
6.32 Revelation

Ever since knowing that Regius was a God, Jillian had always wondered what kind of a God he was. He knew from story books that there were numerous kinds of Gods in charge of their own domain. God of Birth, Goddess of Luck, and God of Love were the three most mentioned ones. The three Gods symbolized the light and the Evil God being the embodiment of darkness and together, they would defeat him. It was children's books after all, so Jillian didn't hold much expectation. 

He couldn't help but wonder what kind of God Regius was. Judging from the way he appeared amidst the howling blizzard, wearing a pure white robe, maybe he was the God of Winter? That was very plausible. Regius always had that kind of cold and apathetic face when he looked at others except Jillian. Being the God of Winter suited him best, it sounded sexy to be honest.


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