
Volume 5 – Chapter 30(Posting Requests)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<<  >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Albedo: Since you know us, why don't you introduce yourself too?

Primis: Just call me Herrscher.

The blond hair boy raised one of his brows at this.

Albedo: Never heard of some unique name before.

Primis: It would be more surprising if you do.

Albedo: Hmm…So, how may I help you?

Primis: Instead of helping me, its more like you are going to help yourself and Mondstadt from predicament.

At this, he frowned.

Sucrose: Mondstadt...is in danger. How is this...possible? When we left...three days ago...the only problem was of Stormterror's...…rampage.

The minty green haired girl spoke. Then she hurriedly looked down when Primis turned his attention at her. She was not that good with strangers.

Primis didn't mind and returned his attention to Albedo who was deep in thought.

Albedo: I take it that the situation you are talking about is not Storterror but something else entirely.

Primis: Correct.

Albedo: Why should I trust you? What if you are lying and making things up? Without proof I have no obligation to believe to you.

Primis: Proof you said. Huh.

Next, Primis pulled out one of his hands from his jacket pocket. As Albedo raised his guard thinking Primis was about to do something, he saw two pieces of light in his hand. Those pieces would something fade and sometime appeared.

'Albedo: What is this?'

Seeing something new, Albedo's alchemy mind started working.

Primis: Why only evidence? Let you help you experience it yourselves.



Once he said that, those pieces of lights shot towards Albedo and Sucrose direction. Before either of them could react, they entered their forehead.

All their movements stopped and they fell into daze.

Makoto: What were those lights, My Lord?

Noticing their condition, Makoto whispered near his ears.

Instead of answering, Primis shot another light. This time it entered Makoto's temple.


Then she also fell in a trance like the other two.

"I thought Lord had no intention of doing anything for this world."

"Primis: I change my mind."

"...Is the because of that destroyed flower?"

Primis didn't answer and remained silent.

A few minutes later, Makoto came back to herself. Though, in the next second, her expressions turned grave.

Makoto: To think that is this world's----


Before she could continue, Albedo fell on four. His face was pale and was breathing rapidly.

After catching his breath, he looked at Primis.

Albedo: What was that? Everything seemed so real.

Primis: Your future or should I say your end.

Hearing this, Albedo looked down again and started remembering what he just witnessed or experienced.

Primis: Do you still want me to show you proof?

Albedo: .........No.

Saying, he put some strength in his legs and stood up. Still, he was no longer as calm as he was most of the time.

Albedo: So, that's why you---I mean Mondstadt need my help. To fight against those creatures.

Primis: I hope you know the reason why I gave you the memories and experience of your future self before his demise.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Albedo put one hand on his chin and concluded.

Albedo: Um. Before dying my future-self did a lot of study on these creatures. Everything he discover is in my head now. Using that knowledge and the time we have left, I may be able to make some things that can help us cope against those creatures. But...…I don't that's enough.

Pausing here, he raised his head and looked at Primis before asking.

Albedo: I won't ask who are you exactly because I have a feeling you won't answer. So, let me ask this. How much are Mondstadt chances of surviving this ordeal?

Closing his eyes, Primis gave it some thought before opening them.

Primis: If before Mondstadt chances of survival were zero then now with your new found knowledge and help, it barely reaches 2%.

The Chief Alchemist brows knitted at that.

Albedo: I thought it will at least be 10%. Never expected to be still this low.

Primis: Even if there are not many Knights in Mondstadt, you won't be able to arm all of them in time. Not only that, Knights need to kept on fighting for hours without stop.

Albedo: And as they got tired, they will fall one-by-one. In other words, we will just be delaying the inevitable.

As if realizing something, Albedo opened his mouth.

Albedo: Since you came to me and gave me those memories, this means you have some way we can win, don't you?

Primis: I won't deny that.

Albedo: What is it?

Shaking his head, Primis replied.

Primis: Your work is only this. The rest belongs to others.

Albedo: So, there are more people. Huh. That's good to hear.

Primis: You will all meet them in future. For now, you should focus on only one thing.

Albedo: I understand. Still, I will need many materials for my experiment.

Primis: Just post those requests to the Guild and leave these matters to adventurers.

Albedo: Not a bad idea but it's not that simple. I need a LOT of materials. Every request and reward given to adventurers require money. I won't be able to gather that much mora even if I empty myself.

Primis: Why are worrying about it? The Knights of Favonius will be the one paying for it since it's not just your problem but the entire Mondstadt survival is at stake.

Albedo: That's true. But I also want to help.

"Won't he be helping enough by this creation?"

Primis: Suit yourselves.

Said Primis as he didn't bother trying to change Albedo mind. It's his money, he can do whatever he wanted with it.

Albedo: By the way, have other also got the memories of their future self.

Primis: No. Now is not the time. Let them solve Stormterror problem first.

Albedo: I understand. Though, I think it will be better if they learn about it sooner than later.

Primis: I think otherwise though.

Albedo: Oh?

As he looked at Primis in confusion, a force hit Albedo from behind and threw him away.

Sucrose: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Suddenly Sucrose let out a terrifying wail before elemental power burst out of her, hitting Albedo since he was the closest to her.


He rolled on the ground for a second before stabilizing himself. In the next second, his eyes widened as he saw his assistant kneeling on the ground while hugging her shaking body. Tears were streaming down from her cheeks non-stop.

While he was still shocked at this, Primis words resounded.

Primis: That's why I didn't make others recover the memories of their past self yet. Not everyone is as strong as you who can somehow collected themselves. For most people, witnessing and experiencing their death break them.

Saying this Primis slowly approached Sucrose. The elemental power around her didn't do anything to him.

Once in front, he crouched down and started patting her head and caressing her dog ears. She shivered at little at his touch but slowly by slowly she started to calm as wind around her started to die down.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at Primis for a second before darkness swallowed her and she fell unconscious.


Standing up, Primis looked at the dog-girl on the ground before turning to Albedo who had made his way to him.

Primis: As for why I made her recover her memories----

Albedo: Because we are pressing for time.

Primis: Um. As a head alchemist she can help in other things.

The blond-haired nodded his head and Primis glanced at Makoto who took out a piece of paper and a pencil before walking over.

Primis: Tell me the list of the materials you need. I will submit it to the Guild after returning.

At this Albedo started telling them the things he needed for his experiments. Many of them were common and many of them were rare. Some of them could only be acquired by venturing into dangerous places where only Gold or Platinum level Adventurers could survive. Means only those who had completed their fourth and fifth ascension. 

Still, Makoto kept on writing everything without pauses.

A few minutes later.

Albedo: That's all for now.

"You have filled over twenty pages for materials! Yet, you still saying "That's all for now"! Why don't you just ask for Archons treasury!!!"

Along with System's System, Makoto lips were also twitching at the amount Albedo was asking.

'Makoto: I won't be surprise if the entire Knights of Favonius will turn broke after giving the reward money to the adventurers for completing the quests.'

Taking the notes from Makoto, Primis spoke.

Primis: I will deliver it to Guild. You better make your return to Mondstadt as fast as possible so that you can start.

Albedo: Ok.

Next, Primis turned and a gust of wind passed by. When Albedo opened his eyes again, Primis and Makoto were no longer there.

Noticing this Albedo curiosity re-emerged as he wondered how Primis did that. But then he shook his head and decided to not think about it for now since he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Albedo: Let's just hope we will be prepared this time.







--- City of Freedom, Mondstadt ---

Leaving Albedo and Sucrose, Primis and Makoto returned to the Mondstadt.

He didn't bother hiding himself and directly entered the city from the gate completely ignoring the disdainful gaze that the Knights there giving him.

Makoto narrowed her eyes at this but remained silent.

Once inside even more such gazes were pointing at him. Some were of disgust, some were of disdain, some were of scorn, some were even of contempt.

Every local and guards had same look on their face. Even children were looking at him from distance while their mothers or parents were telling them to stay away from Primis like he was some kind of plague.

This made Makoto frowned.

'Makoto: Why are they behaving like this? I don't remember Lord doing anything bad to them.'

"Stopping giving such eyes to Lord or I will gouge them out!! Puny Humans!!!"

While Makoto was only thinking in her mind, System's Spirit was more furious.

Primis, on the other hand remained calm and disregard these people as if they were some airs. Like he gave a damn about what these mortals think about him.

Ascending the stairs, he reached the plaza where fountain was before moving his head to the side. There he saw the Guild stall and walked there.

Katheryne of course noticed Primis. At first, the same cold gaze flashed in her eyes like other residents. But then when she gave a deep look to him, her movements stopped.

In the next second, it was as if all the color drained from her face and her body started trembling. A deep fear and dread gripped her heart which should be basically impossible. She lowered her eyes trying not to meet Primis gaze.

Of course, this didn't escape Primis as he raised one of his brows.

Primis: Hmmmm. It seems you know me.

Katheryne: Y-Y-Y- Y-Y-Y- Y-Y-Yes......…I d-d-d-do. Your E-E-E-Excellency...............…T-T-The C-C-Crimson M-M-M-M-M-Moon.

She spoke the last three words in a mosquito voice. Though it was still heard by Primis and Makoto who was surprised.

Makoto: I thought only the people of Inazuma knew about Lord's identity.

Primis: Since you and your sisters stationed in other nations are android. You must have a way to share information with each other.

Katheryne: ...............…U-U-Um.

Primis: Did you tell anyone else about my identity?

Katheryne: I-I-I-I mean…. W-W-We don't d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-dare.

Primis: I see.

He then took out the pages and gave it to her.

Primis: Post this request on your guild board and mark them as urgent. Knights of Favonius will be the one responsible for the reward.

Katheryne: I u-u-u-u-understand.

Primis gave her one more glance as she took the papers in her trembling hands before leaving. He knew if he stayed anymore, this little android might just cry or self-destruct.

Only when Primis disappeared from her sight, Katheryne let go of her breath and stumped back on her seat. To her it was as if death spared her.

She then took a few more minutes to calm herself and muttered under her breath.

Katheryne: I don't know what enmity you have against Your Excellency, Yuuya..................But your actions will most probably be the death of all of us.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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