
New Day Of New Life


Charles was still asleep in her bed at home.

The young woman was bedridden because of the storm;  strange given the time of year, in the middle of August.  This situation was very far from displeasing her, on the contrary, she had already prepared a good grace morning to recover the lost energy.

As well...

Since the day Charles;  in a regretful word, had promised that she would take charge of Mr SONG's file;  the patient transmitted following a car accident, she had no longer set foot in the clinic.  She claimed a chimerical disease and this excuse lasted two weeks.

LONG Fan was well aware of the deception, despite it, he granted her time off.  But now the leave expired the young woman was still sulking about her return to work, but she was now in inequality and, thus, threatened with dismissal if she did not show up today.

Nevertheless, the threat is completely equal to him.  She knew that her best friend could not do without such precious help as his.


As Charles dozed under his duvet, his phone vibrated.  She took a little to answer when she saw Sehun's name appear on her screen, she felt a set-up coming from afar.

Finally, she replies:

– What, she asks young, recovering.  What do you want ?

– Doctor Ella Charles Richardson..., he replied smiling, where are you?

She grimaces and sits down, waiting to completely regain her senses, she continues:

– Listen Sehun, you say what you have to say or I hang up.

Another smile was heard on the line, then the young man asked Charles, already very irritated:

– Guess what doctor?

– Listen Hao I'm exhausted then, I really don't have the strength or the desire to take it out on you then... Speak!

– Okay, he breathes.  You really lack a sense of humor!

He laughs and resumes saying:

– Well... So try to guess anyway, if I tell you everything, right away, the thing won't be funny anymore.  Guess who came back to life this morning?

Charles gets up and goes to the kitchen to make himself a coffee while she says:

– Little shit..., she whispered, I'd be surprised if it was Michael Jackson.  It's ok, I tried and now speak clearly!

The young man on the phone still lamented his friend's lack of sense of humor.  Charles sensed that his friend wanted to stray from the end of his call so she reframed the conversation.

As she took a sip of her coffee, Sehun exclaimed with a laugh:

– Your patient SONG Jinwook woke up a few hours ago!

She spat the sip just as dry.

– You're kidding ?

– So you want to laugh..., he replies ironically, now?

The young man made a sound signifying his denial.

He laughs and adds:

– Ah!  I was sure it would have that effect on you, so I insisted Fan let me tell you.  Well I have to go back to work, everyone!

Sehun hung up on him before bursting out laughing in Fan's company;  who had listened to the conversation quietly, out of breath from stifling his laughter.

"Do you think she'll make it?"  Sehun asked, still anxious for the future.

"I don't know any more than you or her," replied his friend.  Charlie is special, surprises where you least expect it.

"I hope she doesn't kill him at least.

They looked at each other before laughing again.  They knew how much Charles liked to hide his face and keep his pride intact, but in the face of what was looming, it will be very difficult.  While Charles stood wordless in her kitchen.

In total shock.  In truth, she didn't know how to take this news.  If we had to be happy about it;  in a sense, when she would have to constantly confront this person who would remind her of her painful past.

Or did you have to be depressed about it;  while in the other direction, it was about a life saved.  Also, since he is a public figure, he would make good publicity for the clinic.

Nevertheless, Charles'e could stop thinking about the true origin of Fan's request.  He wanted to see if Charles was fit to handle this kind of case, like a real doctor.  In discipline, it was necessary to be impartial while keeping a willing mind for the patients.  We had to understand their ailments, not their lives. So in itself, a job had to be done to dissociate oneself to heal them. Even the worst criminal had to be cured, it's a simple rule.  So, even if this Song Jinwook brought Charles back to the darkest frescoes of his life, he had to be treated according to the rules of discipline.  The difficulty: the simple fact of approaching him, giving Charles a strange, revolting feeling.

"I was convinced that this trip was without return... I was wrong."

Charles admitted to herself that her opinion on this subject was anything but professional, because it was quite possible to come out of a coma.  These opinions based on her life, she was only at the beginning.

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