

As we are about to discuss our newest topic I take a quick stock of everyone around me, the king is fairly relaxed, the queen is still glaring at me with her cold emotionless eyes and Kane.....he seemed to be in a food coma, well he's getting old I suppose….

Gideon " so what's wrong with noble freezon? It should be up to code, no violent attacks have happened I'm aware of and honestly it's good for city morale if anything…..how would it be causing you headaches?…."

Maximus just looks at me with a deadpan look as if he couldn't believe how I'm blatantly ignoring the obvious "flaws" in my new little haven, I could imagine what he's going through. But even royalty has no right to tell me who I can and cannot let into my property so I guess he's going to try and make a case for the nobles?

Maximus " listen Gideon....I don't know why you won't let any nobles into your new "town" inside the capital but it's causing all sorts of problems for me, the petitions alone I'm receiving are getting in the way of my daily paperwork….endless pleas to "do something about him"…..the complaints are from every noble in the capital bar a few.... And the noble faction are using this as means to try and suppress the royal faction...my hand is slowly being forced…..maybe we can come to some sort of arrangement to keep the peace?"

Keep the peace? I never took Maximus to just bend over at the slightest sign of trouble with the nobles and their faction of snobby cunts, I just lost a little respect for him... and the queen is trying to put with off with an icy glare still….. that's getting old fast…..as much as I want to respect the royalty to keep things civil this bitch seems set on trying to aggravate me…..

Gideon " I don't see a problem here….tell the cunts to come and find me if they have a problem with how I run my shit...but they won't because they're snivelling little worms who cower under their kings robes because they know if they come to talk to me I'll send them back to their little estates with noses bleeding.....I made noble freezon a place for my people to have a place in the capital and as a sort of test run for my new territory when it forms up….. so it has nothing to do with those pricks....so with all due respect your majesty, either deal with the "letters of complaint" by burning the things and telling them to fuck off or go back to licking their assholes to try and "keep the peace" to a bunch of twits who think to highly of themselves...really...you're the fucking king.... Not some errand boy....and you…."

I turn to look at the ice queen who seemed to be radiating anger and coldness….but seemed to turn into a hint of confusion when I looked her way and spoke.

Gideon " stop with the icy, angry glares you're giving me….I don't appreciate it…..I understand my first impression was less than ideal…. But you don't know me well enough to judge me on that alone...you see that egg as a little saint because of his cuteness...I hope he stays that way for you...but here? He's been harassing my people and my Pokémon since the day he was born and he took it a little far this morning and I was going to punish him for it…..it seemed a little over the top as you see it...but I tried everything with him...and if you didn't take him I'm not sure how long he would have lasted…..some of my Pokémon are…..protective…..so again stop with your little power play glares….. I understand you're royalty, and I've tried to be courteous and polite since the moment you arrived, and you're making it harder than it has to be…..you came out of this whole thing with a purple grade, so maybe show a little gratitude instead of the ice queen act aye?"

Man I get that they are royalty and what ever, but they walk into my home and just start making demands and treating me like shit? Yeah I'm not wearing that, it seems rude of me but I need to nip this off quick so they don't misunderstand my kindness for weakness.

Though I'm friendly with the king, Kane and Leo doesn't mean I'll let them and their family walk all over me…..That's not how I'm playing this game, they gotta understand that this shot won't fly with me….

Everyone in the room seemed to be a little gobsmacked at how I just came back at the royalty swinging…..did they just expect me to take it?

The king looks a little distressed….the queen seemed to get even angrier…..I'll have to sort that shit out properly…..even Kane has risen and is looking at me with a bit of a frown...I'm not a puppet old man, as much as I like you guys I'm not going to take shit like this….

Even Cynthia and Anna seemed to be panicking to my side trying to figure a way to try and smooth this conversation over before it blows up in all our faces, I doubt it will but what ever will be will be…

The king once again seemed to be the one to try and break the tension in the air after a minute of recovery from my verbal assault….

Maximus " yes….well…..maybe we can refocus our conversation here....can you tell me why you don't want nobles in your new area?"

Gideon " because I don't like them…..simple as that... waking around like they aren't constantly trying to take everything from everybody else because they feel they deserve it…. As I said noble freezon is a trail run for me as well as a place for my people in the capital….."

He seemed lost due to my logic….. if it was a matter of money, pride or honour he could maybe talk his way around it but….. it's hard to talk to people like me I'd assume…

Maximus " well fair enough I suppose... would it be to much to ask you to cut back on flaunting the fact that nobles aren't welcome in your areas?"

I have town criers run around the capital to advertise noble freezon…..their shops, pubs and other assorted businesses….I also may or may not have had them tell everyone who would listen that nobles are forbidden from entering….. just spitting in their faces really….

Gideon " I guess I can cut back a little on that…..as long as the nobles don't try to claim now that it's now longer being advertised they should be allowed in…..they would try petty bullshit like that...you know what…..no…..fuck em….I'm going to keep it going...and would you like to know why?"

Maximus "...…why?...."

Gideon " because I know what's going to happen in the near future…..and they need to learn early to save themselves a world of hurt….."

Everyone seemed confused and....a little interested?? To hear what I had to say next…..it's so cliche but it's going to happen…

Gideon " in the near future, some nobles are going to rally against me again, forgetting their past mistakes and making me out to be the villain in their little stories...and when they do, they are going to do something stupid…..like attack me…..and I'm going to retaliate and it's going to hurt them...but they will forget their folly soon enough…. And when they realise they can't hurt me…..they are going to start to plan to hurt my people...they will fail at that as well….. so they are going to scheme in the shadows and drag me down any chance they get...but soon enough an "opportunity" will arise in my setting out to build a territory for myself and they are going to amass their forces to try and deal with me, them thinking that being noble, they will be immune to any real back lash from their actions because I haven't killed any "nobles" before…..but my patience will end…..and when they launch this attack , that will be when it does...and that immunity they think they have will crumble away with a rain and hyper beams trail straight into their family homes and wipes out everything they hold dear…. As my fish and his companions show them how bad they fucked up before they die…..and the rest of the conniving fuckers will run to you and beg for aid claiming to be the victims of an unjustified assault using their "political" bullshit…..and you will try to help them...but they will die all the same...and that will leave you in a rather difficult situation of being stuck between using that situation to strengthen your faction and seeing me as a possible threat to your crown and the Sinnoh kingdom as a whole….. and let me tell you now….I wouldn't want the crown if you paid me to take it…...all I want in life is me, my mons and my people in a territory that I run without any outside interference trying to fuck with my shit, I'm happy to pay the crown taxes, and I will respect the crowns wishes as much as possible…..I don't want to and have no plans on joining or starting any sort of faction….all I want in life is to chill…..and those glorified bandits you call nobles don't seem to want that to happen...and that's why they can't come into noble freezon….."

Everyone seems frozen at my little speech…..was it too much? Well it's the truth anyways so they are gonna have to deal with it…. The queen has lost her icy glare and is sitting there in worry and confusion

Kane is just thinking deeply about the situation along with the king...I guess it's kinda rude but I had to be clear about everything...I don't want them to think I'm after the crown....I couldn't think of anything worse than wearing that thing, ie oils have to become a tyrant to deal with all the bullshit…

We all just sat in silence for about 10 minutes as everyone just kinda absorbed what I just said and the meaning of it, Cynthia and Anna are covered in cold sweat and look to be freaking out a bit…..heh

Again it's Maximus who was the first to break the ice.

Maximus "well…..I guess that's that then...I say we conclude our conversation on this particular topic for today and steer this conversation into the next….. we would like to know where you plan to venture out to start your own territory and what your plans are for the location….."

Well fair enough he would want to get away from that heavy topic…..my new territory huh? I have it more or less figured out where I want it... it's now just a problem of how to tackle the problems that stand in the way of owning it...

Gideon " well….."


I've started writing a new book called

Tavern : it's time to settle down.

Why not check it out? Can't hurt right?

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