
Quick chap

Hi, there author here. Mmmm yeah sorry for not uploading for a while...job etc. Anyway, I am today really shocked, yesterday was my graduation party/Abifeier and someone got raped by 4 dudes, the police are on their tails and I really hope they get them.

Message for today everyone RAPE IS NOT COOL. Completely honest, if that girl was someone close to me I would go full genocide mode. I am just really shocked.


Acedia is the kitchen:

Acedia: Well now it is official I have no talent for cooking. Let's go on a trip.

He then opened a portal and started singing:

"We're going on a trip to a place called Yukihira

Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins

Climb aboard, get ready to explore

There's so much to find, Little Einsteins

We're going on a mission, start the countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Everyone to rocket, rev it up now RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship

Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins

Climb aboard, get ready to explore

There's so much to find, Little Einsteins

Come on, let's go, Little Einsteins

We need you, Little Einsteins


Only a moment after that a portal appeared in a beautiful park area. Where was that? It was in the Tōtsuki Culinary Academy.

Now for everyone who didn't watch/read Shokugeki no Soma

Tōtsuki Culinary Academy is an illustrious cooking academy that is well-known in the culinary industry. Due to the caliber and notoriety of the school, nearly all aspiring junior chefs seek to attend the school in order to become high world-class chefs. The academy has been directed by the Nakiri family since its founding almost a century ago, who have held a very high standing in the culinary world of Japan, with every director being a member of the Nakiri family.

The main focus at Tōtsuki Academy is on culinary studies, ranging from international cuisine styles to culinary theories. Students are expected to learn the technical side of cooking through bookwork and the practical side through hands-on cooking assignments and events. However, in terms of actual end goals, students are encouraged to develop their own style of cooking forte and push it to the maximum limits. Thus, most students who graduate are masters in their specialty. While cooking is the primary focus of the Tōtuski curriculum, students are still taught standard subjects, like math and writing.

A Tōtsuki classroom.

Entrance into Tōtsuki is considered a great honor and an even greater opportunity for aspiring chefs; parents have even been known to beg officials to accept their children, even offering their life savings to have their child attend, though all offers are turned down. Students are only accepted after passing an entrance exam, requiring them to prepare a dish under a specific theme and pass the exam proctor's judgment.

The academy accepts students starting from the middle school section. If they show acceptable merit in their school work, they will move on to the high school section. As a privately owned academy, the school board has the authority and the freedom to expel any student at any time and may expel students if their work does not meet their expectations, though it is uncommon for a student to be expelled in middle school. The last opportunity for a student to enter the academy is right before the first semester of the first year of High School in spring, after which no new applicants for a class will be accepted.

The finest chefs in the world: The elite Tōtsuki graduates.

The high school section of Tōtsuki is much more rigorous and cutthroat, as the expulsion rate for inadequacy raises exponentially. Nearly every failing grade is almost guaranteed to result in imediate expulsion, and there are numerous mandatory class events that are designed to whittle down the number of students, leaving only the best of the best and eliminating any students without great potential. Every year, roughly 1,000 students start their first year of high school at Tōtsuki, and of that original 1,000, only about 100 will remain to advance to the second year, and less than 10 will be left to graduate by the end of their third year.

Since less than 1% of the students usually manage to successfully complete all three years of culinary education at Tōtsuki and graduate, the Tōtsuki Academy Alumni are the most skilled and sought-after chefs in the world. Many of them go on to become the owner and head chef of their own gourmet restaurant or become a major authority in the culinary world, some of whom are world-famous.

Tōtsuki also has extra-curricular activities for students, such as the Newspaper Club, as well as numerous Research Societies (RS) whose members experiment with their dishes in an effort to improve their cooking. The most notable club in all of Tōtsuki is the Elite Ten Council, the Tōtsuki academy student council, made up of only the ten best young chefs in the entirety of Tōtsuki's student body, regardless of what grade they are in. Entry into the Elite Ten is highly coveted but is extremely difficult to join. The members of the Elite Ten have a very high level of authority within the academy, even the teachers have to do as they say. The only person with greater authority is the principal/director.

The result of a Shokugeki.

The last notable feature of the academy is its tradition of formal cooking duels, the Shokugeki. These are intense cooking battles between two parties, usually in the form of a single match of one vs. one. The Shokugeki are made to settle an issue, with the winner having all conditions they declared for their victory immediately met. The conditions and results of a Shokugeki are absolute.

Not hippity hoppitied from a fandom wiki....

I WOULD NEVER DO STH LIKE THAT!!! Cause somewhere is a grammar mistake. That means this is not stolen from https://shokugekinosoma.fandom.com/wiki/T%C5%8Dtsuki_Culinary_Academy.

Acedia: DAMN! It is quite beautiful here. Well, let's search for Soma. Echo space wave map Ability thingy activate!!!

Yep, he just shouted out the name of an ability...so dumb. But effective. Cause of Anime logic, shout your attack to make them stronger.

Acedia: Found him. mmmm What should I do to introduce myself. Ahhh I got it! I will kidnap him to my Pub and there I will just ctrl+C his cooking abilities. Cause why not should be possible. Wait...Fuck I could also just have enchanted my cooking utensils with cooking C. I am so stupid. Ahh, now that I am already here I will just proceed with the plan.

Acedia then teleported to the room of soma, who was currently in his room looking at the ceiling thinking about new recipes. When a dude appeared out of nothing.

Soma: WHAT?

Acedia: Hi, you must be Soma...here have a sniff on that piece of cloth.

Soma: *Sniff* this smells weird, *thud*

Acedia: Holy shit he passed out...How did that work? Plot armor? Well anyway, it is copy time.

He then teleported back to the Pub, in the kitchen, and copy-pasted his cooking skills, cause why not.


Sorry for this quick chapter from today onwards daily updates will come.

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