
24: Meeting An Old Pal

Procrastination hit me hard...


{Shinji POV}

Hmm... 6:23 a.m... I still have time to see Scotus then!

I haven't seen him for a few weeks... God, I'm such a bad owner...

I wonder... Will Ty let me take him out of the Pets Facility now?

Well, only one way to find out!


After a few minutes of walking, I finally arrived at an establishment.

From an Aerial View, it would probably be the size of a football field.

It was called "Elysium" and the pets of almost all the students stayed here.

Some parts were open, some were enclosed, some parts were hot or cold, and so on.

Approaching the establishment, I see a tan-skinned man guarding the doors.

"Wassup, Ty!" I greet him loudly.

"Hey, Shinji. Haven't been seeing you for the past few weeks! Where've you been?" he asks me energetically.

"Well, so many new students wanted to come to see the strongest student for themselves, I didn't have the time to visit," I answered proudly because it was all true!

"Eh. Gonna have to come up with a better reason than that man, but I ain't yo mama so I don't care. Anyway, say hi to your bird for me." he replies, opening the door with a swipe of a card.

"That's why you're my man, Ty!"

"Oh, by the way, birds are out of their enclosures so be careful," he warns me.

"Oh? Wait! Can I take Scotus outside?" I ask him.

"I mean, yeah if you want to. So many kids have already taken their pets outside... Just, don't leave your bird's droppings anywhere."


After that, I go inside, and immediately two birds rush toward me.

"Scree!" declared the eagles from atop of a tree.

{[Get away from our nestings!!!} I hear using one of my Force Controls.

I was about to form a shield but a deep sound resounded in the facility.



The eagles, frightened, returned to the trees.

Looking around, I see that it was from my badass bird. His wings were stretched out, making him look more intimidating with his size.

"There you are, bud! I missed you!"

Scotus flew towards me, and I opened my arms because I thought he was going to hug me...

But the bastard suddenly headbutted my chest!

"Fuck!" I shout but he just glares at me more intensely.

"Yeah yeah I deserve that for not visiting you for weeks. I'm sorry, alright?"


{[Hmph.]} pouted the bird, facing sideways.

"Aw, come on! I really am sorry! Okay, for my apology, I'm gonna take you outside. D'ya like that?"

Damn! He spent so much time with Subin in Summer, that he mimicked her Tsundere-ness!


{[Hm, fine.]}

"Alright! Now, let's go."


After saying goodbye to Ty the man, we walked, well I walked, Scotus flew. We looked for Erza and eventually found her sitting on a bench near a fountain.

"Hey, Erza," I call out to her.

"Hm? Oh, Shinji! Good morning!" she greets with a smile.

Looks like she's getting better...

"Hey, we're going to have a party this Saturday, wanna come?" I ask her.

"Of course! Thank you for inviting me!" Erza smiles brightly.

"Oh, is that your animal companion, Shinji?" she asked me once she notices the bird flying above us.

"Yep! I'm sure you remember Scotus."


"Ah! He has increased in size." marveled the girl.


After a few minutes of chatting with Erza, Scotus and I left to go eat breakfast.

"So what do you want to eat, matey?"

"Scree~" he replied, which loosely translates to {[I wanna eat worms... Be right back!]}

Scotus takes off and I go inside the Cafeteria.


If Americans have Thanksgiving, we have Chuseok. And when we celebrate it, you know what I'm gonna be thankful for?

I'm gonna be freaking thankful for delicious Cafeteria Food, bro.

From what I remember from my past life, the cafeteria food sucked ass.


"*Yawn* 3 orders of steak please." said a dark-brown-skinned, muscular student.

What a fucking glutton. Well... I guess if he has to maintain that Muscle Mass...


After getting my meal, I sit at a table.

I take a bite from my scrambled eggs, but I suddenly hear a loud voice resound in the whole area.

"Hey, Shinji! Why didn't you wake us up!?"

"Keep your voice down, you idiot! It's still morning and you're already shouting!" I shout at him.

"HUHHH, you're shouting too, idiot-!"

"Guys... Please, shut up... You're too loud... And someone else is complaining..." said a timid voice.


More time passes and it's finally time for our First Subject, Ability Theory.

In my first year, even though we didn't really focus on it that much, it still helped me incorporate several Force Control with each other...

It's also what led me to discover what I call, my "Control Limit"...

I had just obtained the Camoflague Ability, and like the idiot I was, I wanted to use every single Ability I had gained. All at once.


{A few months ago...}

Hmm~ I wonder how cool I'd look if I use every single Ability I've gained over the past few years?

Heh. Just imagining it. Me, levitating, ice, water, and fire floating around. That would look cool AF!



{General POV}

Shinji arrived at the Training Grounds and seeing nobody else there, he smirked smugly and immediately started levitating.

"Alright, Gyrokinesis is done..."

The boy then closed his eyes and small icicles were summoned into the surroundings.

He then raised both of his hands and water started forming around his hand. And, after a few struggling moments, fire danced around his hand as well while sweat formed on his forehead.

But, suddenly, the boy widened his eyes in pain as blood gushed out of his nose.


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If any of you guys are complaining, this is not a nerf... I think...

Wait... Is it..?

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