
Volume 3 - Chapter 30(Elite Seven)


*A/N: This is 1/2 bonus chapter of last month. The second one will be released in an hour or two.


Returning to "Akame ga Kill" World, Primis appeared in the sky. Right above Bill's place. Or where Kurome was currently residing. Looking in front, he could see sun rising from the Horizon. While he was looking at the dawn, Ophis appeared on his left shoulder. In the next second, Sheng Ming and Ais also appeared behind.

Sheng Ming & Ais: Husband/My Lord.

Primis: Um. How is everything, Ais?

Ais: Fine so far. Though Kurome became sad when she woke up and didn't see you.

Primis: ............…I will make up for her later.

Nodding her head, Ais smiled.

Primis: What about you, Sheng Ming?

Frowning a little, Sheng Ming spoke.

Sheng Ming: Husband, overnight the Death Aura around this place increased.

Hearing this, Primis looked down. Since he had just returned, it will take a minute or two for his Elemental-Sight to provide him with all the information. It can be done in an instant if he wanted but that time it will be like how someone gave you the whole book all of sudden. He will still need to spend some time to read and sort it out. On the other hand, by taking time, instead of receiving the whole book, he was receiving it page-by-page. Using this method might take time, but on the contrary, he could read every page he received before it became the whole book.

Sheng Ming: Husband. This Death Aura is the same as I felt in capital. But stronger.

Primis: It's because in the Capital this aura was released by living people. Here it is released by dead ones.

Sheng Ming expression became serious.

Sheng Ming: When I was with Little Kurome, I suddenly sensed a spiked increased of death aura. I wanted to check it, but since I didn't want to leave Little Kurome, I didn't. Husband, this is not normal.

Primis: I know.

Ais: My Lord, Sister Sheng Ming, what is Death Aura?

Sheng Ming: That's----

Ophis: Magic, Qi, Ki, Aura and so on are just raw forms of power.

Before Sheng Ming could say anything, Ophis interrupted and spoke. This attracted the attention of both Sheng Ming and Ais while Primis just smiled. Ophis then raised one of her hands and magic gathered in it.

Ophis: This is raw magic. Which is also called the basic or raw form of power. Now if you take it to the next level by changing its properties.


Ophis: It turned to fire. Which you also called Fire Magic. Change it again.


Ophis: It turned to Ice. Which you called Ice Magic. Change it once again.


Ophis: It turned to wind. Which is called Wind magic. The one you use.

Looking seriously at the magic in Ophis' hand, Ais nodded.

Ophis: There are many forms aside from them. Like water, earth, thunder, light, darkness, and so on. Just like that there exists Life and Death Magic. They are of a higher level.

Ais: The one that Sister Sheng Ming uses.

Ais glanced at Sheng Ming, who nodded in response.

Ophis: Same is the case with other things. If there is Fire Magic, Ice Magic, Wind Magic then there will for sure be Fire Qi, Ice Qi, Wind Qi. The same will be applied to Aura. There will be Fire Aura, Ice Aura, Wind Aura.

Ais: Same types but different form of powers.

Ophis: Mn. The difference between them is that not everyone can use magic. Not all can use Qi either. However, Aura is different.

Ais: How so?

Primis: Because almost every living being has Aura.

Ais: Everyone?

Primis: Yes. Even if they can't use it since they don't have much knowledge about it, they all still have it. And once someone died, this very aura turned into Death Aura which is being released by their bodies.

Ophis: However, with time, this very Death Aura dissipated.

Ais: How long will it take to dissipate, Eldest Sister?

Ophis: A week.

Ais: A week. Huh.

Primis: But the situation is different here.

Ais: How?

Primis: The Death Aura released by these dead ones are stronger.

Sheng Ming: About 10-20 times.

Ais: How could this be? 10-20 times. Didn't this mean it will take at least 70-140 days for it to disappear?

Primis: Yes. Anyway, let it be for now. We will investigate more about it later.

'Primis: I don't plan to interfere with them for now. Let them be. Soon or later, these Invaders will for sure collide with each other. That I will just enjoy the opening act before the main theme.'

Ais: Will Kurome be fine?

Primis: She will be.

Saying this, Primis glanced at Sheng Ming who smiled before replying.

Sheng Ming: I have already given my blessing to Little Kurome. So, that Death Aura won't be able to do anything to her.

Primis: Good.

Hearing this, Ais took a sigh of relief.

Primis: What about you, Ophis?

Ophis: Her Sister is not doing good.

Raising one of his brows, Primis asked.

Primis: Akame.

Ophis: Mn. Ever since she separated from her little sister, her heart has been in distress. She is panicking inwardly. Her mental condition is not good. You better meet her soon.

Primis: .........

Primis' expression became serious as he nodded.

'Primis: In plot, when both sisters got separated, they had been told that they can meet each other if they follow orders and became strong. That was their hope. However, things are different now. Experience the might of "Edward Teach" and knowing the difference in strength when I told Akame about "Leveling System" really affected her a lot. She must have realized that even if absorbs all of Gozuki's teaching, she will still be nothing in "Edward Teach" eyes. This must have given the birth of distress in her heart. I need to meet her before her mentally collapsed.'

Waving his hand, the space ripped, and our old familiar abyssal black vortex appeared. One-by-one they stepped into it before it disappeared.




Several kilometres away from Bill's place, there's a group of mountains called Rousei Mountains. You can see a good amount of vegetation all over these mountains. Along with that there were many small rivers and of course, danger beasts. In one of the deserted parts of the mountain, there was a house. If you looked carefully, you would realize that this house was just built recently. About 2-3 months ago. The smell of cement, brick, and so on still lingered around.

Still, instead of calling it house, it would be better to call it a hideout. Hideout of "Elite Seven" and their instructor Gozuki. At this time, in a room, four girls could be seen chatting with each other.

One of the girls have long blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a long white shirt with black pants and shoes. She also wore silver hoop earrings. She's a sharp, cheerful and determined young woman, girl who called Gozuki "Daddy" while everyone else called him "Father". According to the plot, she will be considered the "big sister" of this group. Her name was Cornelia.

Next girl has green eyes and long, auburn hair worn in a ponytail and decorated with a few hairpins. She could be seen wearing a tank top along with Yocto-bottoms, which took the form of leggings with a belt and ankle bands. She walked barefoot. She's cheerful, straightforward, and somewhat dimwitted, taking Gozuki's advice of "use your head" literally meant as smashing her head onto her opponent. Her name was Poney.

The third one was the girl with amber eyes and short light brown hair. She also has a curvaceous figure. She was wearing brown and white dresses and brown boots. She was a kind and considerate girl who deeply cared about the members of the Elite Seven. Her name was Tsukushi.

The fourth and last one was of course Akame.

Currently, these girls were talking among themselves. To be more exact, Cornelia, Poney, and Tsukushi were the ones talking while Akame was only listening. They tried many times to make Akame join their conversation, but to no vail. Akame remained silent all the time. Witnessing this, they couldn't help but sigh.

It's been almost four days since they were brought here after Gifnora Forest incident. As survivors, they of course didn't trust each other at the beginning. Still, their "Father" Gozuki ordered them to spend time together and get along with each other because in the future you all will be a team who can trust their back to each other. As a result, slowly by slowly, they all started to open up. Still, there was one exception, Akame.

Ever since they came here, Akame barely said a word and remained silent most of the time. It felt as if she had created a wall between them. Remembering how Gozuki told them that Akame got separated from her little sister, they all sympathized with her. Hence, they didn't mind Akame's indifference thinking it was because she was missing her little sister.

Cornelia: Akame, don't worry. You will meet your sister soon.

Akame: *nod*.

Poney: Akame, do you want to eat something?

Akmae: *nod*.

Poney: Do you want to eat meat or something sweet?

Akame: *nod*

Poney: So, meat, is it.

Akame: *nod*

Tsukushi: No. I am sure she means something sweet.

Akame: *nod*

Poney: No. I think she means juicy and spicy meat.

Akame: *nod*

Cornelia: ............…Akame. Can I eat your portion of food too?

Akame: *nod*

Cornelia: ......

Poney: ......…

Tsukushi: ......

Seeing this reaction, they finally understood that Akame was not even listening to what they were saying and was just nodding her head.


At this moment, the door of the room opened, and three boys walked in.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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