
Kayla At her Mother's house

For a moment, Kayla remembered that when she felt dizzy and almost fell, it turned out that there was a man who helped catch her body. Yes, Kayla remembers. 

Anggita must have used the incident to slander her. Kayla smiled wryly realizing that Anggita still had feelings for Kevin. Will Anggita snatch Kevin from her. The question suddenly appeared in Kayla's mind. Kevin stepped out to go to Arka's cafe. He felt hot at home because he had just had a fight with Kayla. Kevin still hates Kayla now because he doesn't want to admit what he did. Soon Kevin drove his car very fast at high speed. Because he wanted to calm down for a moment with Arka. Meanwhile Kayla is at home crying curled up in the guest room because Kevin left the house. Kayla was getting more and more annoyed that meant Kevin was really mad at her. It didn't feel like the night was getting late but there were no signs of Kevin coming home. 

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