
Volume 4 - Chapter 33(Till we meet again(Part 4))


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.



Puck: This guy, I really wanted to beat him for kissing Lia, but his last words stopped me.

Said Puck while looking at the closed door before sighing. Then he turned towards the direction of sleeping Emilia and Rem and spoke.

Puck: Are you guys really don't want to talk to him one last time?

Hearing this, Emilia and Rem opened their eyes and raised their bodies before also looking at the closed door.

Emilia: It's ok. Didn't he say he will return.

Rem: Um. We will just wait for him.

Puck: You girls. *sigh* Anyway, you both heard what he said didn't he?

Emilia: Um. I will obey what he said and won't the Mansion for the next three months.

Rem: I don't know whether I could do the same because I am still Master Roswaal maid. If he ordered, I must obey him.

Puck: Leave this to me. I will do something about it.

Rem: Thank you.

Puck: No issue. I already promised him to do so.

At this time, Emilia touched her lips and became beet red when she remembered the kiss Primis gave her.

'Emilia: H-He kissed m-me. D-Didn't this m-m-m-m-m-mean----'

Puck: By the way, what is in both of your hands?

Rem: This. Well...

Emilia: It's a secret.

Rem: Yes.

Both smiled brightly at this. Puck became confused at this.








[Is that really, ok?]

'Primis: Yes. Parting is always difficult.'

[Indeed. But why did you all sudden decide to leave the world? You didn't even tell me about it.]

'Primis: Something urgent came up.'

[What is it?]

'Primis: Before that, what is it that you wanted to tell me before?'


'Primis: Great. I also have a very big BAD news.'


'Primis: ......…'


'Primis: ......…'


'Primis: ......…'


'Primis: Yes.'


'Primis: What is the good news?'

[O-Oh, y-yeah. Check your s-status.]

Twilight had lost all her enthusiasm by now. Since Primis said it's bad news then it can't be a small matter.

Bringing his Status Window in front, Primis couldn't but become suprised.








Template 2: Planar Lord


Name: Primis Rigla

Age: 19(More than Billions of years)


Existence Level: 2


-> Stats (updated)

-> Main Skills

-> Equipment





Level 6

Strength: SS

Endurance: SS

Dexterity: SS

Agility: SS

Zenith: SS


Current Level: 1,200

Overall: 16,200

Empowerment: 22,680

Equipment: 28,680

Grandmaster: 31,680

Zenith State: 57,600







'Primis: Level 6? How?'

[You see "The Black Swordsman" is your main form. In "Planar Lord" form, you were just removing the restriction to reach the same level. So, here's the question. Where does the Excelia you gained all this time go?]

'Primis: ...…To my "The Black Swordsman" form.'

[Bingo. As a result, even if you are "Planar Lord", your "The Black Swordsman" form is also becoming stronger. This is one of the good news.]

'Primis: This still didn't make sense. I barely reached Level 5 in my "The Black Swordsman" form. How could my "Planar Lord" form surpass it.'

[That's the second good news. You have reached Level 8 in your "The Black Swordsman" form.]

'Primis: N-No way.'

Primis then hurriedly checked his "The Black Swordsman" template and confirmed what Twilight was saying.

'Primis: This is even more impossible. How could I skip three levels just like that with 5x penalty that I am facing?'

[That's the third good news. You see, because of the method you told the Wills of the Worlds to face their predicament, they gave some sort of blessing to you. According to this blessing, you will gain 5x more Excelia now.]

'Primis: I see. This makes sense now. 5x penalty and 5x boost, they both cancelled out each other.'

[Correct. And since you were fighting Darkrai whose strength had reached Level 12 Pseudo-God while being at Level 2, you gained a lot of Excelia which made you reach Level 8 in one go.]

'Primis: Good.'

[Now for the fourth good news. Check Darkrai status.]

'Primis: Oh.'

Bringing Darkrai status window in front, Primis narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: So, I was right. 'It' really does get removed.'

[It was unexpected. 'It' must have been destroyed when Darkrai was facing the avatar of Dialga and Palkia.]

'Primis: Um. You're right. After all, Darkrai did die once that time.'

[That must be catalyst of 'it' being destroyed.]


Name: Darkrai

Status: Suppressed

Type: Dark

Gender: Genderless


Trainer: Primis Rigla







Attack: 13,500

Defense: 13,500

Special Attack: 20,250

Special Defense: 13,500

Speed: 18,750





· Bad dreams





· Dark

o Nasty Plot

o Sucker Punch

o Dark Pulse

o Dark Void


· Psychic

o Calm Mind

o Hypnosis

o Psychic

o Dream Eater


· Ghost

o Shadow Sneak

o Shadow Ball

o Shadow Claw

o Hex


'Primis: Level 21 Pseudo-God. Huh.'

[Yeah. Only when 'it' was destroyed, could a Pokémon strength go beyond Level 10.]

Nodding his head, Primis turned and looked at his shadow.

Primis: How are feeling, Darkrai?

As if answering Primis, a bright blue eye opened in his shadow. Next, the Shadow rose and started taking shape. A second later, Darkrai could be seen standing in front of Primis.

<< Darkrai: Better. No, best is the perfect way to describe it. Looks like after the connection with Master, all the restrictions on me have been removed. >>

<< Primis: It appears so. Though I never expected you to be this strong. >>

<< Darkrai: I can say the same for you, Master. Through the connection I can now tell how much stronger you are. My instincts are warning me that even the current me is not your match. >>

Primis chuckled hearing this.

<< Primis: Not all but yes. Some of the restrictions have been removed. >>

<< Darkrai: *sigh* You really are something, Master. I really wonder how much stronger you will be once all the restrictions on you are removed. >>

<< Primis: You will know. Anyway, let's talk later. We are pressing for time right now. >>

<< Darkrai: Are we going somewhere, Master? >>

<< Primis: Yes. To another World. I will tell you the details later. >>

<< Darkrai: Ok, Master. >>


Saying this, Darkrai hurriedly returned into Primis shadow.

'Primis: Next.'

[Oh. It's the last good news. Beatrice became a lot stronger all of the sudden.]

'Primis: I know about that. I am the one responsible for it.'

[What? Really?]

'Primis: Yes.'

Waving his hand, Primis brought a new window in front of him.








Name: Beatrice

Age: 4,990 years old

Type: Artificial Spirit


-> Stats

-> Skills

-> Equipment





Level 8

Strength: 8,000

Endurance: 24,000

Dexterity: 12,000

Agility: 12,000

C. Magic: 24,000


Skills: 3(max.)

• Yin Magic I: SS

• Water Magic I: SS

• Wind Magic I: SS



• Wisdom Dress





Wisdom Dress


Type: Armor (Dress)

Rank: I

C. Magic: 8,000

Defense: 8,000


Soul bound: Beatrice



Indestructible: EX

Yin Mastery: SS

Water Mastery: SS

Wind Mastery: SS

Yin Immunity: SS

Water Immunity: SS

Wind Immunity: SS

Damage Reduction: SS







'Primis: Good.'

[Now tell me, what is this very big BAD news?]

Then Primis recounted the conversation he had with Kyubey in his dream to Twilight. Hearing this Twilight became silent before......


'Primis: Stop shouting in my head.'

[*cough* *cough*. Sorry. I just never expected it to be this grand. To think we will be going to one of the top Worlds of this Group this soon.]

'Primis: Don't worry. Feelings are mutual.'

[*sigh* What a pain.]

'Primis: True.'

They both became silent for the rest of the way.

Finally, after reaching the destination, Primis entered the door and went in.

<< Celebi: MASTER!!!!!!!!! >>

Celebi, who was playing with Beatrice in the Forbidden Library all this time, directly charged into Primis embrace after seeing him. Primis' expressions became gentle as he started patting Celebi's head.

<< Celebi: I was very worried about you, Master. >>

<< Primis: I know. Thank you. >>

<< Celebi: Ehehe~ >>

<< Primis: By the way, I have good news for you. >>

<< Celebi: Good news? What is it? >>

<< Primis: In 40 minutes, we are leaving for the world where Mew is right now. >>

<< Celebi: REALLY!!!!! >>

<< Primis: Yes. So, for now return to the "Pet" world and rest. Because there will be a lot of fighting where we are going against the people who wanted to capture Mew. >>

Celebi expression turned serious as it nodded its head before being sent to the "Pet" World. Once done, Primis turned his gaze at Beatrice who was looking at him with smile. Beatrice became even more beautiful than before. However, that's not what attracted Primis' attention. It was her eyes who had a lot of confidence, experience, and wisdom compared to before.

[I had a premotion when I saw her age which was almost reaching 5,000 years compared of 400 something years before. As well as her Skills ranks. But now, I am certain. You used "Tsukuyomi" on her.]

'Primis: Yes.'

Saying this, Primis approached Beatrice.

Primis: Looks like you succeed, Bett----

Though before he could continue, Beatrice also jumped into Primis embrace.

Beatrice: I really missed you a lot, Big Brother.

Primis smiled a little hearing this as he kept on caressing her head and back.

Primis: It must have been difficult for you.

Beatrice: Um. But I didn't let you down.

Primis: Yes, you didn't. Well done.

They both remained like this for five minutes, before Beatrice separated. Patting her head, Primis spoke.

Primis: I have something to do here which will require me at 5-10 Minutes. Will you do something for me until then?

Beatrice: What is it? Betty will do anything for Big Brother.

Smiling, Primis replied.

Primis: It's not that difficult. Do you know the cliff from where Subaru jumped and killed himself in the previous loop?

Beatrice: Um.

Primis: Bring Reinhard along with you and wait for me there.

Beatrice: The Sword Saint which is staying?

Primis: Yes. Will you, do it?

Beatrice: YES!!!

Shouted Beatrice with a huge smile before she left the Forbidden Library while waving at Primis. Primis also waved back in response.


Once the door closed, the smile on Primis' face vanished as he looked all around the Forbidden Library.

'Primis: Now, the next thing.'

Closing his eyes, Primis released his Zenith which covered everything in the room.

Few Seconds later, he opened his eyes. This time, his surroundings were completely different. No matter where one looked, the only thing that they could see was the spacious grassland with no end. Above there was a bright blue sky with luscious clouds.

While Primis was looking at the clouds, he heard a voice behind.

???: To think you would be able to enter this realm of mine of your own accord. You are making me even more curious about you.

Looking back, Primis saw a white-haired woman sitting near a circular table with a set of teacups on it and with an Umbrella. She then waved her hand and a new chair appeared, most likely for him.

???: Why don't we have a chat while having tea?

Primis: I would have accepted it the other time but not now since I am pressing for time.

???: Oh. Is that so.

Primis: Yes. So, let's make it quick.

???: What do you want to ask?

Primis: I have a proposal.

???: A proposal?

Primis: Not just you. But all of you, "Witches of Sin".

Saying this, Primis released his Zenith which astonished the White-Haired woman since in this Realm without her permission no one can use any sort of power, yet Primis was doing it. This led to her curiosity for Primis intensified.

After releasing Zenith, five more people appeared. Ignoring their surprised expression, Primis turned his head to the side again.

Primis: Are you going to join us too, Satella?

Once Primis said that the place he was looking at turned dark and someone in blackish purple clothes could be seen walking towards them.








Closing the door of the empty room which was once called "The Forbidden Library", Primis started walking down the hallway towards the entrance of the Mansion since all his work here was done.

While walking, he glanced at the prompts to the side.




[A new pocket world, "Multiverse Library" has been created.]


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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