
Family tombstones


"What are you doing?!" Vince and I reached the tombstones first. This was the place where my uncle buried Helena, where I'd thought we laid Tony's ashes and Eric's coffin, which was no longer here. It became an unofficial cemetery for my family, but now it might hold answers. However, we weren't alone. "Ivan, what are you doing?"

"Tony hid things. We're trying to find them," I didn't turn toward my father as I started looking around Helena's tombstone. People in the pack had left gifts over the years, mostly flowers since they didn't know her, but there were also tiny trinkets I knew Tony and Vince had left. I'd check those next because my uncle's tombstone had many more offerings.

"You can't do that!" Randy grabbed me before I could move anything, pulling me back. I was forced to turn to him, growling at the clear aggression he emitted. "Have you lost it? Why would Tony leave something here?"

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