
Approaching Threat 1

~North of Jay, Southern Losla Forests~

A mage hunter was standing near a bloody rock, using a communication crystal, he was relaying information back to his commander.

The rock itself seemed to be practically drowned in blood, as if a titan had slit its wrist and drained it's life out onto it.

The mage hunter couldn't help but stare at it as held the crystal.

This was a lone mage hunter from a group of five, as the others had split off in different directions as they searched the south and south-east areas of the Losla forests.

As a mage hunter, he had seen his fair share of blood from slaying monsters in dungeons himself, some dungeons filled with rivers of blood after armies of soldiers, mage hunters and adventurers worked together to conquer them - but outside of dungeons, it was unusual to see such a greusome display of death, and to anyone else - anyone but a mage hunter - it would have made them uncomfortable, to say the least.

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