

Thankfully Thor had enough senses to leads us to private dinning chamber. There are a lot of things that we need to discuss without making it public knowledge. Or maybe not and someone else suggest it.

The way how everyone are going to sit at the table - is another non verbal statement. We both left head of the table empty - so no claim of Hliðskjálf yet. I choose left side of the table, so he had to sit on the right. Brunnhilde was next on left. This way I claim her as under courting rules. Bruce was directed to sit next after her. I am curious if he recognized signs of my statement that he is under my protection.

Thor sit directly opposite and Loki on his right. Position of adviser. Three warriors and Heimdall claimed rest of the table but with subtle distance. Sign of witnesses with no claim of voice. Wine, mead, bread and other supplementary items were served on the table. I raised my cup and pronounced:

- To the Asgard!

Everyone promptly followed to repeat and we drank to the bottom. I took a piece of bread and passed it to Brunnhilde who did pass it to Bruce. Another non verbal statement. Acceptance of the guest responsibilities and mean no harm to Ásgarðr.

Tension in postures visible left from everyone on receiving party.

Thor looked like he wants to ask something but did not know how to form it. Loki spared few glances to Thor and looks like tried to direct it somehow safe:

- Princess Hela, on your previous and very short visit, you mentioned to go to Sakaar. How is Grandmaster fare? If you had a chance to meet him, of course!

Ah, so it is Loki behind proper protocols. At least it's safe to conclude that, judging by confused looks on everyone else faces.

- Of course. Grandmaster is Grandmaster. Same old, same old. Can you imagine my surprise when I found out that his champion is from Midgard and did not loose a single battle since arrival. We came to mutual agreement and alas Dr. Banner joined me on my adventure until he can get back to Midgard. I hope we can send him to Midgard via Bi-Frost when convenient.

- Aya, it would be done. Bruce, my friend, I would be honoured to hear your glorious stories of battles on Sakaar! - answered Thor.

- Thank you Thor. I think I need to process and think first about all what happen.

Thor visibly get confused why Bruce did not jump to tell a tale, but leave it alone.

We sit and drink in silence for another 5 minutes. Time to bring a heavy topic - Hliðskjálf:

- How Ásgarðr fare this days?

Thor glanced at Loki, probably prying silently to safe him here. And so he obligated:

- Ásgarðr is mourning AllFather Oðin. High Council announced 3 day of mourning that ends tomorrow. They are working hard this days. Old laws needed to be reviewed and line of succession properly established. Next ruler ascension should be clear and bring unity to people of Ásgarðr.

- I am willing to yield to next in line, if it will be established in my favour. - I announced boldly.

Everyone, except Brunnhilde ( because she new me well) and Bruce ( because he probably was asking himself what he is doing here at all) looked at me and then turned to look at Thor. He looked speechless first.

- Nay. It your birthright. I am willing to yield in your favour.

Everyone now we're looking at me. Nope, I am not so easy to give it up.

- Well, if I yield and you are willing to do the same, who is next?

With even more surprises everyone looked at Loki now. He was most shocked here between us.

- Nay. Nay. I don't even want it. I yield as well.

Shocked silence fell in a chamber.


- Are you sure that's okay for me to leave?

- Yes, Bruce I am sure. I will visit you at some point but for now you can go and attend your businesses. We still need to cover that God status and all related to that.

- Can you at least tell me why I was present here for all that throne talks?

Well done Bruce, well done.

- It's complicated. But in nutshell - your presence was important as a mighty warrior and a Thor friend. It helped to direct all that talks to more constructive direction.

- But it's all not done yet. Wouldn't my leaving compromise that? I am sure I can stay until I needed.

- If I wanted to be crowned then yes, your presence would be paramount. Right now you leaving also works in my favour. So no harm.

- Alright. I hate all this political dances and willing stay away. See you then latter. Brunnhilde make sure to come too!

Heimdall powered Bifrost and directed it were Bruce wanted to go and with last wave he departed.

Bruce and Brunnhilde became fast friends. It all started with her asking him to help to print swimming suite in Midgardian style when we stayed on Xandar. While at that he had to explain a difference between swimming suite and underwear. That by itself went to erotic underwear and well… our reunion with Brunnhilde in our bedroom was not boring.

Me and Brunnhilde got out of Observatory, leaving Heimdall on guard. After our first meeting concluded with no actual result, he asked permission to return to duty at the Bifrost. Everyone understand that we need his eyes pointed to universe of early warning, so no objection happen. Well, except from Loki, but he did not voice it, only shot unhappy look at that. Also I insisted to announce a emergency state via High Council- due to lack of Leadership. Every post was doubled, security measures switched to "At War" state.

Never leave troops in time of uncertainty. Hands and legs are busy, so head has no time to come up with stupid ideas.

We boarder boat to get back to Palace.

- So what's next? What is out plan?

- Politic dances. I don't wanna die under paperwork or ended up as "mouthpiece" for High Council. My best guess - they will aim to crown Thor. He is actually smart in his own way to look for way out. Ásgarðr is weak and is not ready to protect Nine realms from external assault. I still don't have full picture and it will take time to figure it out. Pretty much everyone plays his own games and that's just…. Not the way how it was before. It looks bad so far and probably worse under surface.

We arrived next to Palace dockside and went inside. Guard gave us heart salute on a way in. Next to them was standing High Council messenger. Hi harried up to present a massage with a bow and step back.

- High Council is waiting in Glaðsheimr and asks to join them. Pass a message that we are on our way - I told to messenger and he disappeared in servants passage with a bow.

Time for round two.


When we arrived to Glaðsheimr, Loki and Thor were waiting at the entrance. Tree Warriors were standing on the side - High Council meeting is above their pay grade. So is Brunnhilde, even in her status as Valkyrie's Commander. They are going to wait for us outside. With no extra words, but a nood of greetings, Thor, Loki and I entered together. No one wanna go first. It will be viewed as sign of ascension priority right.

Inside we had been met with all known to me faces: Lord Ragnvaldr - from his standing position is current Head of High Council, Lord Aðalgrímr, Lord Óðr and General Tyr.

That's actually surprised me a lot - High Council had thirteen members, Óðinn included. Now it went down to four. After round of greeting exchange we all took sits at the table. High Council versus Princes and Princess.

Lord Ragnvaldr, as a Head of High Council started to lay down the status of ascension:

- Princess Hela as firstborn has legit claim on Hliðskjálf. Her exile was never officially announced and her name was only erased from memories and banned to mention again. And while nobody remember her deeds and achievements in a name of Ásgarðr - the claim is still legit.

- Prince Thor has legit claim. There were complications due to latest banishment to Miðgarðr but I will get to that later.

- Prince Loki not only has legit claim but due to events that include Prince Thor banishment and AllFather Óðinn falling to Óðinnsleep, was successfully ascended on Hliðskjálf. There were no official denounce of Regent, so technically Prince Loki is current legit Regent of the Hliðskjálf.

That was brilliant! If not for the gravity of the situation, I would laugh until hiccups. Loki face, when he proceeded what has been just said, was pure art of high level of denial. Thor face was just extreme form of surprise. This is pure mess and clusterfuck.

Let's add a bit of fire under their butts:

- I recognize Prince Loki as current ruler of the Ásgarðr and yield in his favour.

My words turned all heads from Loki to me, and then Thor just killed it:

- I recognize Prince Loki as current ruler of the Ásgarðr and yield in his favour.

Obviously not that has been expected from High Council members. Sounds like someone was playing games based on unrealistic assumptions. Well, let's push it forward, while everyone in shock here:

- Long Life to King Loki, rightful ruler of Ásgarðr and protector of Nine realms.

Thor, hot chicken on a tail, just repeated after me and pretty much made it official. High Council or no High Council but this is a Kingdom and decision was always in a hand of our family. Adopted or not.

We left them no choice, so all of them had to acknowledge it. Lord Ragnvaldr had to move forward with practical questions that require immediate attention:

- Your Majesty, We need to hold public ceremony. It will be most important to have Prince Thor and Princess Hela express their support in your favour then. This way we can move beyond any conspiracy and avoid to repeat situation that happen last time.

- Heimdall, Three warriors and Lady Sif conspired to return Thor from banishment as a "rightful" King. Another epic clusterfuck that ended up in whole mess, include Bifrost destruction.

When every one, again with stupid faces of surprise, looked at me, I added:

- What, did I miss something here?

- No, Your Highness. That's about right. Your ability to gain critical information is sharp as millennium ago. - General Tyr praised me.

- Thank you General. I still have many questions. Looks like many things has been changed since my unexpected departure and there is an itching need to fulfil gaps in my knowledge.

General acknowledged my request with a nod of promise to bring me up to speed.

Loki finally somewhat recovered from ascending on Hliðskjálf:

- Lord Ragnvaldr, please take a responsibility to organize tomorrow ceremony. Lord Aðalgrímr, please inform our allies in other realms so they can send representative on time. Lord Óðr, I need detailed financial report and state of Kingdom as soon as it's ready. General Tyr, keep all forces in high alert state and make sure that Heimdall is not slacking in his responsibilities. I need daily written report of any important movements in and out of Nine Realms. Prince Thor and Princess Hela - from now on, you are part of High Council. Stay behind so we can properly asset your share of responsibilities. Everyone else - dismissed.


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