
118 Hiatus and summoning.

A/N: So by the title I'll be going hiatus, it's because of our school schedule, even though we have online meetings I need to take down notes because I might need them when we do face to face meetings, unlike in the past where I can just screenshot the lessons and look at them anytime.

I REALLY didn't want to say this but I have no choice, I'm not sure anymore whether I'll be able to upload weekly but I will say that I will upload when I have the time.

I might be able to upload every other day again in Christmas or next summer if I still have the motivation to.

But yeah as proof I'm not sure whether I'll drop this or not here's a chapter.

--Now back to the story--

I went up to the magic circle and held out my right hand towards it.

I poured my mana to the summoning circle as I opened my mouth.

"Let silver and steel be the essence."

"Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation."

"Let the four cardinal gates close."

"Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate."

"I hereby declare."

"Your body shall serve under me."

The summoning circle was now fully lit, it started to absorb my mana but unlike Gudako's this time the absorption was several times stronger.

The summoning circle also started to pull the mana from the surroundings as Mash's hologram beeped and Romani appeared.

"Woah, woah woah! What's going on there!? I'm reading large amounts of mana pouring to it from the surroundings!" He asked.

"I don't know, but Claude-san's summing a servant." Mash answered.

"Summoning a servant? No way! The mana pouring to that place exceeds the normal capacity needed to summon a servant!"

"It's true." Olga confirmed.

While they were talking, I continued to chant.

"My fate shall be your sword."

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail"

"If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!"

The magic circle light up and a pillar of mana formed on top of it.

I could sense a powerful soul coming out of the circle but compared to when Gudako summoned Tell, it was.... Different.

"An oath shall be sworn here!"

"I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven."

"I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

After I finished chanting, the mana pillar exploded, revealing a white haired woman with green eyes in white and red old clothes with a yellow scarf on her waist holding a spear in her right hand and a katana on her left.

"I am Nagao Kagetora, the avatar of the Touhachi Bishamonten! Are you my master?"

"Nagao Kagetora! The Sengoku Daimyo of Echigo who later known as God of war! Now we definitely has this mission of exploring this singularity in the bag." Romani commented happily.

I narrowed my eyes at the woman in front of me, her soul was different to Tell. Unlick Tell who's soul was less more 'vibrant'. Her was much more brighter.

I decided to think about it later as I stepped up to her and answered.

"Yes I'm your master, Claude Kentaro, nice to meet you Kagetora-san." Formalities was still important even if she's my servant.

"By the will of bishomenten I will be your spear that will pierce fate for you!" She exclaimed as she took my hand and shook it with a smile.

"I'm honored for that. Now that we already summoned our servants, how about you show us your capabilities." I mentioned over to the hordes of skeletons coming our way.

"Oh what! I'm sensing numerus hostiles coming your way! Get out there!" Romani shouted after looking at the radar.

"How could you forget such a thing! Romani! You were supposed to watch our surroundings !There's too many of them! Were retreating!" Olga said after seeing the hordes of skeletons coming our way.

"There's no need to panic Olga we have two servants here with us." I said.

"My master's right, don't underestimate the power of servants. I could handle these skeletons all by myself." Kagetora said.

Olga was still hesitant but Tell stepped in.

"Their right you know kid, don't underestimate servants. I'll stay here with you two while lancer clears skeletons."

That reassurance from Tell did the trick as the hesitation was gone from her eyes.

"Lancer I want you to clear a path for us to get away."

Kagetora looked at me for confirmation to which I nodded to her.

"And as for YOU, your staying right next to us." Olga said to me.

I looked at Kagetora again and she immediately knew what I meant.

"Sorry but I'm going to have to refuse." I said as I disappeared with a smirk.

When I disappeared, Kagetora's smile get wider as she turned around and followed me.

"Hey come back here right now!" Olga called.

After she realized I was too far to hear her, she shouted her frustrations and stomped on the ground.

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