

"Ora!" The bastard yelled as he punched the ground and caused it to become a very big crater with several lightning blasts falling down on it.

Senju Tsunade had to admit, she may have actually made a mistake. This buff bastard was actually strong, every hit from him made her have a flashback of her granny hitting her. Though that might be less of a flashback and more of a PTSD.

She needed to find an opening to beat him or at least some reason to make a ceasefire otherwise they would end up destroying all of Tanzaku Gai. She didn't want that, she liked Tanzaku Gai. They should only destroy the houses of the people she owed money.

"Get over here!" Instead they were destroying everything as the maniac tried to take her head off with his fists.

If things kept going as it was then she would… not lose because there was no power in all heaven and earth that could convince her that she would lose in a battle of pure strength, but she would have to go full power and a bar fight wasn't worth that.

So, she needed something to distract the bastard from the fight. Or better yet, something for him to point his anger at and leave her alone. But what…

"I'll have you two stop." A convenient target for anger, found!

"You two are going a bit too far don't you think?!" Jiraiya said with his stupid smile as he stood between her and the blonde maniac.

"No I don't, so out of the way geezer!"

"What the kid says, this all happened because of you anyway Jiraiya!" She yelled, trying her hardest not to smirk.


"You heard me! If you hadn't made me spar with that lil shit, none of this brawl would have happened!" Tsunade kept yelling, lying as easily as she breathed.

"…what?" The white haired moron asked with a confused expression that was mirrored by the buff bastard as well.

"Don't play dumb, if you and that brat didn't come after me, none of this battle would have happened." Tsunade said with a frown, she wasn't actually lying about that. Her plan for the night was to drink, not to get in a battle with a brat with very little sense, smarts and height.

"I feel like you are trying to escape responsibility." The buff guy grunted and continued before she could deny it.

"But I'll let it slide if you two compensate me for the meal you ruined." Oh, that was strangely reasonable. Though it probably would have been better if he said that before they flattened the town.

"Ok, we'll do that!" Jiraiya said with a laugh and his hands up, not willing to let go of a chance to end things peacefully.

Tsunade was kinda disappointed though, she had hoped to sic the buff bastard in Jiraiya and let him get manhandled for a while. Trying to make her Hokage, the sheer nerve.

"But first." Huh, when did he get so close?

Before she could do anything, the bastard's fist met her chin and she could feel her consciousness leave her as she somehow heard his last words.

"No meaning in letting a fight go unfinished."


I kinda felt bad about the sheer amount of damage I had inflicted on the town. Sure, Tanzaku Gai was nothing more than a place of debauchery that used people's stupidity and willingness to ruin their lives to make profit but still.

I may have gone overboard a bit.

"Oi oi, aren't you going a bit overboard?" Jiraiya asked me with a frown as our waiter scampered away with my order.

"You said you would compensate me for my meal."

"There is no way you were gonna eat enough to feed a whole family in that bar." The white haired ninja deadpanned at me.

"Think of it as compensating for the atmosphere you people ruined as well." I snorted. There was no way I wasn't gonna take everything I could from this sucker.

Because honestly, fuck Shinobi. The ones who had been the most trouble for me may have been Iwagakure but the start of those problems was because of the nature of the Shinobi. If you're not one of them, you're an enemy. No wonder the bastards had three world wars in less than a century.

Now, what to do when the hag wakes up?


Jiraiya was… conflicted about how things came to an end.

Sure, he was happy that they stopped fighting but then the bastard just sucker punched Tsunade and somehow managed to knock her out. And now he was using his money to get himself a feast.

He really felt like he was getting the raw end of the deal.

"So, would the great Kiiroi Yasha like to tell why he's in Tanzaku Gai?" He asked with a smile while Shizune, who had been treating Tsunade's wounds while his old teammate was unconscious, looked at them with shock. And Naruto just looked clueless, didn't they give these kids Bingo Books these days?

"No, no he would not." Sakata Kintoki said as their waiter brought the ridiculous amount of food he had ordered and practically ran away from them as fast as she could. Smart girl.

"Kiiroi Yasha? What is that, Ero-Sennin?" Naruto asked with a tilt of his head and Jiraiya contemplated the pros and cons of hitting the brat and teach him some respect.

"Just a dumb nickname thing that you Shinobi are fond of and causing me headaches." The Yasha snorted before taking a bite from a drumstick.

"Now now, that headache is due to Iwa you know. We are Konoha." Jiraiya tried to defuse the tension which didn't seem to work as the guy merely snorted again.

"Brown flak jacket, green flak jacket, white flak jacket; do I seem like a guy who cares about that shit?" Kintoki said as he kept eating. This wasn't good. He realized the type of guy Sakata Kintoki was.

The kind who hated Shinobi.

They weren't exactly rare. Every settlement had at least one or two people who held a less than favorable opinion on their line of work. But Kintoki was the only one with actual power behind him.

This might not be good.

But before Jiraiya could think more about the possible disaster of a guy like this could cause, a groan came from behind them.

"The hell hit me?" Oh, Tsunade was awake. That actually took less time than he would have thought. Nice to see she hadn't lost her touch.

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