
The Beginning of Rogers End

A crate in my hands I walked up the blank onto Oro Jackson and placed it down on the deck.

Using my left arm to wipe the sweat off my brow after I did so.

A year has passed since I became an apprentice of the Roger Pirates.

I am now eleven years old.

(A/N: There will be timeskip's all around in the beginning. But when we get to Siegreich's own pirate adventures and those of his crew it will stabilize out more)

During this first year of my apprenticeship I haven't gotten to experience much. Mostly because all we've done this past year is sail around the South Blue.

Though where my personal strength is concerned I have gotten stronger.

My swordsmanship skills are steadily improving everyday. The same with my devil fruit powers. I am even learning other basics skills like navigation and whatnot.

Concerning haki, I am doing the training alongside Buggy and Shanks but haven't made any progress in that area at all.

Even so I won't give up.

Done wiping the sweat from my brow I walked down the plank again and then walked over to the stack of crates, picking up another one and bringing it onto the ship.

At the moment the Oro Jackson is docked at an island and we are re-supplying.

The same old, same old.

Placing the crate in my hands down on deck again I turned around to head back down the plank to retrive another.

Only to see Sunbell and Mugren bringing the last of the crates on board.

Even though it was my job to do so.

"Thanks guys." I told them.

"No problem Sieg." Sunbell told me.

"Yeah. Seeing you work so hard we thought you could use a break." Mugren added.

"Well it's much appreciated." I told them.

I then sat down on one of the crates and enjoyed the nice breeze that is blowing today.

My break lasted for fifteen minutes and then I got back to work.

I moved all the crates down into Oro Jacksons' storage room.

Which ended up immediate duties for the moment.

Coming back up to the deck I arrived just as Roger and the others returned to the ship.

But a moment after they all stepped back on board Roger started to fall towards the ground.

"Captain!" Shanks shouted in worry.

And I don't blame him.

Since after being by Rogers side for a year I know he is not the type of man to simply fall over, even when drunk.

Which means this can only be one thing.

His incurable disease has finally reared its ugly head.

And now that is has the final chapter of Rogers life is about to begin.

The journey that will lead him to gaining the title of "King of the Pirates" and turning himself in to be executed rather than sail the seas until he draws his last breath.

Honestly, with what I know is going to happen in these next few years I am torn up inside.

After personally getting to know Roger and spending time with him I can admit I don't want him to die.

Rather I want him to fight his disease and stay alive so we can continue adventuring together. Even if it is selfish of me.

But because I have gotten to know Roger personally I know he won't stray from the path he sets for himself. Despite it leading to his death.

Otherwise if he did then Roger wouldn't be Roger anymore.

So that's why I'll simply stay by his side until that fateful day, and watch over the next generation of pirates once he is gone.

That's the least I can do for the man who has given so much.

Roger continued falling towards the ground, but at the last second he caught himself and stopped. Despite this he is shaking life a leaf.


"Sit down!"

"Rayleigh, Gaban come quick!"

One by one the other Roger pirates cried out their concerns and worries. Until eventually all of us were assembled on the deck.

"Looks like I made you all worry. Sorry." Roger said. "That's not what a captains job is supposed to be."

"Enough of that." Rayleigh told him. "We need to get you to the doctor, and fast."

"Ok." Roger said.

Choosing not to argue.

After he did so a few of the crew members left the ship with him.

Rayleigh included, while Gaban stayed behind to supervise the rest of us.

Shanks and Buggy walked over to me, worried looks on their faces.

"Hey Sieg, the captain is going to be alright, right?" Shanks asked.

"Of course. He's the strongest you idiot." Buggy said. Though I can sense the worry in his voice.

"The captain is going to deal with whatever comes." I said.

Since I really don't have the heart to lie to them.

This is one of those rare moments where having foreknowledge of events is truly more of a curse than a blessing.


(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting in his personal cabin with a glass of whiskey in hand Roger looked out the window. His mind wandering.

It's been a month since he almost fainted in front of his crew.

After that he was immediately taken to the islands doctor. Who in just two days gave him the answer to why he almost passed out.

He was dying.

The doctor told him he had an incurable disease.

Hearing this Roger understood.

Even so he still got two more opinions.

He and his crew had traveled to two more islands in the past month, and Roger went to see doctors there in secret.

Both of them told him the same thing as the first doctor.

That he was dying, and that there was nothing they could do for him.

Once this happened Roger couldn't deny the fact in front of his face any longer.

Even though he had been hoping in the back of his mind the diagnosis was wrong.

After all he had many things to live for.

His crew, his three apprentices, and most recently added to the list was the love of his life.

A woman he met by chance.

Named Portgas D. Rouge.

Roger had been with many women in his life, but Rouge was different from them all. Before he knew he it he found himself in love with her, and she was the same way.

Rouge told him so the last time they saw each other.

Now just after they had confessed their love for each other this happens.

Roger found it ironic in a funny sort of way.

After being in countless life and death battles during his long years as a pirate, it was not the marines or another pirate that was going to be the end of him but his own body.

Thinking about this Roger let out a small fit of laughter.

After he did so he finished off the whiskey in the glass in his hand in one go. He then slammed the glass onto the desk in front of him and stood up from his chair.

A look of determination appearing on his face as he did so.

"Ok, that's enough moping about." Roger said to himself. "If my last is coming to an end then so be it. But before it does I'll see my dream come true." He said.

Rogers dream was to sail to the end of the Grand Line.

The true end.

Over the years he had gathered information from various sources and come to learn there was another island after Lodestar Island.

Reaching that final island and discovering all the secrets it held was Rogers final wish.

And right now in this very moment he is swearing to himself, before this disease claims his life he'll see that final hidden island with his own two eyes.

Once Roger swore this to himself he started moving.

Since he had various preparations to make.

Not only for the journey to reach the final mysterious island in the Grand Line, but also for his encroaching death.

Since it won't just be him who is affected, but the people he loves and considers family as well.

Putting a bright smile on his face Roger started walking, determination clearly visible in his eyes.

For this is not a man who will cower in the face of death.

But rather embrace his life until death finally comes and takes him.

Since that's just the kind of man Gol D. Roger is, and will always be.

And thus, on this night Gol D. Roger began setting in motion preparations for his greatest voyage ever.

The one that would lead him to conquer the seas and gain the title of "King of the Pirates".

It now all begins.

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