
Chapter 59

"A letter from Myr? What do they want?"

I take the letter and start to read it.

"Hmmm? They are begging for a meeting with me?"

"Begging, your highness?"

"Aye. Here, look at this."

I gave him the letter and let him read it.

"The word they use is not the word a man with power writes and also that name? I did not know who he was. Do you know him? His name is not in the list of Myr Magister you gave to me in the past."

"No. Lokas is not the name of the Magister from Myr. Do you want me to investigate it?"

"Please. I want to know him beforehand before I meet him in person. Sent a letter to him saying that they cannot dock in our port and they need to wait for our men to pick them up. Tell him it was a precaution for this plague."

"Of course, your highness. Should I prepare for the healer?"

"Aye. A dozen of them. They are coming from the Ground Zero of this plague."

"Ground zero, your highness?"

"They are coming from the source of the plague. We cannot let the plague spread here."

Bakir nods his head and gives me another paper.

"The next matter is the tax, your highness. This is the tax report."

I take the paper and read it.

"The trade is still recovering, huh?"

"Yes. However, it slowly increased. Most of the traders we have are coming from Yi Ti at the moment. It looks like they did not have the plague."

"Oh? It looks like the plague did not reach Yi Ti, just yet."

"Aye. We already warn them about the plague and even give them some of the potions as a good gesture."

"Good. What is next?"

Bakir took another paper and gave it to me.

"The next one is your project, my lord. The person you appointed managed to make the first batch of what you call Whiskey. The taste is wonderful and many people like it. They predict it will sell in the colder places like the north and Lorath."

"That is why I ask them to experiment with it. The excess amount of Barley we have can be used to make Whiskey and we can sell it at a higher price than just the Barley."

"Yes. With this, we can have extra income for bigger projects like road construction."

Road construction is expensive, especially in this era. Road construction needs a lot of people and materials and costs a lot of money. I want to connect all the cities and villages around Lunaria with a stone road.

"Good. What about the cotton gin?"

"The carpenter, the blacksmith and the engineer managed to make it, Your Highness. However, they want to make it bigger first before they present it to you."

"Oh? They manage to make the smaller one?"

"Aye. They are so excited with the idea that you give them and they are working all day and night to make it happen."

"Please tell them not to get too carried away. I did not want them to get sick."

"Of course."

"So, what next?"

"That is for today, your highness. There is nothing for next week other than a daily report and training."

"I see. Then, I will take a walk around the city."

"Of course, your highness. I will ask Ser Willem to accompany you."

I really want to tell him that it was not needed, but I also know that I'm a king and need a bodyguard.

Usually, I'm busier than this, but because of the plague, I have more free time on my hands. So, besides daily morning training with the knights and daily reports, I didn't have anything else to do.

Usually, I use my free time to train my magic with Rhae and Dany, but I did not have anything to do because they are currently training with the healer in the healing arts.

While walking around the palace waiting for Ser Willem, I notice Arianne sitting alone in the middle of the garden.

"Ari? What are you doing here?"

She looks at me and says,

"I'm bored. I don't know what to do. Mommy is busy in her room, and Dany and Rhae are busy studying magic! I want to study magic as well but the healer did not let me."

"And he is correct. You are not ready to study potions and you didn't have a magic core inside your body to practice magic like Dany and Rhae."

"Not fair!"

"I know. However, you can still practice magic, you know?"


"Yup. Here, let me teach you how to carve a rune."

In the end, I did not take a walk around the city but rather taught Ari runic magic.


|Lokas - Leader of Liberation Army of Myr|

Freedom is the dream of all the slaves in Myr, and after a long time, we manage to achieve it. We use the opportunity given to us by the gods and liberate our fellow slaves and achieve freedom. But, sadly, the curse did not care if you were a sinner or not.

Many of the liberation fighters died from the curse, and we slowly lost hope. Many of our people died not from battle but from the Black Curse or rather the Black Death. It was the name given by the Leader of Lunaria, the kingdom of freedom and our only beacon of hope.

Not only because they are the beacon that shines to all enslaved people around the world, but they are also the only hope our people have to survive the Black Death.

We all agree to give all of Myr to Lunaria in exchange for their help against the curse and ensure our freedom remains untouched.

Currently, we are waiting for the people from Lunaria to greet us in the middle of the ocean. Finally, my men put down the plank and let the people of Lunaria walk toward us. They are wearing weird clothes and masks that look like bird's beaks.

"Thank you for accepting us, my lord."

"We are not a lord, good sir. We are humble healers. For now, we need to make sure you all do not have Black Death in you."

When I hear that, I can see many people around me become pale. We know that we have Black Death in our bodies as we can feel the pain slowly creeping in. Before I could say something, one of the healers pointed their staff at us, and suddenly all of us shone a little for a second.

"I see. All of you are infected, huh?"

Ahhh, it is the end of us. I'm sorry, dear. It looks like I cannot bring you the cure for the curse. However, even though I will be killed here, I need to make sure my family survives. So I kneel in front of the healer and let my head touch the ground.

"Please! Please help my family! Even if you need to kill me, please help our family. They are not as bad as us. Please help them."

"What are you talking about? We are here to help you. We will not kill you. We are here to help you get healthy before you get inside the kingdom."


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