

Samael: You can all start eating and there are many things to discuss here so before we begin I like to introduce a new member of our growing big family.

After the introduction was done we all sit down and the maids started to serve the food. I look at Demiurge and asked.

Samael: So Demiurge how is the progress of your mission.

Demiurge: My lord every is going fine there's is no problems in my mission as it was supposed to be.

I nodded and said.

I nodded and I look towards Medea I that out a file from my inventory and said.

Samael: Well Medea I have a mission for you I want you to capture a woman name Selene and come with her here and represent her on my throne room hare take this file you will find more information inside this file.

I said while giving her file about Selene she is Seven thousand years old as she had as much knowledge so she can't be left untouched.

She walks in front of and takes the file while nodding her head.

I then look at the newly returned Scáthach she also looked at me then I ask.

Samael: So how was your quest and did you find everything that I asked.

She then nodded and said.

Scáthach: It was good to see the world outside and yes I find everything that you wanted and it is in my inventory for the summary I find Resurrection Elixir, Dragon Bones, The Resurrection sword and some old swords and some information about the demon known as the Beast he is just a normal demon. I will give all of it to the 13th floor for research purposes.

I nodded and said.

Samuel: Well done Scáthach you did amazing work.

she nodded as the food was served we started to eat while eating Albedo said.

Albedo: My lord we have found the current location of the female named Thena you want and I have already assigned a shadow demon for her so we don't lose her location.

I nod her then said.

Samuel: Very good Albedo.

Then I look at Dr. Shay Veritas and ask.

Samuel: So Shay how is your work is doing and how Ava learning phases.

She smiled and said.

Shay: I am fine my lord she learning very well and at a very accelerated rate in some days she will be smart enough that she will be able to defeat 6th level intellect.

I nodded then I ask.

Samuel: So did you find a way to make weapons from the space stone and did you find a way to give people powers with its help.

Shay: Yes my lord I already built many weapons that are powered by Space stone but I am. still, research on how can we give powers with its help.

I nodded as we were done eating after 30 minutes, now we were drinking some juices.

While drinking I looked at Hela and said.

Samuel: So Hela how do you want to do this We can directly Attack Asgard Or we can first travel to Haven to free your sister then attack at Asgard.

She looked at me after some time thinking about what should do she said.

Hela: Well I want first to free my sister. as I don't know what she is going through so my sister comes first before my revenge.

I nodded and said.

Samuel: So it's decided tomorrow we will conquer the Heaven Realm so Me, Cocytus, Demiurge, and Hela will travel there and conquered it.

All of them said.

"Your orders are absolute our lord"

I nodded and then I looked at Hephaestus and said.

Samuel: Hephaestus I want you to build a sword for Hela and combine these two swords. and also take small pieces of her Soul so the weapon will be able to grow with her.

I said while giving her the Sword that Hela choose and the Twilight Sword of Surtur. from my inventory while taking the sword she said.

Hephaestus: It will be done my lord I will try to make the best weapon possible.

I then looked at Hela who is looking at the Swords with a big smile. so I said to her.

Samuel: Hela you will visit the 12th floor Hephaestus workshop and provide her whatever she needs to make the sword don't worry its process will not harm you as she will take a small part of your soul after taking it she will heal your soul she will take some of your DNA and energy that you use.

She nodded and said.

Hela: I will do as you said.

I nodded and got up from my chair as breakfast was done. and I teleport away.

as I appear in my office I sit down and started to think about it ok what should I do next as now I conquered the most important planet in this marvel multiverse. now, what empire should I conquer first there is the 3 most important empire Skrull Empire, Kree Empire, Shi'ar Empire, and if I include Nova Corps also can count as an Empire, then I started to think about whatever I knew about these empires.

The Skrulls are known for their physical malleability and ability to shapeshift to any size, shape, or color at will, taking on the appearance but not the characteristics of other beings and objects. Skrulls can assume virtually any form, be it organic (e.g., cows) or inorganic (e.g., lamps). As a result, the Skrulls excel at spying and infiltration. Skrulls are also able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons (e.g., blades and clubs) with parts of their bodies, making them dangerous hand-to-hand combatants. but their sexual orientation is more complex since they can change their genders at will. like a doppelganger, just a doppelganger can't change in inanimate objects and they will have powers of they change into. just like humans they also have normal Skrulls, Deviant Skrulls, mutant skulls, Eternal Skrulls,

Skrull Empire: The Skrull Empire is a vast intergalactic empire that dominates their home galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy which has millions of inhabited worlds. It is the oldest interstellar empire in the cosmos.

Some worlds have voluntarily joined the Skrull Empire and they have been granted varying degrees of autonomy. Other worlds were conquered and their inhabitants subjugated. The Skrulls have also expanded their dominion by colonizing uninhabited worlds. Within the Andromeda galaxy, the Skrulls have conquered or colonized every suitable world. They have also established peace treaties with pacifist races, which they don't regard as being a threat to the empire. Profitable trading relationships are maintained with these worlds. It's an empire that has laid waste to a thousand galaxies.

Tens of millions of years ago they were already expanding into neighboring galaxies becoming an intergalactic empire. In the modern era, the Skrulls control worlds throughout the Andromeda galaxy and in neighboring galaxies. While the total population of Skrulls is unknown, it's likely in the trillions. The Skrull capital was relocated to Tarnax IV from Skrullos 100,000 years ago. Currently, the empire is ruled by Tarnax II.

The Skrulls consider it their duty to bring peace to the cosmos by conquering and subjugating every inhabited world in the universe. Skrulls are taught that every world in the cosmos is meant to be a Skrull world, they see it as their destiny. the Skrull under the leadership of the religious extremist Queen Veranke and will be killed in the Secret Invasion storyline by the hands of Norman Osborn and the empire will be devoured by Galactus the eater of the worlds.

The Skrull empire has a vast war machine. It consists of an imperial Starfleet with 1000s of warships and ground forces. Possessing warships as large as small moons. Warships with the firepower to devastate worlds. Skrull ground forces possess vehicles with energy weapons powerful enough to kill Terran gods. Skrullian military forces possess weapons that shatter planets or blow up stars. They can wipe out whole species, weapons so terrifying the Skrulls refuse to use them. Which are kept as last resort doomsday weapons.

Outwardly the Kree resemble humans, with little exception through skin color or modified genetics. Denser skin with increased muscles flexibility gives the Kree endurance, durability, and stamina twice the level of humans.

They also have "duplicates" of several internal organs,  and usually require more nitrogen to breathe comfortably on earth. The explosion of the first Nega-Bomb in the Kree Empire had the survivors' genetic structures quickly mutate and adapt to the radiation, allowing the Kree to escape their evolutionary dead end by changing their DNA and allegedly granting them unlimited potential. for saying because it will take billions of years if not trillions of years before they evolve in ultimate life form. they also have Kree Eternals, the  Kree Deviants, and Kree mutants.

Kree Empire:In the Kree Year Zero, about a million years ago,  the Kree had their first encounter with the Skrulls. The meeting went disastrously and the long and bitter war started between the two races. The Kree eventually spread throughout the galaxy, establishing a vast empire.

Within a hundred years of acquiring interstellar technology from the Skrulls, the Kree empire began to spread throughout the Greater Magellanic Cloud.

The Kree we're also creators of Inhumans.

As the Kree prized science and rational thought, they created a living God to those ideals: the Supreme Intelligence.  The worship of that creature was made the Kree official state religion. Supreme Intelligence was also the leader of the Kree empire.

The Kree also has a giant army with many planet destroyer weapons They are the only race in the galaxy to possess the Omni-Wave Projector technology, a device that can enable communication across hyperspace as well as be used in an offensive capacity as a weapon. They also possess cloaking technology, which they call the 'aura of negativity.

Kree technology includes advanced warp-drive starships, robotics (such as the Sentries and the Destructoids.), bionic and cybernetic (Cy-Mek) technology, advanced genetic engineering, psionic technology (Psyche-Magnitron), advanced energy weaponry (Uni-Beam), cosmic power generation, nuclear/antimatter weapons and even dimensional linking and siphoning devices. Across the myriad of realities further advancements of Prime Marvel Universe Kree Tech. have been made in strides.

The Shi'ar are humanoids of avian descent who resembled humans with feathered crests atop their heads instead of hair. Two different styles were common; Most Shi'ar had feathers sprouting in a triangular shape away from the face, one peak on the top of the head and one peak on each side slightly over the shoulder. The other commonly seen "hair" style was bushy on both sides and very flat on the top. Most Shi'ar has no other special abilities, though some are genetic throwbacks. These individuals possess wings that allow them to fly. Shi'ar doesn't have any Eternals or Deviants but there are some Mutants but they were pretty rare even I only knew a single name which is Deathbird.

The Shi'ar Empire is a vast intergalactic empire that rules a million worlds. It is an aggressively expansionist empire whose religion instructs the Shi'ar to "marry" other cultures, by force if necessary, to become stronger. The empire is ruled by an autocratic imperial government headed by the Majestor (male) or Majestrix (female) who is advised by a High Council made up of selected worlds. Conquered worlds are permitted to self-govern within limits given by the empire.

But what Shi'ar have don't have any empire which is Imperial Guard The Imperial Guard was a legion of super-powered champions from throughout the intergalactic Shi'ar Empire who acted as enforcers of Imperial law. The original Imperial Guard was formed to stop Rook'shir, a Shi'ar who became the host of the Phoenix Force. An elite corps of the Guard, dubbed Superguardians, protect the ruling emperor (majestor) or empress (majestrix) and carry out their personal directives. The other divisions, the Borderers, aid the governors of conquered worlds in enforcing Shi'ar law. The ranks of the Guard are fed by the Imperial Guard Training Academy or Subguardians.

Imperial Guards have some of the most powerful mortals in the marvel universe like Gladiator a less strong copy of dc superman,

Smasher In addition to his superhuman strength, durability, and power of flight, Smasher wears special goggles that are a game-changer on the battlefield. These goggles can identify and download the powers of their opponents. The only downside of these goggles is that they can only download one super-power at a time

Neutron, Neutron is nearly the most powerful member of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. This warrior has a black hole contained within his body. He can manipulate the energy of this black hole to amplify himself in many ways.

One of the few members of the Guard with psychic abilities, Oracle has always been a vital member of team success on the battlefield. Oracle has both advanced telepathic powers and precognition. This allows her to predict the enemy's moves and later disable said enemies in the midst of battle.

A Human Torch-esque character, Starbolt is always covered in cosmic flame-like energy. 

and they some of the names if I remember correctly they have more than 300 in Imperial Guard which can destroy a galaxy.


So I should add skull queen in Harem or not Veranke you will find her looks in comments I uploaded her photo but she can change into any one.

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Please comment it takes more than 2 hours to write this so your comments inspired me to write more please comment

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Do you know in earth 1610 ultimate universe Qicksilver and Scarlet witch have a thing.

The beauty of a multiverse in comics is that it opens the door for a number of possible stories. Unfortunately, that can sometimes result in plotlines that are questionable, to say the least. One prime example is the relationship between the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver within the Ultimate Universe. Wanda and Pietro Lensherr loved each other, but not in the acceptable and conventional way a brother and sister should love each. They indulged in an incestuous relationship similar to that shared by Cersei and Jaime Lannister in HBO's Game of Thrones. they have Sex many time.]

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please tell you who is the next I should write pov of

And never forget mc is evil super Evil and a beautiful girls lover

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✌️ Peace ✌️


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