
Dynamic Confliction

"This will mark the beginning, of a fabulous event," Samael said with a evil smile, as he just finished labeling out his orders to the army of angels that stood before him.

"Now go out and do what was told before you, then afterwards, I shall complete my task, once Death of the endless is distracted, then, we will most definitely win, Kakarot will be stripped from his power, and he will be given to lillth to do whatever she pleases with him.

Lillth, licked her lips in anticipation.

"YES LORD SAMAEL!" the angels gave off a thunderous roar, before they flew off into the city...

"Brother!" a voice shouted, Samael frowned, and turned to his brother, in his eyes, they were betrayal, and pain.

"Why are you doing this!" Michael shouted, "we were at peace, everything was fine!"

"Fine?" Samael sneered, "Nothing was ever fine, Michael, not as long as Kakarot sits on the throne of power, Father does not do anything!"

"Brother..." Michael trailed off frowning, "What has caused you to be like this, for you to think so...foolishly?"

"You are the foolish one brother!" Samael growled, "Kakarot has been father's favorite little son, while he has been doing nothing to deserve it, the only thing that he had done was eat and sleep, train, and take care of his precious family...."

"I..the most beautiful, the most handsome, the most important angel, that has completed more of fathers task than anyone, should be the one to rule, Father made a mistake!"

He was wrong in a sense, because Kakarot knows what is going on who enters this universe, he completes his task more than anybody else, but he never brags, he is never arrogant, he is calm, quiet, and humble about it, but Samael is the exact opposite.

He is prideful, arrogant, and cocky, for what...a power that was not his to begin with.

Michael's eyes widened, he wasd unable to believe what his brother heard, "Do you even here yourself brother?! You do not know...that Fathers mind is not our own. Kakarot trained, us, he made us who he was together...he saw us as brothers! You are no better than the rest of us, please, stop this madness, and come home...brother!"

Samael violently brushed Michael's hand off of his shoulders, "get your filthy hands off of me."

"No!" Michael shouted, "We were all together, we fought together, we trained together, we grew together, when you slowly started to get away from us, you sought out more power, why? Kakarot was always and will be greater than us, because father deemed it so," He squeezed Samael's shoulders softly, , Abandon your foolish pride, end this madness before it begins and come home! "

Samael snarled before he stabbed Michael in a gut with a light saber, he gasped as blood spat out from his mouth...


Samael...sneered, "you side with Kakarot and father instead of me, you are no brother of mine..."

Michael felt something at the back of his neck, he grunted in pain before his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and fell face first onto the ground.

Lillth stood over him with his hand raised.

"Excellent work Lillth, though it would do better if you would have killed him." Samael said.

Lilith rolled her eyes, "Always death with you, if you love death, why don't you fuck her in front of Kakarot, we can do it together, see the look on their faces when we fuck there mates a pleasure that they wished they had with their own."

This caused Samael to roll his eyes, "Although I am not opposed to the idea, we should focus first on the task at hand, then we could think about that."

Lillth nodded, before Samael spread his wings and disappeared in a flash of light, She followed soon after.

Meanwhile with me. Kakarot was with his Daughter Elaine, while Gohan was watching from the distance, I had made all of there power unknown.

Elaine was standing ready looking at me with determination in her eyes.

"Kaio-ken." she muttered under her breath, a crimson aura appeared around her, as her power level increased once she reached the limit that she was used too, she lunged at me.

I increased my level slightly to match hers, and we vanished in a burst of speed, Shocvkwaves among shockwaves, the power of our clash went wild, Sweat was dripping from Elaines body...

This went on for a good Hour...

Before my eyes went to the left," Hm?" I glanced at the right...eyes narrowed, pausing in mid dash...Elaine noticed this and grew concerned.

"Dad, is everything alright?" she asked.

"Take a break..." I said, causing her to frown, "But dad I..."

""Take a break." I repeated eyes locking with hers, she flinched, "Stay here, do not go into Silver CIty..."

"Father." it was Gohan who spoke up, he was floating towards me, "Something happened."

I nodded my head, "Yes, but I do not want you to be caught up with it."

They nodded.

My eyes glanced to their location, and sighed silently.

"Oh brother..." I muttered, "Guess this is where everything starts."

So, how was it? I appreciate powerstones, have a nice day.

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts
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