
Training Montage

Standing on the deck of the Oro Jackson I continually swung a sword in a set pattern.

Beads of swear pouring down my body as I did so.

Six months have come and gone since I've joined the Roger Pirates.

In that time nothing much has really happened at all.

We haven't encountered any marines, nor other pirate groups. All we've been doing is leisurely sailing around the South Blue, exploring its various islands.

Which is nice in its own way.

For one it's given me time to really bound with the crew on a much deeper level.

As well given me a chance to start training.

Because out of everyone aboard the Oro Jackson I am the weakest right now.

Despite having devil fruit powers.

Hell, even Buggy is stronger than me at the moment and he hasn't even eaten his devil fruit yet.

So yeah, I am not going to let that stand.

That's why a week after I got used to sailing with the crew I asked Rayleigh to train me.

I would've asked Roger, but Buggy and Shanks told me not to when I told them of the plan. They told me Roger is not good with explanation.

When they asked him about haki and how to gain its power he used words like "Bam!" and "Boom!" in his explanation.

The moment I heard this I put a wry smile on my face. Then I immediately decided to ask Rayleigh to be my teacher.

Also yes, all three of us apprentices have been taught about haki. Devil fruits as well.

Makes sense really.

Since the Roger Pirates regularly sail the Grand Line, both Paradise and the New World. So if they left us in the dark about such matters we kids would be screwed.

And since they allowed us to come aboard I know they don't want that, which is why they informed us of such things.

These guys really are great.

Ignoring the increasing sweat on my body I continued swinging my blade.

"67, 68, 69." I said.

Counting out the number of swings I took.

Until finally I reached 100.

When I did so I placed the tip of my blade into the deck of the ship and then grabbed my towel from nearby to wipe off all my sweat. I then did several cooldown stretches before taking a break for ten minutes.

Then I got back to it.

With sword training out of the way for the day, next up is time to work on my devil fruit powers.

The best part of my day if I am being honest.

A smile on my face I raised my right arm into the air and turned it completely into a cloud.

Thunder cloud to be precise.

Pointing it out towards the ocean yellow electricity started sparking along it and building up. Until finally enough gathered and I was able to fire it off in a concentrated blast.


I cried out.

A second after I did so my attack slammed into the water, creating a small wave as it did so. Seeing this I smiled.

Since it means my attack is much stronger than what it was before. Because when I first came up with the idea and put it into action I could barely generate more than a small spark, but now things are different.

Training will do that you know.


[Rakiri] is a technique I created a few months ago after boarding the Oro Jackson. I have created several other techniques as well.

All of them based around weather phenomena.

So far that is.

But I am not stopping there. Not by a long shot.

I've actively been trying to change the density of the clouds I create, but that is a slow-going process.

It's actually much harder than it sounds.

During these past six months I have not been able to change my clouds density successfully even once.

Though right now that's not a big deal.

I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually. Especially when the crew heads to the Sky Islands. I know going there is going to help me immensely in regards to my devil fruits powers.

Speaking of I have even attempted to re-create Kaido's flame clouds, but on that I have had no luck whatsoever. No matter how many times I try to do it it just won't happen.

Which means either I'm not strong enough yet, or the flame clouds are an exclusive power only available through the devil fruit Kaido consumed. And if it's the latter case it means I may never be able to create flame clouds no matter how hard I try.

But, if I somehow awaken my devil fruit one day things may change regarding that.

However awakening is way off in the future.

Right now I am simply focusing on getting a better handle on my devil fruit powers as a whole. Not to mention swordsmanship and haki training.

As well as my duties as an apprentice.

I have a full plate, but I'm not upset at all. Rather I am excited to have so much to do. Since I truly enjoy doing these things with all my heart.

Focusing on my right arm once more I changed the composition of it from a thunder cloud into a winter cloud. I then began generating massive amounts of snow and pointed it at the ocean once more, releasing a concentrated blast after I did so.


I said.

My attack hit the water, and after it did so I kept it up for ten minutes straight.

Then I stopped and changed my arm back to normal.

Since not only am I working on the strength of my attacks, but I am also working on the duration for how long I can sustain them.

Because I know in the future battles will last for days, especially in the New World.

So if I run out of stamina during such a battle my life and the life my comrades is forfeit and that is something I will not allow.

Inhaling and exhaling several times I worked to catch my breath and recover.

As I did so Shanks and Buggy walked up to me.

"Hey Sieg, mind if we join you in training?" Shanks asked me.

"Yeah, allow us to show you how its done." Buggy said.

"Sure, I would be more than happy to have you guys join me." I told them.

Because training with allies will make you stronger faster.

At least in my opinion.

Once I agreed with Shanks and Buggy's request we three got down to business.

And to kick things off Shanks and I had a mock sword battle.

Facing him even now, I can see how Mihawk will consider him a rival in the future.

He's got a natural affinity for the sword.

But even so I am not going to lose to him.

And maybe in the future Mihawk might consider me a rival as well.

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