
Chapter 17

As Einar sat down at the tables, he thought it would be best to study the spells first, as he would need space to study the swordsman technique. He would need to get to the training grounds for those.

The spells did not need room to practice, he could do that right where he was.

The first spell he wanted to look at, was the stamina spell. As he flicked through the book, he found that it was not the most profound book there was, and it would not give a massive boost in stamina. It was a low-level spell after all.

The way this spell worked, was not the way he thought it was. It was basically a manual for mana manipulation. He would use the mana to help him move the limps he needed to move.

For instance, if he wanted to run, he would use the mana as a helping hand for moving the legs, so that he wouldn't have to use as much energy. It was simple, but also quite smart. If you had good mana manipulation, this could give you a great boost.

As he read this, he thought that the speed boost might be the same. It was not though. You would cast a spell of swiftness to your legs, and you would get a massive boost on speed for a few seconds.

He already knew how to manipulate mana, he would train that later. Now he wanted to try and make the spell of swiftness. He tried casting the spell on his leg right away as the spellbook told him to. It failed though, at the last step.

He tried a few times until he got it. It was not a tricky spell or anything, but one still needed a few tries before you can get it right.

As the spell had been cast on his feet, he stood up. He felt himself much lighter. He could barely feel any drag on the feet.

It felt like there was no resistance wherever his feet went, it was an amazing feeling. Now that he had learned the two spells, he was thinking it was time to go out and use these two spells and see what he could do with them.

He went to put the books he had to lend back into their places and moved out to the training area. Unfortunately for him, he could not get the swordsman technique with him.

The first thing he did, was to stand in the middle of the training field. There was barely anyone at this time of the day, as classes had begun.

He cast the spell of swiftness on his feet and started to run around. He could clearly feel his speed had increased, but it was not enough for him.

He then tried to use the mana manipulation for stamina, on top of the spell of swiftness. This did not make him faster, but it made it feel easier to run.

After a while of running around, trying out different things, he thought he could maybe use mana manipulation in a different way. Instead of only helping with stamina, why not use it to move the legs faster?

It was really hard for him though, as he did not have the best mana manipulation. When he tried, he kept putting too much force into the first leg, as he went sliding on the ground before he fell.

"It could work!" This did not discourage him though, this just meant it was possible.

He kept going at it for another hour, in the end, he got the hang of it. His speed was more than 5x as fast, as it was without any spells. The problem was, it used a lot of mana. After each run he made, he had depleted all the mana he had in his body.

Keep in mind, every run lasted for only 9-10 seconds, as that was as long as the spell of swiftness lasted.

"Seems like I need to get more mana!" Einar mumbled to himself. He had found a new problem. He was still smiling though, as he was making a lot of headway.

He kept training his new spells for a few hours, where he kept going from running to meditating. If anyone was watching him, they would think of him as a maniac, since no one liked the feeling of depleting all of their mana.

This training was very effective for him, as his mana storage increased a lot. At the end of the training, he was not completely depleted after one run. He could almost do two runs right after each other now.

What Einar didn't know, was that someone was actually watching him right now. That person was looking at him like he was a maniac, but the person also had an admiring gaze. Someone that could do this kind of training without break, was not a normal person.

You could see that Einar was soaked from sweat. This did not stop Einar though, even if he was tired, he was too emersed in the training to even care.

The person watching Einar at the moment was Ada. She had gone out of her class and gone towards the library. On the way there, she saw that Einar was on the training field, so she decided to look for a little.

She had not expected him to stay there for hours, and she had not thought she would stay and look at him for so long.

'Time to go take a bath!' Einar thought as he looked down himself. He had a big smile on his face, as he was very proud of his progress.

It was at this time he turned around and went to go for his room. He went from the door Ada was standing in, observing him.

He quickly saw Ada standing there, with a little dazed look.

"Oh, hello Ada!" Einar saw her and yelled out with a smile. "What are you doing here?" Einar asked right after, as he thought the students would be in class.

"Hello!" Ada was flustered for a second, as she was thinking about something else. "I was on my way to the library!" She answered his question.

"Oh, I was there early, I was training some spells I got!" Einar said with an excited look.

"Oh, what kind of books!" Ada was curious. With the way he was moving in this training, it looked like something amazing. With the speed boost he got, it had to be some high-tier spell.

"It is the spell of swiftness and mana manipulation!" Einar said, with an earnest look.

Ada was shocked after hearing this. Einar was moving this fast, only using mana manipulation and the spell of swiftness. She knew you could use the mana manipulation to help move the body, but she had never thought of using it the way Einar did.

"Y-You combined those two spells?" Ada was afraid to ask.

"Yeah! What do you think?" Einar was very excited. He asked her of her thoughts.

"I-It is quite unorthodox! Not something a lot of people would think of!" Ada was amazed. Einar was really a genius, there were not a lot of people that could combine spells like that.

"Haha, that is good!" Einar was satisfied with the reply.

"Uhm ... Einar? could you maybe ... possibly ... teach me?" Ada was a little scared of asking, but it was something amazing. She had to ask, she needed speed too, she was an elven archer after all.

"Sure thing! But not right now, I need to go take a bath and relax!" Einar replied as he was quite tired, and he could smell he needed a bath.

"Okay! How about tomorrow after classes?" Ada asked as she wanted to learn this as soon as possible.

"Sure thing, let's meet then!" Einar replied he did not mind training with someone else. "I have to go now, bye Ada!" Einar continued, as he moved to leave.

"See you Einar!" Ada replied as she moved towards the library.

Einar went straight to his room, then he went to take a bath. In the bath, he was thinking about what he had done for training, and what he could do differently.

He felt like his mind was at peace in the bath, which made all of his thoughts much more clear. As he was thinking of the training today, and the spells he had learned, he got a new idea.

'What if I put the spell of swiftness on my sword before I use 'Quick Draw'?' Einar thought. If the spell made all the resistance disappear, it would also make the blade much quicker, and do much more damage.

It was not a bad idea, as he thought that he had to try it out in the training tomorrow after school in the training with Ada.

His bath ended, he got his school uniform and his plans, so now it was time to sleep so he was ready for a long school day the next day.

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