
Chapter 162 : locked up

The angry king stormed down the hallway trying hard to not punch a wall, he was so angry and frustrated. Couldn't Melissa see that he was trying everything in his power to be the perfect husband, trying everything he could to mend the rift that was drifting them further apart. He couldn't stand not feeling the way he felt about her before that elf came into the picture, he couldn't stand her not loving him the way she did back then. If he accepted that the relationship that they had built was crumbling, it would mean that Gareth had won, and Elric would be damned if that ever happened.

Carol who was walking down the hall to take Melissa some tea saw the furious king heading her way, was everything alright? Did something happen to his wife? The maid placed the tray of tea on a nearby table and turned towards the king. "Your majesty is anything-"

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