
The Morning After (1)

Daniel opened his eyes, and saw Abigail draped over him.  When Cole told him last night that the only room available for him was the room Abigail was in, he realised his plan.  Get him inebriated to the point he could not safely drive and then force him to sleep with Abigail.  He just hoped when Abigail awoke she did not go ballistic at him.

He also hoped that when she awoke that she would not notice the physical reaction he was having because his wife was draped over him.  The more time he was spending in her company the more he realised that he was starting to develop feelings for her.  The problem was he did not know exactly what they were.  At this exact moment he wanted to move Abigail gently, and lean over and wake her with gentle, sweet kisses, before taking time and building up to more passionate kisses and seeing where things led.

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