
If You Live As You Dream – IV

The Royal Palace of Eva was grand and pristine. White marble, polished floors, clean gardens and bubbling water fountains...

Walking through the gates of the palace was like walking into a different world.

It was literally the difference between Heaven and Hell.

I frowned and took a closer look around.

While to the ordinary eyes it just seemed to be a normal and pristine palace, to my eyes...

'It seems like I'll have a lot to do in the near future...'

Gold as far as the eye could see. A blatant sign that how this place developed would depend on how I treated it.

But I had anticipated that in the first place.

The memories were faint now, but I could vaguely remember the important parts of the future.

It probably wouldn't help much considering everything had changed.

The fact that I killed Undying Diligence and Vulgar Chastity. That I had saved Roe Scheherazade and pulled Yun Seohui to my side. And then that didn't even to start to cover the complicated web of relationships that had been built among all of the lovely women in my life...

Essentially, that meant that I'd be setting myself up for failure if I clung too strongly to the supposed 'future' events since the players involved had already changed around.

But that didn't mean I should ignore the future players.

And among those future players...


[Charlotte Aria, Puppet Queen of Eva]

A young and sheltered individual who has been blinded to the sins in her kingdom. A great talent who will thrive in the proper environment.

A Tiger Father does not beget a Dog Son. As the inheritor of royal blood, she possesses the potential to blossom into a great ruler. However, that potential has been suppressed by a corrupt opportunist.


I glanced at the message window that popped up the moment I arrived in front of the doors to the throne room.

Was it because it wanted me to not judge from a first appearance? Or was it because how I resolved it would have a drastic affect on things going forward?

Whatever the case, that message popped up on its own, giving me details I had forgotten.

"Now entering, Jihu Seol, Leader of Elysium, and Ian Denzel, Grand Alchemist!"

A soldier stood at attention and announced our presence as the doors opened.

Ian reached up to adjust his cloak and then looked at me, waiting for my cue.

I met his gaze and then nodded before walking through the doors.

A typical throne room that you would expect in a castle. A red carpet, pristine white tiles and walls, a crystal chandelier.

Then, at the far end seated atop a golden throne, there was the queen.

A beautiful but petite young woman with blonde hair styled in braided twin-tails. Her wide blue eyes gave off an aura of innocence while her white dress emphasized her purity.

That was Charlotte Aria, the Queen of Eva.

She was also the only one I expected to be here to meet me and Ian. But looking around, I saw that she wasn't alone.

To my right, and to Charlotte's left, Sorg Kuhne stood there with a neutral expression.

The old royal administrator wore a professional suit with a few old medals, as if emphasizing his esteemed background.

But although his presence was a bit unexpected, it was reasonable.

Charlotte Aria was a young queen, so having an experienced person like that along in meetings was essential.

But the other person...

"So you're the famous Seol Jihu."

A carefully crafted smile that seemed sincere.

The person who spoke ahead of Charlotte Aria. That rude individual who disregarded the royal administrator.


[Jung Sua]

Current leader of Evangeline. An opportunist who stole the position after the previous leader's demise in the Banquet.

Putting on a kind-hearted facade, she is the one who is responsible for the corruption in Eva by blinding Charlotte Aria.


The seemingly sweet Korean woman standing a bit too close to Charlotte Aria's right side laughed and then said, "It's an honor to meet such a legend, isn't it, Queen?"

Even without the background info, I could already tell what was going on here from the power dynamics.

An Earthling that pushed aside the royal advisor and took what should have been his position at Charlotte's side.

Well. I'd play along for now.

Charlotte Aria nodded and gave me a judging look. "Yes. Rumors of your exploits have spread far, Mister Seol."

Ah. So it's like that.

No wonder Hannah wanted me to handle this... and it's a good thing that Ian had the foresight to not let her see our meeting here.

Because of Jung Sua's seemingly innocent facade and sweet words, Charlotte was completely biased against me.

If I had to guess, Jung Sua probably played up the fact that there was a fake running around with my name causing chaos.

It was a decent plan. One that probably would have worked if it was anyone else.

But for me...

I put on a warm smile and then did a one-armed bow, lowering my head like a perfect gentleman. "I'm honored to hear that my humble exploits have reached the ears of a wonderful queen like yourself, your majesty."

Ian immediately knelt on the ground beside me, doing a salute on one knee. "Indeed. It is an honor to meet you, your majesty."

In the corner of my vision, I saw Jung Sua's expression distort for a brief second. I also saw Sorg Kuhne's stoic look crack with a brief smile.

As for Charlotte...

"T-That is quite enough." Charlotte quickly waved her arm and said, "A-At ease! There is no need to go that far."

I raised my head and smiled again. One that widened a bit after I saw Charlotte's reaction.

A red face, shifting a bit in her seat...

And faint crimson threads already forming around her, drifting towards me.

Ah... Yeah. That was trouble.

Might need to run the gambit again with some savescumming to fix this mess in the near future. But for now...

I nodded and said, "Understood. And please, call me Jihu. There's no need to stand on formalities and call me by my family name for a woman in your position, your majesty."

Charlotte nodded. But then she paused and tilted her head in confusion. "Seol is your family name?" She looked back at Jung Sua and said, "But didn't you say that his given name was Seol?"

Jung Sua bowed her head and said, "My apologies, Queen. It seems that I was mistaken. Most people from my homeland tend to go by their family name first."

"I see!" Charlotte clapped her hands and then looked at me. "Then did you do the opposite out of consideration, Mister Jihu?"

I nodded and said, "I figured that it would be easier on those in Paradise if I did."

Well, that and because 'Jihu' was who I felt that I was more than 'Seol.'

Charlotte smiled and said, "You're quite the considerate person, aren't you?"

Jung Sua cleared her throat and said, "I would caution you to be careful Que-"

I interrupted her and looked at Charlotte. "Forgive my rudeness, your majesty. But is there a particular reason why that unknown woman is taking part in this meeting? I was under the impression that it would be a private one between leaders, with Mister Kuhne as a listener due to his experience." I shifted my gaze at Jung Sua and said, "But I'm afraid I have yet to meet her... or understand her importance."

Jung Sua's face distorted, glaring at me with clear distaste.

Charlotte didn't see it though, still looking at me. "Hm?" She shook her head and said, "This is just a casual meeting, isn't it? Is there a problem for my dear friend Jung Sua to attend?"

Jung Sua quickly cleared up her face and nodded. "Yes. Since this is just an introductory meeting, it's fine, isn't it?"

"An introductory meeting..." I looked over at Ian. "Were you aware of this, Ian?"

Ian looked confused for a bit, but being familiar to BS as he was, he quickly shook his head and said, "I was not." He looked up at Charlotte and said, "Princess Teresa had requested for me to come and discuss security defenses for Eva with the Queen and some other discreet matters. Which is what we had heard from the royal advisor."

Charlotte frowned and looked at Sorg Kuhne. "I don't remember hearing anything about this?"

Sorg Kuhne looked a bit confused for a brief moment, but he quickly lowered his head and said, "Forgive me, your majesty. I must have forgotten it in my latest report."

Jung Sua clicked her tongue and said, "And this is why you should find someone to double check Mister Kuhne's work, Queen."

I glanced over at Ian.

Ian glanced at me, frowning.

We didn't say anything, but both of us seemed to have gotten the gist of everything here.

An Earthling that stepped over her boundary and treated the Queen like a puppet. The royal advisor who wanted the best for the queen and the kingdom, but had his hands tied due to that Earthling charming the Queen.

In that case...

I smiled and said, "It's fine then." I glanced at Jung Sua for a moment before looking at Charlotte. "We can treat this as an introductory meeting as you believe and discuss the other matters at a later date." I sighed and said, "Your majesty is a busy individual, so I understand."

"Hm?" Charlotte tilted her head and said, "But I'm not?"

Jung Sua started panicking a bit and said, "Q-Queen. Ahem." She looked at me and then said, "It may be best to reconsider before promising-"

I let out a sigh.

Jung Sua paused.

Charlotte looked at me.

Sorg Kuhne's eyes widened and he forcibly suppressed the smile starting to emerge.

And Ian...

He tilted his head towards me and muttered, "Hey. Don't go too overboard."

Charlotte frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"Right." Jung Sua pointed at me and said, "Daring to be so rude in front of the qu-"

"Are you that weak, Charlotte Aria?" I stared right into Charlotte's eyes. At the same time, I focused on it.

The golden light from the golden rule. The violet light of Atma Refinement...

From our brief interaction, Charlotte wasn't a bad person. At least, she seemed genuinely curious and went through the motions at least.

...That might or might not because I had turned on the max charm I'd developed from interacting with all the beauties around me, but that wasn't important right now.

What mattered was that Charlotte's real self simply hadn't had the chance to develop.

And while it was a bit cheap... I was also getting annoyed at this sleazy bitch who thought she ruled the world pulling along Charlotte Aria like a puppet.

I straightened my back and stepped forward, looking straight into Charlotte Aria's eyes. "You are the Queen of Eva. One bearing royal blood from a line of great magicians. One who has inherited the kingdom and the ideals of those who came before you. One who has been called upon to lead, strive, and rule."

Jung Sua pointed at me and said, "You rude man! Stay away from the Queen!" She turned back to Charlotte and said, "Don't listen to this womanizer, Qu-"

"Teresa has told me about you." I stopped a few paces from the throne, staring into Charlotte's eyes. "She said you were pitiful. Someone who should be ousted from the throne. Someone who might be better off dead and replaced with an Earthling at the rate things are going."

Ian stood up and cleared his throat. "J-Jihu. Perhaps-"

"...Do you think that too?" Charlotte stared at me and spoke in a soft whisper.

Ian froze and gave me an incredulous look.

I ignored it and activated Atma Refinement.

...This was cheating. I was basically hypnotizing her to get out of this mess. But...

"No. Although you've struggled a bit, to be able to live until this day. To hold on despite losing everything else..." I smiled and said, "You aren't pitiful, your majesty. If anything, you are strong."

Charlotte gasped, mixed emotions on her face. At the same time, her light blue eyes started to shine with a faint violet hue.

The play was almost over. The prince charming who believed in the fragile queen. One who denied those who thought she was worthless and praised her inner strength.

...It was totally the act of a scumbag.

But then again, I'd accepted that title, so...

...It's time to top it off.

A flicker of indigo light flashed from Jung Sua. Karmic Binding, forcing her to my will.

At that time, she growled and spun around on Charlotte, grabbing the petite queen by the collar. "You stupid bitch! Just send that guy away already and listen to me already! A useless Queen like you should just stay in the dreamland I gave you and sit pretty!"

Sorg Kuhne gasped and then ran forward, face red with fury. "You dare to lay a hand on her majesty?!"

Charlotte gasped as well, staring at Jung Sua with wide-eyed shock. "M-Miss Jung Sua? W-What did you-"

"Dammit!" Jung Sua tossed Charlotte back in her throne and said, "This is all your fault! No." She rounded on me and said, "This is your fault! Why the hell did you come to Eva, huh? You already have that Princess in your pocket! Why do you have to take away everything that I've built up!?"

Charlotte blinked, still reeling from Jung Sua's actions. But she was starting to process it. "...Everything 'you' have...?" She shook her head and then got off from her throne, looking at Jung Sua. "What do you mean, Miss-"

"Shut up!" Jung Sua rounded on her and said, "If you had just stayed in your room like the little doll you always were, things would have been fine! I'M the one running things here! Just stay out of my way!"

Charlotte froze, looking like the world had just collapsed.

Sorg Kuhne let out a deep sigh.

As for me...

Ian looked over and said, "Well. That's what she said, Jihu."

"I heard her loud and clear." I nodded and looked at Charlotte.

Jung Sua froze. She blinked and then slowly looked between me, Charlotte, and Sorg Kuhne. Realization spread across her face and she quickly shook her head. "N-No! Th-That's not what..." She turned back to Charlotte and said, "Q-Queen! You know that I would never-"

"I see." Charlotte giggled.

Jung Sua took a step back. "Q-Queen?"

"Unni told me." Charlotte slowly stood up and then said, "'Don't dump that bucket of feces and urine anywhere else.'" She giggled again and said, "I was mad at her. She was saying such terrible things about Miss Jung Sua. And at the same time, she said such good things about Mister Jihu, despite all the bad rumors around him."

I smiled.

Jung Sua looked at me and froze. "YOU-!"

Lightning flashed, striking at Jung Sua's feet.

Ian flinched and looked at me.

I held up my hands and shook my head.

Ian blinked and then looked back. And then Charlotte spoke.


Jung Sua swallowed and said, "Q-Queen- N-No. Your majesty, I can-"


A harsh and cold whisper. Charlotte raised her hand and pointed it at Jung Sua. As she did, golden lightning started to crackle.

Sorg Kuhne gasped and said, "That lightning...!"

Ian blinked and then gave me a blank look.

I cleared my throat and looked away.

Jung Sua's eyes widened and she started rambling. "W-Wait! Q-Queen! It's all a misunders-"

Charlotte interrupted her and said, "Father once said benevolence must be repaid with benevolence. That is why I trusted you. And yet... You lied."

Lightning flashed again.

Jung Sua jumped back, barely dodging it. "Y-Your majesty! Please-"


Lightning crashed again, a bolt emphasizing each word Charlotte shouted.

"J-Jihu!" Ian called out to me with a worried look.

O-Okay. Maybe I underestimated the extent to which Charlotte Aria would react with me awakening her hidden potential...

Lightning started to crackle and strike all over the throne room, turning the white marble black wherever it struck.

I quickly pulled Sorg Kuhne over and tossed him behind me and Ian before holding out my sword to use as a makeshift lightning rod.


Jung Sua screamed, terrified for her life.

But faced with that desperate plea...

"The Queen declares. For the act of laying your filthy hands upon this royal self, you are sentenced to death."

Jung Sua opened her mouth to protest again.

But then a giant wave of golden lightning erupted from Charlotte.

Like a baptism of lightning, the entire room was filled with golden lightning centering around Charlotte.

Jung Sua disappeared, not even leaving any ash behind.

And if it wasn't for me stopping the rest of the lightning, Sorg Kuhne would have as well.

The lightning vanished. Charlotte Aria stood there in front of the throne, her pure white dress stained with black streaks from her outburst.

I sheathed my sword and then walked up to Charlotte.

She looked at me, her blue eyes flashing a mix of gold and violet. That naive and innocent expression she had earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a harsh visage.

I met her gaze for a moment and then knelt on one knee, doing a proper salute. "I greet Charlotte Aria, Queen of Eva and inheritor of the Divine Lightning."

A bit of charm, a bit of praise, and a bit of bullshit.

Charlotte stared at me for a moment. Then she opened her mouth...

And promptly vomited all over the throne.

And since I was kneeling there...

"T-T-That...! M-Mister Jihu! I'm so... Grk."


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