
Truth or Dare pt 2

Only a few of the Roulette members want to play. It's okay, they're already scared of the weird drink that Naya made.

We sat in a circle on the carpet. Yogo put the drink can in the middle of us.

"Bottle, you idiot!" Naya's comment.

"What's there, it's complicated, ah! The important thing is to be able to play!" said Yogo.

"Yeah, I'm the one who put it!" exclaimed Naya excitedly.

Everyone waited impatiently for the can to stop.

And... yes!

The can pointed at Bambang.

"Truth or dare?" tanyaku semangat.

"Truth!" said Bambang without hesitation.

Why did he choose truth? Because he is lazy to do any challenge. And the man was also sure that Naya would not ask such a troublesome question. Is not it?

"Brother, Alif has always been with Naca, aren't you jealous? How do you feel?!"

"What? Wait! What kind of question is that?!" snorted Bambang annoyed.

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