door and banging on the door so loud that even the nearby residents were disturbed by it.

"Keep it down, you idiots!"

"Hey! What happened."

Some heads started popping from the nearby rooms with various annoyed and curious expressions.

I just stared at that scene. My eyes kept shrinking with every moment that passed. I finally remembered it...

It was due to a group of vampires that infiltrated the school and killed thousands of students. The incident started with a student dying inexplicably in his room, all shrivelled up like a mummy. The school didn't pay much attention to it because of the upcoming mid-term examinations and tried to suppress them. The Administration wanted to revisit the incident after the midterms. Still, they ultimately couldn't stop it when a student who was very good at academics died in his room.

"Ah! Wait!"

'A student who is very good at academics? Doesn't that mean me!'

I might just be drawing conclusions here, but the fact that my predecessor was good at academics does put me in the strike zone, along with the fact that I looked malnourished when I First transmigrated into this body; I am all but certain at this point the one who died at the start of the second ark was none other than me.


My eyebrow twitched. Just when I was about to go on a cursing spree about this world fu*king me up every way it could,

"Elric! Call a teacher. I will break this door! I think there is something wrong with Nathan."

I heard one of the boys exclaim, after which a boy among them nodded his head and started running in my direction. I moved to the side to let the boy pass, after which I didn't stand in the hallway any longer since I already knew what was about to happen. Instead, I walked towards my room, opened it and entered with a heavy heart.


The door behind me closed with a click and muffled the sound of the boys down the hallway by a bit. Taking a deep breath, I dropped the duffle bag on my bed and walked towards the shower.


After a light shower, I changed into the academy uniform. Looking at myself in the mirror, I realized that I look very different from the last time I had looked into the same mirror.

This time I stood about 168cm tall. My cheeks didn't look sunken anymore, and my jawline had gotten more prominent; my nose had also gotten a bit leaner. Overall, from my current world's viewpoint, I looked like a somewhat handsome 17-year-old boy.

I didn't dwell on my looks anymore because I felt a bit insecure. Honestly, any 2-star ranked individual wouldn't feel insecure since they could easily handle some weak vampires. But you see, currently, though I was a 2-star rank and had stats around {F-}, I was like a kid with a gun, dangerous but not troublesome. Probably any student in this school who was at {G} level could defeat me easily.

So I wanted to start with the sword training right now. Then why didn't I? Well, it's because I had been getting the following messages for the past four days.


4 days ago

Mr Han- Mr Ross, What was the reason behind your absence today? Would you mind sharing it with me? I also asked the Administration, and they told me that you didn't leave any applications behind.

3 days ago


Mr Han- Today is the second day of your absence without an absence application. It also seems that Mr Ross is very busy since you didn't reply to my last message.

2 days ago


Mr Han- Damn!, Brat! Are you ghosting me?

1 day ago

Mr Han- If I don't see you in my class by tomorrow, I'm calling your mom to ask why you were absent.

Mr Han- You know what, I feel like suspending you for next week since it seems that you won't be coming to classes either way.

And so on


I felt a cold chill all over my body after I read those. So I hurried back after obtaining the ring without a moment's delay. As for why I didn't reply, I knew Mr Han's character from the Novel. I imagined a caring but strict teacher with a short temper. At the same time, as I wrote his character, I knew the most about him. Let me tell you, you don't ignore this guy, and if you accidentally did what you shouldn't have, you should go through with it to the end.


After getting ready, I exited the dorm room. In the hallway, I saw many people still crowding around the guy called "Nathen"s room. They looked very distraught and looked worried as well as interested. I could hear keywords like "Nathen", "Died", and "mummy."

Hearing those words, I could feel cold sweat trickling down my forehead. Snaking my head, I hurriedly walked past them and exited the dorm building.


Sighing, I raised my left hand and started searching through my watch to know what my class was. I was again annoyed when I realized which class I belonged to.

'First year-32 A.'

That was the class to which I belonged. I gave this class various Names in the Novel because this was the class in which the MC of my Novel, along with some of his harem members, and the second MC, who currently should be an arrogant young master character, are placed.

Also, to add some face slapping elements, half of the class were filled with arrogant young masters.


Realizing that I would have to deal with these characters, I sighed out of annoyance.


A/N: This is an original novel. If you liked the novel and want to continue reading, then please read it at the following link.


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