
Arc 2 - Chapter 12: My Dream

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2 - Chapter 12: My Dream

"By the way, Chikao. What are we going to do with those two?" Momoyo asks Chikao as she points at both Cao Cao and Georg. Both are a bit worn out and covered in dirt. Smelling a bit too. Not that it matters to her, since she won't allow those two into her own building and made Chikao place a few spells to keep them outside without allowing them to escape.

"I have no idea." Chikao speaks truthfully, for there are too many different routes to deal with these two and among them. Well, Chikao rather kills them, then go to the afterlife to kill them again if possible just to show others that he will even kill others again in the afterlife if they piss him off enough. Funny how there are a few rare routes, that Chikao luckily did exactly that. Only to be killed afterward due to not being allowed to be in the afterlife when alive.

"Should we let them leave?" Asia asks in the place for Cao Cao and Georg, not realizing how dangerous these two are just by using the banner of being heroes.

"Not happening." Chikao rejects Asia's choice of releasing these two without even thinking about it for a second. "Trust me, Asia. These two would do lots of bad things. No matter how they say are heroes. A bunch of lies." Chikao has used [Numeromancy] on Cao Cao and Georg, to know enough that he wouldn't be surprised by how they are villains more than heroes even in canon. No idea when they show up, but right before his eyes. Chikao can say for sure Cao Cao is just a plain hypocrite of the highest order.

"Maybe they're just misguided?" Asia looks at Cao Cao and Georg, then blinks a few times because she sees Ophis literally using them as a seat, with Georg being used as a footstool.

"You could say that..." Momoyo starting to think, that maybe she didn't put enough effort into teaching Asia about life or maybe she need to show proof to Asia. As a way, to let her understand that those two are not the good guys nor are they truly heroes even if they are in the Hero Faction.

"I do have a way to seal away their [Sacred Gear] and their [Mana Reserve]." Chikao spoke up, causing both Cao Cao and Georg to look at Chikao briefly before struggle with all their might, but since Ophis using them as a chair and footstool kinda made it hard since Ophis did something to prevent them from moving too much.

"I don't know." Momoyo glances at Cao Cao and Georg before looking back at her boyfriend. "I feel like even you did seal them away. They could just find a way to remove the seal. Maybe you should remove their [Sacred Gears] and their ability to use [Mana] before sending them off?" Momoyo was a bit more ruthless, for instead of aiming to permanently make it impossible for these two to ever be at their peak condition again. Pretty much making them a cripple in a way.

"Hm." Chikao glance at the [True Longinus] leaning against the wall at the front of the building, with multiple chains made out of ordinary things, but if one look close to it. All the chains have [Runes] engraved into them at a small size, to make room for the strong effects to temporarily seal away the [True Longinus]. "I think I might an idea what to do with it." Chikao suddenly had an idea and input it into the calculation of [Numeromancy]. Many new routes appear and a good amount of them making Chikao willing to take the risk of turning this idea he thought of into a reality.

After all, while Momoyo is just a step away from godhood. Chikao has no idea if he could do the same unless this weird system of his could make him into a God. Though, that wouldn't matter since after he did a deeper look with the [Numerical Precision] on the [True Longinus], to look there is the power of slaying the Gods themselves. Not just that, but it has the ability to create blades made up of [Holy Power], which is powerful enough to vaporize both High-Class and even Ultimate-Class Devils with relative ease. In addition to this, it can release torrents of pure light from a distance causing massive destruction on impact.

Sweet, got two spells added in his [Holy Element]. Also, with all these; Chikao discovers the [True Longinus] also has the ability to break through seals. Very neat.

"Wait, what the?" Chikao discovers something wrong with the [True Longinus], causing the others to be on the edge; well, Momoyo is on the edge while Asia is still worried about any harm that comes to Cao Cao and Georg, where the latter had it worse since he is still armless. Ophis didn't give jack shit about what is going on. "Huh, this thing can drive believers of the Church insane. Damn..."

"What?!" Asia is the most shocked by this after learning the [True Longinus] being a [Holy Relic] and the one that has been blessed by the blood of Christ himself, then to learn now that it would drive her fellow believers insane?! "WHY?!" This is the biggest shock for Asia, even more than being kicked out of the church. "WHY WOULD IT DRIVE PEOPLE INSANE?!"

"Wow." Momoyo looks at the panic and rage look on someone like Asia's face. Never would she think Asia would have such a look since Momoyo knows her.

"Something about a bug in the Heaven System and... oh." Chikao replied while continue running the numbers with [Numeromancy] and checking for the reason why this is happening, then realize the answer.

"What did you find?!" Asia quickly walks up to Chikao and grab his left sleeve. "Please tell me there is a good reason why a [Holy Relic] would do such a cruel thing!" Asia hopes this answer would restore some of her shaken faith in God.

"Uh, I don't think I should." Chikao winces a little in seeing the many routes, that Asia nearly went crazy and insane, while a few rare ones would Asia become even a better person, with her faith in something else than God from the Biblical Faction. Luckily, he knew exactly which triggers to go for to stop Asia from becoming crazy and insane.

"Please, I need to know!" Asia feels like this is a test that she will have to face that God gave her, like how she was forced to endure the words being thrown at her while she was leaving the church after being banished. Maybe knowing the answer would be enough to let her understand, that there must be a reason why the [True Longinus] has such a cruel effect on people of faith.

Georg looks at Cao Cao in disbelief and he can see the shocked look on Cao Cao's face, that he too didn't know the [True Longinus] would have such a feature.

"Well... From what I have found upon looking more into the [True Longinus]. The God of the Bible, he died in the Great War between the Three Faction with his right arm, the Archangel Michael, succeeding his place in maintaining the Heaven System. His death was kept a secret and from what I could tell. To prevent other pantheons from attacking them." Chikao caught Asia, who fainted right away the moment he finished speaking. "I expected this to happen."

"Seriously?" Momoyo's eyes are wide as she looks at her boyfriend, where she couldn't believe she just heard and she trusts every word Chikao just spoke right now. Since there is no reason to lie, especially about something this important like the God of the Bible is dead!

"Yeah, I peek a bit into the Heaven System by using the [True Longinus] as a medium to do so." Chikao said didn't really lie to Momoyo, seeing how he kinda did peek into the Heaven System via [Numeromancy] and using the [True Longinus] as the main point to branch out. Leading to seeing the Heaven System's history briefly, but enough to find a shocking truth. Well, not really. Chikao knew the God of the Bible was dead already since Kokabiel himself revealed it.

Though, Chikao didn't know if it was the same in this world, but this confirms it. God of the Bible is dead in this world.

"Does that mean we have to be extra cautious with the Angel Faction?" Momoyo didn't care if she had an army of Angels fighting her, but that is only if she was alone. Now, that she part of a group, making it a bit difficult for her to go all out. Also, this secretly made her realized how her boyfriend feels when he spars with her without being able to go all out. Therefore, later tonight, Momoyo will give even more love to her boyfriend.

"Most likely, including the Fallen Angel Faction and Devil Faction. Since they are in this big secret too." Chikao replied, then place Asia down next to Ophis, then making a gesture for Ophis to move. After all, now is a good time to deal with these two before Asia wakes up to try her best to not outright kill them, even though she has already seen both Chikao and Momoyo slaughter a group of Stray Exorcists before. Chikao figure it's because of how Cao Cao is good looking or something on that line, that made Asia not want Cao Cao's death happening.

Killing intent begins to leak out from Chikao, allowing everyone nearby to easily figure out that he wasn't going to let Cao Cao and Georg go.

With a snap of his finger, casting a spell to make it so Cao Cao and Georg are unable to make a sound. Yet, that didn't stop the deep terror showing in their eyes and no one would save them from being killed by Chikao.

45 minutes later*

"Now, that you have taken care of the bodies. What are you going to do with those two [Sacred Gears]?" Momoyo asks her boyfriend while pointing at the [True Longinus] that seems to dim a bit and on the side is a small glass box container that holds purple gas inside, that is visible to the naked eyes.

"Well, for one thing. I am not going to give these two the Three Faction unless I get something out of it." Chikao has found a few routes, that he could merge the [True Longinus] with the [Glove-Shaped CAD] to have an extra ability to use, but dropped that idea right away when he couldn't deal with the Dying Will of the God of the Bible inside the [True Longinus]. Instead, Chikao just extracts the equation of godhood and store it into the [Glove-Shaped CAD] since it would be useful later on. Sadly, Chikao can't use it right now, or else his body will blow up.

"Like what?" Momoyo raises an eyebrow as she sits next to her boyfriend on the double-seat couch. "Are you planning to make someone from the Three Faction to make something for you or get you something?"

"Mostly the latter really." Chikao seriously hopes the Three Faction won't take the other routes aka fighting him for these two [Sacred Gears]. Because he really needs those materials to refine his body to become strong enough to hold his abilities given by the weird system.

"I see." Momoyo wonders why her boyfriend would need something from the Three Faction, then again, she could guess that maybe he needs some stuff he can't get himself and require them for his magical experiments. "Also, you know I just think about something."

"Hm?" Chikao looks at Momoyo as he finished using [Numeromancy] for the time being.

"What is your dream? Mine has already been achieved, which is to be the strongest that even the Gods can't make me do their bidding. I'm wondering what is yours." Momoyo leans against Chikao. "Just wanted to know more about you, Chikao. After all, we will be together until one of us dies."

"Well..." Chikao thinks real hard about this, then comes up with a blank. "Huh, I don't think I have one. All this time is my main goal to survive." Chikao realizes how complicated this life of his up to now and feel a bit sad, that he didn't even have a dream; well, a dream he wanted. He already has a goal, that will only take time to complete, but that isn't a dream. A dream in Chikao's eyes is something he wanted as something he happy with.

"Really? Huh, I kinda was thinking you would have one big dream or something." Momoyo couldn't believe someone like her boyfriend doesn't have a dream of his own, but only goals that are bound to be reached or adjusted to be included in a new goal. This is what Momoyo gets from what she understands of Chikao. "How about likes? Dislikes? Anything? For me, I like to fight, eat, flirting, and teasing girls since it's fun and helps me relax sometimes. Then, there is you, Chikao." Momoyo wraps her arms around Chikao's neck as she leans in to whisper into his left ear. "Especially when we have sex." Then, she moves just a bit back away before she continues. "My dislikes are studying that not related to martial arts and having to deal with annoying people like the Devils for trying to kill me in order to revive me into a Devil in their peerage."

"If it's just that, then my like are researching new means to improve my survival, spending some time with you." Chikao mentally thinks about how he loves messing with some people sometimes too, without them realizing it. "And I guess, maybe teaching?" Chikao did like how Ingui Yoon was paying attention to him at the time.

Momoyo snort at this, "Don't you mean, you like Ingui Yoon? Honestly, I don't mind if you wanting to have a relationship with her. She is pretty looking after all." Momoyo grin at the dumbfounded look that appears on Chikao's face. "What? Did you think I wouldn't accept the fact, that my own boyfriend might have some interest in other girls? If I didn't, would you think I would have allowed Nyx to join us in having sex? I'd have outright done my absolute best to make sure she never does. If it wasn't for the fact, that it would lead to your death."

"Ignoring this for now." Chikao knew that having [Numeromancy] is overpowered, but it will never be total omniscience, but just flawless foresight of what he CHOOSE to seek out while anything else outside of what he picked out to 'see' would be outside his range of detection and having Momoyo literally just told to his face how she is okay of him having multiple girlfriends was far from what he expected. "For my dislike. I guess mainly crazy people, that aim to kill me. As in aiming to kill me without any other reason but just killing for the sake of killing. As well as being powerless too." Chikao hated the early time when he was with Freed and didn't regret killing him.

"Huh, I guess that why you rejected Nyx right away." Momoyo secretly sighed in relief, that she didn't push Chikao too far at the time when she offered herself to him as a sign she wanted to be with him. Also, Momoyo is delighted that Chikao didn't look at her with disdain when he mentions crazy people. Though, she could understand the dislike of being powerless.

"Pretty much." Chikao let out a sigh, then use [Numeromancy] to check why Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young haven't come back down from their conversation about how to counter Magicians, only to find out they are really deep into the discussion and coming up with different ways to counter Magicians through the usage of [Ki] and modern-day weapons, even go far as planning out how to deal with Magicians in a way, that shouldn't be possible to think up by these two girls at their age.

"So, anything you could think of having as a dream?" Momoyo asks Chikao while trying to ignore the discussion going on the second flood with Ingui Yoon and Lee Moon Young. Though, some of the ideas they came up with. She would think about using them for herself.

"Hm." Chikao thinks real hard, then got something that might be a dream somewhat. "I guess if there is anything I could think of, to be a dream for me. It would travel until I had enough before picking a place to stick around for the rest of my life and maybe make a family with you if you want us to have kids or not."

Momoyo blush at this, then smile for this dream include her in it. Making Momoyo happy to have picked the right man to be her partner in life. In fact, she won't mind having a big family with Chikao if that's what he wanted, be it a small number of kids or a large number of kids. As long she with Chikao, then life will always be joyful for her. Momoyo knows there will be some difficulties on the way, but that's fine as no relationship will always be perfect. Just as long she gets to bet with Chikao forever.

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