
Minas Ithil - Arc new ring


`Minas Ithil`

Gondorian fortress in Mordor, also called the Tower of the Rising Moon, this one is built on a foothill of the Shadow Mountains in order to threaten Sauron.

This city was the home of Isildur, King of Gondor, and it is in this city that one of the two Gondorian vision stones, otherwise known as Palantiri, is located. These vision stones are ancient artifacts, born from elven forges of the ancient times.

Their power is impressive, for the major stones it allows the user to project his mind where he wants and thus see what he wants, and even to be able to converse by thought with another person who also has one of these stones.

However, this power is less powerful in minor stones such as the one from Minas Ithil, which must be correctly oriented to reflect something. Its power is still very powerful though, information is after all the lifeblood of the war.

This is one of the reasons why Sauron keeps sending war troops to the gates of this city. In the past, the city has always been able to resist the relentless assault of the forces of evil, but since the great plague that has severely impacted the kingdom of Gondor, it has found itself in a bad position, abandoned by the high officials of Gondor.

This is why Talion, decided to seize this stone even before Sauron, which would give him a considerable advantage.

On the side of the Shadow Mountains, Minas Ithil stands. The city is on fire, the sound of swords striking, shields smashing, spears flying, screams, cries resound in the air.

This valiant city, symbol of the power of Gondor, is under the siege of the nine, the Nazgûls, spectres of the ring.

Together and under the directives and direct orders of the most powerful of them, the wizard king, they have only one mission, they must deliver death to Gondor and bring the Palantiri back to their master, Sauron.

War rages in the city, armies are constantly pouring into it, bloodthirsty beasts armed to the teeth are ready to slaughter the men. The uruks attacking the city have only been trained for war, and this is their only reason to exist.

However, there is still some hope in the hearts of the soldiers defending this city, despite the endless siege, it is still holding, and only the lower city is the scene of clashes, leaving the middle and upper city intact for the time being.

It is in this not very pleasant setting that we find Talion, riding a caragor on the bridge leading to Minas Ithil, he is riding a huge wolf living in the mordor, a wild but tamed species by the orcs and uruks living in these lands.

Talion rides the caragor, equipped with a spectral spear, a form his sword can take when coated with magic. Talion makes his way to Minas Ithil, cutting down all the orcs that stand in his way, from time to time he shoots arrows in the direction of the orc fires, making them explode, spreading chaos and death.

Once he arrived in the lower city, he continued his way this time towards the upper city but not without detours. From time to time groups of orcs accompanied by a captain made their way to the main battlefield.

He stopped along the way to neutralize them and dominated three captains, to whom he ordered to blend in with the invading troops.

After a while he reaches the center of town, the main battlefield, where a whole legion of orcs is fighting with the Gondorian garrisons. Siege beasts can be seen on the rooftops not far from there, they are trolls mounted with catapults that fire constantly at the Gondorian soldiers.

There are between 200 and 300 orcs on the battlefield for half as many men. But this does not mean that they are at a real disadvantage, they are less numerous but better equipped, more physically powerful than the average orc, more disciplined and better at fighting.

The orcs are disorganized but can count on the support of war beasts, orc captains who are formidable enemies, they are fierce and tireless.

Talion arrives on the scene and orders his caragor to gain momentum, he jumps on a balcony and then on a roof, before continuing his run on the roofs of the houses of the city, then he finally reaches his target, one of the three siege beasts present which are formidable at a distance but do not pose a serious problem in close combat.

Taking advantage of the situation, Talion jumps off the caragor, grabs onto the beast's back equipment and propels himself over it before landing at its neck.

Immediately he puts his hands on the creature's head and tries to subdue it, which succeeds rather easily due to his weak will and mind.

Talion can now control the beast and turns it on the other two before firing and destroying them.

Then he turns the beast towards the battlefield and fires the two remaining projectiles at the orc army, killing about forty orcs.

Then, the beast having no more use, Talion jumps in the air after having stuck his dagger in his head. Still in the air, he turns towards the main battlefield and performs a spectral rush to propel himself in it's way.

Once on the ground, he strengthens his hand with magic and hits the ground, which causes a cold explosion and freezes the orcs around him, he follows up with multiple decapitations before turning to a war captain.

Then he runs towards him, summons his bow and shoots once in his leg and freezes it then another time in his head, the captain avoids the second arrow but it was only a distraction since Talion performs a spectral assassination changing place with the arrow once behind the captain and stabs him in the back of the neck then slices his head.

The ease with which he killed the orc captain, even though he was a very inexperienced captain, caused the surrounding orcs to immediately fear him, with fear they hesitate, this give Talion the time to use his most powerful skill, {Elven Rage}

With this skill he speeds up his own time, allowing him to see the world in slow motion for a short time. This allows him to make many assassinations and to shoot a rain of arrows on his opponents.

This has the effect of eliminating a large number of enemies, although the first use of this skill makes Talion tired and drains him of a large part of his magical power.

With Talion's arrival, the men of Gondor gained the upper hand over the troops of Mordor and it was only a matter of minutes before the Mordor troops were pushed back.

After the orc troops had been slaughtered, the captain of the soldiers, Idril approached him and said

"You are a survivor of the black gate? I thought they were all dead, thank you for your help, without you many lives would have been lost".

Talion turns and looks at her and answers "Yes, I am the last of the rangers, but I can't be called a survivor, you are a captain, surely you know the general? I would like to talk with him, it's a really important matter".

Just as Idril wants to answer him, the Gondorian horn sounds, symbolizing the retreat.

"The retreat horns! Come with us, ranger, to the middle city, we are about to lose the lower city" she said, turning to her men, then to me she continued

"we need to get there as fast as we can"

"i'll follow you" answer Talion

And then Idril turned around and started to run toward the middle city

Talion did the same, and the group on the way encountered orc troops, which they killed without much difficulty before entering the middle city.


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