
Chapter 97

If there's a mistake, I'll fix it later. Wow, brain getting fried lol.


Having lost the strength in her legs, Koala fell down.

"Ha... ha..." Her chest inflated and deflated, reflecting the intensity behind Smoker and Blaise's battle. Slowly, a smile found its way onto her face, and she exclaimed, "...Smoker won!"

On the screen, there stood the man covered by the cape of gray smoke, Smoker, staring down at the sea that has calmed down. Though they were far away from the battlefield, all the spectators in the Sabaody Archipelago felt goosebumps making their way onto their skins, unable to believe that someone who's managed to reach the rank of an Admiral was defeated.

"On this day..."

One man, holding a note and a pen, gulped,

"...Many things happened for the Marine. The war against the Whitebeard pirates, the war against the Beast pirates, and the broadcast of the battle between 'White Hunter' Smoker and 'Seidohebi' Blaise. Many questions will be raised, and these events will thoroughly be examined by the analysts. However, one imminent question that must be asked at the current moment is... whose victory is this? Is Smoker on the side of the Marine, or is he the pirate as of the current moment?"

People murmured among themselves. Some asked if the war was over and if they could return to their daily lives. Some asked what will happen to Smoker now, if he'll be sent back to the Impel Down. And some asked, what stance the World Government will take in regard to the appearance of 'CP0 Chief' in the depth of the Impel Down.

Nonetheless, one thing was for sure. Upon witnessing the so-called criminal's victory, people found smiles on their faces.

"...You really did it-dara."

Meanwhile, at the edge of the Grove, Bastille whispered in a shaky tone as he placed the mask back on.

Throughout the years, there were many losses. Dalmatian, Masterson, Cancer... and today, Bastille subconsciously wondered if Smoker's turn has come. In a way, Bastille believed—that Smoker broke the jinx, that he's shown that the current generation of Marine wasn't helpless against the tide of the world.

Feeling an inexplicable surge of emotion in him, Bastille mumbled,

"So, Chief of CP0 was the former Admiral, eh."

Back then, Martini pirates assaulted the ship containing Dalmatian, Masterson, Maynard, and him—after they were tired from the fight against Sasaki pirates. The location, the route of return, their conditions... Bastille questioned for years, of how Martini pirates managed to strike them at the perfect timing. And coincidentally, Sengoku, Garp, Sakazuki, Borsalino, Hanazumi—all the top powers of the Marine were away to the New World, and Blaise was tasked with defending the Marineford.


Holding his head in a headache, Bastille placed his other hand on a nearby bark to support his weight. Then he laughed—out of sorrow that burst out of him.


He, raising his head up to the sky, roared,



<<The new batch of agents is ready to be sent, however, the arrival will be far too late by then! We humbly request the aid of Warper!>>

<<G-1 requires immediate help! Though Admiral Sakazuki managed to withstand Kaidou's attack, A-Admiral Hanazumi seems to have fallen into a critical state!>>

<<Something is strange, dear Elders! Upon closer inspection of Whitey Bay's head, we suspect of chance that she may not be the real one at all! If so, this explains why the Whitebeard pirates decided to retreat... but still, we're in the process of certifying this possibility!>>

In dark expressions, the elders stood without any movement, bombarded with the sudden influx of information from everywhere.


<<...Hey~ this is Tokikake, and I'm currently speaking in secrecy. If you are on board, you probably witnessed that jacket man's defeat, and, eh, Sengoku, Garp, and Tsuru all seem to be siding with Smoker, ya know?>>

One among them looked at a Proko—the Den Den Mushi that displayed the visual information transmitted from Cameko. The gray cape of smoke, unusually gray-coloured hair, and the mystical ability to control the weather to his liking...

"It's as if..." One elder growled, "...That fruit is meant to mimic the power of a god!"

"And the only fruit that we're aware of in that regard... is Human Human fruit, model: Nika...!"

"Does that mean Smoke Smoke fruit too was a fruit of the same nature?! That it was given a secondary name to hide the danger behind its awakening?!"

It was a complete mayhem. Not only did the very existence of Smoker threaten the identity of Marine, but the potential of his fruit implied how dangerous he is strength-wise—especially when combined with the past achievements he's accomplished. And, if Blaise, the 'Chief' of CP0 wasn't sufficient enough to kill him off, if one of the highest power in the World Government lacked short against him, then...

"...But still," One elder mumbled, "Sengoku, Garp, Tsuru—they are far too valuable to lose. Can Marine without them still be called Marine? Without the symbol of justice, civilians' trust in the organization will diminish, and the lack of faith is ultimately equivalent to the rise of more pirates like the pests that they are... the case will leave out hands."

Another elder, gazing down with sunken eyes, finally said,

"...Let us talk to him, Tokikake."


Smoker was found looking up to the sky as the gray cape on his back fluttered.


The smoke cape dispersed, and his gray-coloured hair returned back to its original white. All that remained with him was the outfit of a prisoner, drenched in that of blood.

'...How long has it been since I was basked under the sunlight?'

Closing his eyes, Smoker took in a deep breath. The sun's rays brightly shone over his floating form as it stood halfway to crossing the horizon. Tired without an ounce of strength, Smoker found it difficult to maintain himself floating in the air. However, he withstood the exhaustion and slowly made his way back to the deck of the Marine Warship situated by Hina, Gion, Aramaki, and more.

"Smoker..." As Gion stared at him with widened eyes, and Hina exhibited that of worry, Smoker locked his eyes at the front—where numerous Marine ships were spread out.

"Huff... huff..." Calming his breathing down, Smoker sat down on the deck. Though his form was full of sweat and blood, his eyes, still holding the brilliant gleam in them, swept across numerous marines on the ships ahead of him.


From one ship, the short man in brown-coloured attire and hat—Tokikake—stepped forth. From his side, one marine soldier came up with the Den Den Mushi in his grasp. Placing it down on the rail, he then held a speaker in front of its mouth, allowing the voice of the call's receiver to be heard throughout the entire area,

<<Former Vice Admiral Smoker.>>


There was no doubt. The receiver—no, receivers of the call from the other side, were none other than the Five Elders themselves.

<<...You've given us a great deal of trouble up until now.>> The Den Den Mushi frowned, <<Defeat of Martini pirates, coaxing fellow marines to stray from the organization, harming Vice Admiral Bayard, Tensei, and Onigumo, and now... wrecking the entire Impel Down into ruins and killing off one of the world's most valuable assets... by no means are you on the side of the justice.>>


Smoker believed that he now stood at the most crucial step of the plan. Through a series of coincidental events, the determinations made between him and Sengoku during that day have become the opportunity—one in which the Marine can change from.

His breathing became shaky, facing the rising nervousness in him. His eyes shifted, looking at the legends of the Marine who looked back at him. Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, and even Zephyr... all of them were smiling back at him, as if encouraging him to speak what was in his mind.

And then, a hand was placed on his shoulder. Turning his head around, Smoker saw—Aramaki, though a bloody bandage was wrapped around his torso, grinning right behind him. With Aramaki, there were Hina, Rosinante, Senor Pink, Gion, and even... the kids: Law, Drake, Monet, Sugar, and Baby 5.

So many placed their trust in him. So many believed in him. Smoker's eyes widened in realization and wonder, exhibiting joy. Before he knew, he was vibing with a sudden rush of energy. In addition, the previous nervousness in him was no more.

Therefore, Smoker finally opened his mouth in confidence, with the Cameko behind him still running.

"On the side of justice... you say."

Justice ran down deep through the Marine's veins. Today, Smoker believed that most of the marines didn't care what justice exactly was. They simply followed because of the blind belief that justice was equivalent to righteousness.

"Justice. Such is the word that summarizes the Marine's doctrine, one that all of us followed in order to attain a valid reason behind our doings. Justice... it was because I was against this idea that I was branded a traitor."

The Den Den Mushi next to Tokikake had its eyes narrowed. And then, Smoker said,

"Then, let me ask you. Is ignoring the blatant cases of slavery the justice?"

Peering into the eyes of the Den Den Mushi, Smoker let his mind out. His gaze, directly reaching the Five Elders above, wasn't something that filthy criminals could ever possess.

"Is ignoring the unreasonable and questionable deaths of our comrades the justice?"

Some marines flinched upon that, having resonated with said words. One among them was the burly marine who had a cap shadowing his eyes: Maynard.

"Is ignoring the recruitment of 'criminals,' ones who dealt harm to civilians in many ways, the justice? Is the establishment of Warlord truly the right thing to do?"

Smoker chuckled hollowly. He thought, what was the point of Impel Down if the very owners of the Impel Down are no different from the criminals themselves?

<<And do you believe that you are in a position to be judgmental of said ideal? The question regarding justice is something that arises everyday. Ones filled with biases and subjective claims, processing one's thought in a selfish and contained methodology... there is no validity behind your farfetched words— >>

"January 8th of this year. After having the documents approved, my division and I set sail to the 'Flevance' located in the North Blue, for the purpose of investigating the 'Amber Lead Syndrome.' Strangely enough, my path 'supposedly' overlapped with Martini pirates, one of the Warlords."

<<...!>> The Den Den Mushi's frown deepened, before it refuted, <<'Supposedly' would be an inappropriate word in that context, Smoker. If we were to remind you... it was you who 'actively' pursued after those pirates, not the other way around.>>

"...Hah," Smoker, raising an eyebrow, then let out a dry laughter. Then, he turned his head as he leaned his back on the rail, and asked Hina, "Hina, will you get that picture we've taken?"

"...Sure." Hina, nodding, immediately made her way to the inside of the ship. In a short period of time, she returned back out with several photos in her hands, and displayed them to the Den Den Mushi and the crowd of marines.

Said photos showcased the back of the deceased 'Martini' Hook—where the 'Hoof of the Flying Dragon,' the mark given to slaves of Celestial Dragons, was found. Many marines' eyes immediately widened, not having expected solid evidence to be presented.

"Yo... Smoker brought out the pics of Martini's back," Whispered Tokikake.


"But!!" Then, one Vice Admiral refuted heatedly, "Haven't you dealt with many cases of slavery before?! You should've memorized what the mark looks like! How do we know that that mark wasn't branded by you on the spot?!"

Smoker calmly stated in response, "...I've never seen a single slave or slavery mark in my life. My works involved the prevention of 'civilian'-containing slave ships from reaching the auction shop—such that they will never be branded with the said mark."

"Which ultimately points," Tsuru coldly stated with her eyes closed and arms crossed, "that Martini pirates were indeed the ones who chased after the 31st division under the former Vice Admiral Smoker's command. And in addition... the Martini pirates were 'ordered' by the World Government to do so—given their statuses as slaves."

"And that translates to the World Government actively attempting to 'prevent' my arrival at the Flevance," Summarized Smoker.


"And so,"

As the elders were rendered flabbergasted, Smoker continued,

"One of your own was blatantly targeted by the World Government and branded as a traitor after, and your response wasn't to question the abnormality in this event, but to blindly follow their decisions like mindless dogs. I believe that this is the proof, that 'justice' isn't that of righteousness, but the mere luxury of victors."

Pausing slightly, Smoker waited for the response from the elders. However, even after a while they maintained their silence.

"...Hey, Smoker." Senor Pink, slowly making his way up to Smoker with his entire head wrapped around bandages, took out a book from the inner pocket of his jacket, and threw it at Smoker. Smoker, raising his eyebrow, ignored the stench of a sweat that emanated from the book and flipped it open...


Looking at Senor Pink once more, Smoker grinned in approval, "Well done, Pink."

Tokikake, placing his hand above his eyes, squinted his eyes at the book in Smoker's hands. He whispered into the Den Den Mushi, "Uh... he got a book from his team all of a sudden."

<<Book...? Now, of all times— >>


The voice from the Den Den Mushi was cut immediately, as Smoker stated sternly, reading off of the book.

"February 21st, year 1502. Written by Party P. Ooper—the hell is this name even...?"

Shaking his head and focusing on the context, Smoker resumed,

"Amber Lead was discovered to react with water molecules below 0 degrees Celcius in temperature. Simply put... snow is its worst enemy. Upon contact, it breaks down into a gaseous substance that is colourless and odorless, and the size is small enough to be absorbed through the skin. Though the most amount is excreted through faeces, the small remaining amount manages to enter germ cells via simple diffusion, and cause the increased accumulation of Amber Lead throughout the succeeding generations of patients."

No word was said in response. None, none could be said by the elders.

Party P. Ooper. That was the name of one researcher four years ago, one who attempted to publicize the hazard of Amber Lead and prevent any further extraction. The World Nobles, desiring the Amber Lead for cosmetic uses, however, killed the man off through the act of dispatching Cipher Pol agents; the elders had no way of knowing that Ooper's father, named Bill, was secretly hiding this diary for years since.

Smoker finally said, "Must I speak more, elder, for me to elaborate the 'objectivity' behind my claim regarding justice?"



The elders, unable to maintain their standing position, fell to the couches. They, having seemingly aged by 10 years in appearance, stared at one active Den Den Mushi whose eyes gleamed in a brilliant resolve.


At this point, they wondered what they could do. Their attempt to stitch up the wound has worsened, to an extent where it may be irreparable.

"...Then," One elder, finally sighing, spoke, "what is your condition—"

before abruptly stopping his words.

Tap. Tap.

One figure clad in a long robe and a crown, a man in terms of physique, was walking in a way that spoke gracefulness. His steps generated echoes that rang throughout the room. He, taking steps up to the long staircase behind where the elders were situated, reached one empty throne.

This empty throne, located at the very center of the world, wasn't supposed to have an owner. The fact that it was 'empty' held significance—that peace and equality will be maintained among nations.

But now, this throne has become occupied as this individual casually sat on top of it.

His eyes, exhibiting the crimson colour with thin rings around their irises—just like how Smoker's eyes were upon the utilization of 'Arcane Drive'—peered into the terrified eyes of the elders. And he spoke smoothly,

"Saturn. Mars. Valkyrie. Nusjuro. Peter."

Already having ending the call prior to Imu's statement, the elders immediately genuflected.

"Yes, Imu-sama... please tell us, of what you got to order us."

The room was dark. Though huge in size, it was only occupied by six individuals. The man sitting on the throne, whose name was revealed to be Imu, stated coldly,

"Kill Smoker... at all cost."

There was no hesitation. Simultaneously, the five elders bowed deeper,

"""""As you wish, Imu-sama."""""

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