
Case 02: “A Bitter-Sweet Life.”

"I'm called Duan Guan a master cultivator."

Said the old man who sat next to the two years old Liu Meifeng while handing her the bowl of a simmered medicine. Liu Meifeng woke up to take the bowl and drink it right away, her face looked indifferent and gave Duan Guan a pleasant surprise.

Although the medicine is extremely bitter, how come this child gulped it in one go without even changing her expression! The rumor about the princess being a prodigy sure isn't just a mere rumor.

Duan Guan praised Liu Meifeng inside his mind, then he retrieved the bowl and put it on the table. The smile he had never faded even for a single moment, "Don't worry you're going to be fine."

Liu Meifeng chuckled and shook her head lightly. Duan Guan excused himself and left the room, while Liu Meifeng laid on the bed again. She's still having a hard time processing what she had dreamed earlier.

Did Liangjin kill himself? Were those high officials the one who threatened him?

Liu Meifeng looked disturbed for a while and convinced herself that it was just a dream. She remembers that not all humans could fully understand what they're thinking. Even if their mind didn't think about the related subject, sometimes they still do in their subconscious mind. Which is why she had dreamed about Huang Liangjin even though she hadn't thought about him at all.

"My daughter, are you alright?" Liu Xiurong opened the sliding door and came beside Liu Meifeng. She sat gracefully on the edge of the bed and placed her hand on Liu Meifeng's forehead. Liu Meifeng closed her eyes comfortably as she enjoyed her Empress mother's affection.

"I'm alright."

Liu Xiurong sighed in relief, while her beloved daughter slept for two days and two nights. She couldn't sleep well at night; her mind was too disconcerted with her daughter's condition. Especially when she heard that her daughter couldn't enjoy a normal people's lifespan. She was scared that if she closed her eyes, her daughter would be gone just like that.

Liu Meifeng opened her eyes and saw Liu Xiurong looking at her with great sorrow and worry. She felt guilty for making her Empress mother worried sick about her. Yet at the same time, she's happy because it's the first time she had a parent that genuinely worried about her well-being.

Truthfully, the genius detective 'Xu Haoran' was never born as a prodigy. All the knowledge and proficiency he had was something he achieved with extreme effort. Because his parents have always been strict. If he didn't get a perfect score on every subject, his parents will beat him up. There was a time where he failed to get a perfect score on the national exam when he got home his parents would beat him up until he couldn't walk. Fortunately, it didn't make him disabled, or else surely his parents will disown him right away. If he wasn't so obstinate if he didn't fear getting disowned. Perhaps there will be no young genius detective named Xu Haoran.

This merciless kind of teaching did turn him into someone who is competent. But at what cost? Xu Haoran grew up without experiencing single care from his parents or the entire family. Because pride and prosperity are all they cared about. That's why when Xu Haoran was framed into a high-class criminal. His family disowned him without any hesitation. In the end, Xu Haoran died without knowing what family is for and how it feels like to be loved. Sometimes, he envied Huang Liangjin who lives in poverty with his family. Because his family cared about their family members more than achievements. Xu Haoran still remembers the day when he visited Huang Liangjin's house. Huang Liangjin helped his mother to cook dinner, while Xu Haoran had a chat with his father. Xu Haoran still remembers what Huang Liangjin's father said to him, "As long as my family is safe and happy, as a father I'm content."

Those words were foreign to Xu Haoran, because he had been raised not to prioritize safety and happiness. Great achievement must be obtained at all costs, even if it means losing one leg or one arm.

Liu Meifeng closed her eyes bitterly and refused to remember her former cold parents. Then she reopened her eyes and all she sees is a beautiful woman with her hair combed and dressed splendidly with all the sumptuous embroidery attached to her palace dress.

"Empress Mother.. are you worried about me?" Liu Meifeng asked faintly, even she didn't know why she asked a question that she already knew the answer.

Liu Xiurong smiled brilliantly and caressed Liu Meifeng's cheek.

"Of course, you're my beloved daughter and the best princess in the world. You know, when you're still in my womb. I was so excited with your arrival I was thinking about what we could do together. Like horse riding, playing Guzheng, picking flowers and so on…" Liu Xiurong paused as she started to sob and continue weakly, "I want to watch you grow up to be a fine princess and married happily."

After hearing the last sentence, Liu Meifeng who was touched turned pale and started to sweat. She doesn't want to break her Empress mother's heart by saying 'But, I'm not into men…' hence, she can only smile wryly to her concerned mother.

On the other hand, two men seem to be having a conversation while drinking wine in the guest room. They are Liu Yongchang the Emperor of Qianghai kingdom and Duan Gen the master of cultivation.

"How is my daughter's condition?" Liu Yongchang poured wine on his cup, then drank it in one gulp.

Duan Gen stroked his long beard as he explained, "I have stabilized the Qi energy on her body and temporarily strengthened her breathing organ. For now, her condition should be like how she was before. But it doesn't mean she's completely cured."

Liu Yongchang sighed and turned speechless. Even the great master of cultivation couldn't save her, is there really no salvation for her?

Duan Gen saw the Emperor before him staring at the table in despair. Naturally, he knew why Liu Yongchang was getting depressed like this. But judging by his status as the Emperor, he could have a concubine to have a few descendants while still having a marital relationship with the Empress. To begin with, marriage between two different races had always been a difficult one. Since it is very difficult to have healthy children, especially for the first child. But this Emperor and his wife turned a blind eye on this matter because of love. Duan Gen truly felt sorry for princess Liu Meifeng, her parents were so selfish that they don't even care about how she's going to live her life as a mixed-blood. If the two of them didn't get married, perhaps Liu Meifeng will be born as a healthy baby and live an average lifespan.

"Is there.. really no other way to cure her?"

Duan Gen returned to his senses after hearing Liu Yongchang's voice. He sighed and poured wine on the Emperor's cup, "Forgive me, Your Majesty. But the princess' disease is not something that can be cured by pills and other medications. It can only strengthen her body within an estimated time. If I may say, I think it's better if your majesty allowed me to take the princess away to teach her the way of cultivation."

Liu Yongchang stood up and slammed the table angrily, his eyes filled with killing intent towards Duan Gen.

"How dare you! Her body is already weak, if she studies cultivation she will die right away!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down."

Liu Yongchang maintained his breathing and finally sat down. Duan Gen continues to explain, "I know that the way of cultivation required a healthy body. But at this rate, does the princess really have any other choices? By studying cultivation at least, the princess can learn the technique to stabilize her Qi energy. So that she won't fall into a coma again and, maybe if she was bestowed a heaven's blessing. She could find a way to cure her weak organs. Although, the risk is also pretty high too and I won't hide it from your Majesty."

"Give me more time… this is something that I need to discuss with my wife."

"I shall remain in this kingdom to watch over the princess. Your Majesty may take your time to think it over with Her Majesty."



Thanks to Duan Gen's treatment, Liu Meifeng felt slightly better; she can already walk to the Grand library to read some books. Last time, she studied the political maneuvers in this world. Now, she wants to read the history of this world. To Lu Meifeng the knowledge of history is always beneficial be it for the present or the future.

"Hmm.. maybe I should study the world's culture as well. After all, it's not good to have zero knowledge regarding the outside world."

Liu Meifeng took a few books regarding the history of the world, the custom of each kingdom, and a record about a physician who has traveled throughout the three kingdoms. Since her body is still awfully tiny, she can only put the books on the floor and read them one by one.

After more than four hours of reading, Lin Jiao came to the Grand Library.

"Your Highness, it's time for dinner."

Liu Meifeng tilted her head to look at the person before her, then she closed her book and stood up.


Lin Jiao smiled and took Liu Meifeng's delicate hand. The two of them walked to the dining room and surprisingly, her Emperor Father and Empress Mother were there. Liu Meifeng and Lin Jiao gave a curtsy to greet them.

"This daughter greets Emperor Father and Empress Mother."

"This humble maid greets His and Her Imperial Majesty."

Liu Yongchang swayed his hand, "There's no need to give courtesy, come and sit my daughter."

Liu Meifeng nodded her head and smiled, then she rushed to her own seat. Lin Jiao helped her to sit at the tall chair, then she grabbed another chair to sit next to Liu Meifeng. Although, Liu Meifeng can already pretty much do everything by herself. But her delicate hands were still not strong enough to cut meat. Hence, Lin Jiao sat next to her and cut several lamb's meats on her plate.

Liu Meifeng just put on her childish smile like a normal kid enjoying spending time with their parents. But deep inside, Liu Meifeng knows that there must be something that her parents wish to discuss with her. Though, Liu Meifeng can't guess what it is. For now, she decided to secretly observe the Emperor and Empress in front of her. Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong exchanged awkward glances as if they're communicating with their hearts. Until the two of them finally nodded and turned to Liu Meifeng. The first one to speak was her Emperor Father,

"Say, Meifeng… are you interested in studying Cultivation?"

Lin Jiao stuffed a slice of meat on Liu Meifeng's smallmouth, then she chewed it slowly as she pondered.

"*Munch*.. *Munch*.. *Munch*… is it like the old senior with long-beard?" Liu Meifeng meant the Master Cultivator, Duan Gen.

Liu Yongchang smiles at her silly daughter who only remembered the old senior's facial features. He poured tea on his cup, "Yes, it's like him. What do you think?"

Liu Meifeng tilted her head while Lin Jiao wiped the sauce on her mouth, "Hmm.. if I study Cultivation with the old senior. Can I still be with Mother and Father?"

Once those questions landed, Liu Yongchang and Liu Xiurong flinched. Their faces turned extremely sad as they looked at each other. Just by looking at how they responded, Liu Meifeng comprehended it easily. If she studied Cultivation under Duan Gen, it means she had to part ways with her parents. Certainly, she could pay a visit to her parents if she's unoccupied. But who knows how many years it might take for her to have the chance to do so. It's not like Liu Meifeng can't bear to part with her parents even for a single moment. She's afraid that once she's gone, her parents will have another child that could replace her. Liu Meifeng can only keep this thought to herself, she pretended not to notice the troubled expression on her parents' face and just silently waited for their response.

This time it's Liu Xiurong's turn to speak, "If you choose to study cultivation, Duan Gen will bring you to a suitable place for cultivating." She paused for a moment, then sighed as she continues "You… might not be able to see us for several years."

"Then, I don't want to study cultivation." Liu Meifeng said casually. Hearing this, both Liu Xiurong and Liu Yongchang were delighted and upset. Upset? Of course, how can they not feel upset when their daughter's lifespan and survival are depended only on the path of cultivation. With Liu Meifeng's extraordinary skills and unusual power, perhaps she was fated to be the next Grand Master of Cultivation. That's why heaven granted her a miracle to be able to survive right after she was born. While other infants usually die an hour after they were born. It is the fate of the first child of a mixed-blood.

After an awkward dinner, Liu Yongchang excused himself to his study room while Liu Xiurong escorted Liu Meifeng back to her bed-chamber. Lin Jiao followed the two mother and daughter quietly from behind. When the three arrived in front of Liu Meifeng's bed-chamber, Lin Jiao stayed outside to let the two have a private talk.

"Mother, will you tell me a bedtime story?" Liu Meifeng said merrily as she jumped on the bed. When she was Xu Haoran she couldn't act spoiled like this to her parents. That's why she will act like a spoiled kid to her heart's content, to replace those horrid childhood memories.

Liu Xiurong smiles gently, seeing her daughter act spoiled like this truly melt her heart. But soon the sweet feeling inside her heart turned bitter when she knew a day like this won't stay forever. There's nothing she can do other than treasuring this moment when it still lasts.

"Alright, mother will tell you a story from mother's homeland. It's about a Soldier and Moon Princess."

Liu Meifeng laid on the bed as her mother pulled the blanket to cover her. Then, she tilted her head and asked curiously, "Where is mother's homeland?"

"It's located in the Zuguo kingdom. Now, do you want to hear about the bedtime story or not?"

"Of course!"

Liu Xiurong chuckled and began to tell a story, "A very long time ago, there was a young General from the Zugue kingdom. He was a kind-hearted young man and excelled in martial arts, many people respected him and even the those in the higher seats favored him. However, he's someone who's never interested in marriage or someone."

Liu Meifeng listened to her mother quietly as she comparing her past life with this General. Thinking that this General in the story resembles her too much.

"One day, he spent his day off fishing at the lake near Yangjiang village. In there, he saw a silhouette figure under the water. He thought it was a spy or infiltrator, so he moved his hand on the sword grip attached to his waist and slowly approached the water. Suddenly, a beautiful young woman showed up from the water. Her wet lustrous black hair spread on the water surface. The General caught his breath, his sharp Jade eyes were focused only on the beautiful woman in front of him. Later, the two spend their time together and eventually fall in love with each other." Liu Xiurong stopped and asked, "Say, what do you think will happen next?"

Liu Meifeng who was listening attentively answered, "It's probably going to end up really tragic."

Hearing that Liu Xiurong chuckled, "Oh? Why is that?"

"Because that's just how destiny played with people's lives."

Liu Xiurong pretended to feel upset and sighed, "And here I am, hearing my two years old daughter talking about destiny and people's lives."

Liu Meifeng revealed her pearly white teeth as she smiled and let out a short 'hehe'. Liu Xiurong patted her head and continue,

"Just as Meifeng said, after the two of them spent their time together. The General proposed to the beautiful woman, little did he know. The beautiful woman is actually a deity who decided to cultivate in the mortal world. But in the mid of her training, she fell in love with the General. Hence, she accepted his proposal and became engaged. Later, this news traveled up to heaven. Hearing this the deputy of heaven was angered, he sent his people to visit the mortal world. On the eve of their wedding, the beautiful woman was kidnapped and imprisoned on the moon. Unable to do anything, the General brought a lantern and wrote how much he misses her and wishes to see her. Then, he flew the lantern up to the sky.. hoping the message could reach her. He repeatedly doing this every year on the eve of their wedding date. When the people of Yangjiang village saw this, their hearts ached for this young General. Many years had passed since then, the General did not marry anyone until his last breath. The locals said after his passing, the General refused to be reincarnated and walked through nine springs to reunite with the beautiful woman on the moon. That's why, every night on the General's passing date.. the locals would light up a lantern in the sky, to light up a path for the General. Occasionally, they would write their wish on the lantern too. Many years later, this had become a tradition in Yangjiang village."

Liu Meifeng was astonished after hearing such a story. Who knows if it were true or not, this festival does seem interesting. From the details, it does resemble the Mid-autumn festival back in her past life. Except for the origin and the moon cakes, of course. By recognizing this, Liu Meifeng was reminded again that she lives in a totally different world from her past life.

'I guess I shouldn't dwell on the past too much', she said quietly in her heart.

"I have finished telling the story, now go to sleep, alright?" Liu Xiurong landed a peck on Liu Meifeng's forehead and retreated from the room.

That night, Liu Meifeng had a pleasant dream of her past life as Xu Haoran. She dreamed of the time where he and Huang Liangjin come to the central town during the Mid-autumn festival. The two of them would stroll around the festival together while eating the fast-food they brought from the stand. When the time has come, they would visit the nearby lake to light up a lantern together. Sadly, she can only reminisce about those treasured moments only inside her dream.

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