

A golden light flashed, and when it subsided, Ari stood before Xasha with her strike team by her side.

"Oh. Hey Kenya, hi Shay. Bloooooooom. How are you, girls?" Xasha pulled all the girls into a group and hugged them. The girls giggled like silly teenagers being tickled.

Xasha looked over at Ari, staring at him with smiling eyes. "You're going back?" he asked.

Ari nodded. "We both can't be away from Estia at the same time." She looked elegant in a long white dress robe. Her golden locks swayed in the wind as she left them unkempt.

"I understand. I'm happy you left your post to come to save my life," Xasha joked.

"I'm happy I did too." Ari walked over and gave her father a warm and love-filled hug. "I'm going now."

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