
Chapter 1 : Well, hello world!

'Today, I died. Or maybe yesterday. I can't really remember. Only a few hours have passed since my death or maybe a few days.', thought Arsène.

After he regained consciousness in the void, everything became confusing.

'So far, I'm only sure of two things. One is that I was alive and the other is that this fucker murdered me for my research. Had I not shared my work, I wouldn't be dead. But let's not think about that. The question I should ask myself right now is where am I?

As he was thinking about how to fix his predicament, a light began to shine in the void. The distance between him and the light became smaller and smaller until it swallowed him completely.

Then a strange occurrence happened. Memories of another life began to flash through his mind. As he went through a lifetime in a short span, everything was really confusing at first, but at some point, it started to make sense. It felt like a part of himself who was always missing was back. He felt complete. To be honest, it was a strange feeling. His thinking process felt smoother. His mind was in a cheerful state, as if he reunited with a lifelong mate.

Suddenly the memory faded and he opened his eyes. He was in a foreign room. No, he was in his room. Well to be exact Peter Parker's room. That's right, it seems like he merged with Peter Parker better known as Spider-Man.

The room was rectangular. It looked decent, but it was pretty dark as the curtains prevented the morning light from scattering. The light blue wall was covered with music posters. And the bed was under a window overlooking the door to the hallway. Arsène was lying on the floor with a rope at his feet.

Standing up, he was thinking about what to do from now on. Starting today he was both Arsène Sol and Peter Parker at the same time. However, since he found himself in the body of Peter Parker, now he could only live on as Peter Parker, he had no choice.

In his previous life as Arsène Sol, he was a gifted mathematician who obtained a doctorate in number theory at the age of 10. He then spent the next five years of his life trying to solve the Riemann problem. When he finally succeeded, his research was stolen and he was killed. Killed by one of his fellow researchers. If he had to summarize his life in one word, it would be wasted. He lived only for his research, he had no friends, no family since he was an orphan. It's not that he didn't try to make friends, it's just that he couldn't, most of them envied what he had accomplished, how easily mathematics came to him. In fact, the only reason he immersed himself in his research was to be able to forget the outside world and the fact that he was alone.

As Peter Parker, the summary isn't good either. His parents died in an airplane crash when he was 4. Therefore he was raised by his uncle and aunt who died a year ago in a car crash. Since then he has been living in their home alone. Just like Arsène he didn't have any friends until a week ago. But it was too sweet to be true. One of the most popular girls in his school approached him with the excuse of wanting help with her homework, her name is Mary Jane Watson. He kindly helped her in hopes of finally making a friend. Which had seemed to be true, until yesterday. He recalled the scene as it was still fresh in his mind.

He was talking in a hallway with his first friend as they made their way to their next lesson. Until a friend of MJ called out to them while waving her hands in the air.

"Why are you still walking with this loser MJ, the dare is over " she yelped.

A silence took over the corridor until Peter asked hoarsely "Which dare ?"

The new arrival quickly responded with a smile on her face "The one where she had to hang out with you for a week." and she added "I can't believe she stayed with you this long without dying of boredom. If it was me, I would have quit the dare on day one."

The last string that was holding the messed up world Peter was living in snapped hearing the girl's word. After the death of his uncle and aunt Peter fell into depression. Mary Jane was akin to a light who aided him get out of the hell that was his daily life. Hearing that what he thought was the start of a genuine friendship for a week was nothing but a lie destroyed him.

He didn't let the sound Mary Jane tried to make reach his ears, he runned. Toward the exit, toward his home, toward thé only place he could let loose his emotion.

Arsène now Peter knew too well the end of this memory. Peter tried to hang himself with a rope. But he failed. The rope broke under his weight. It was the last memory he remembered before he woke up. Before he was here.

"Well now that I am Peter and Peter is me, let's try to make the best of our new life." he said, smirking.

"First, I have to get some money. The easiest way is to rewrite my demonstration of Riemann's problem and submit it to Clay's Institute. Easiest one million dollars I ever made." whispered Peter as he started to lower his voice for no reason.

"I should also get Spider-Man power on the way, because why not. They are convenient and I don't necessarily need to become a hero."

"I should consider graduating early from school as it could give me more freedom"

"But the real question is what do I want to do with my life right now." said Peter in a sense of loss as the only goal he ever had was cleared when he died as Arsène since Peter never had any goal.

In both life, what he lacked was a friend and a fulfilling life. In this new world, he will try to live to his fullest while making some friends on the way. The Marvel universe is a universe of possibility. He couldn't afford to waste his life this time.

'Well since it's approximately seven in the morning, let's first go to school. We wouldn't be late for our first at school, would we.' thought Peter while opening the curtain thus letting the light enter his room.

As he looked at Queens under the morning light Peter said with a mischievous grin "Well, hello world!".