
Chapter 7 picture Me Perfect

  Sophie's POV

  I sat across from Logan. I was unease with what Ashley had told me. Did Logan really have drawings of me? I had to get him to show me. Of course, I knew the whole thing of him liking me was bogus. He and I could barely stand each other, so the idea he may have a crush on me? Was not happening. 

  But my mind keeps going back to those drawings. How do I get him to show me those sketches? If I know him right, he probably drew pictures of me making ugly faces, or doing crazy posses. I can not allow him to send those along with his university application. 

  If possible, I'd steal them and burn them.

  Without thinking, my pencil tapped on my notebook repeatedly. I leaned my chin on top of my palm, with my elbow resting on the island top.

  "Soph?" I could hear a faint voice, but my mind mechanized how I would get him to show me those darn drawings?

  "Sophie?" Logan called out my name, startling me and making me jump in place.

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