
Chapter 6: Made A Mistake

"Hey, Venture. Don't mind Miss Cope's rude behavior. She just watching out for the rest of us and she'll do the same for you after getting to know you better." Firm gives Venture a pat on the shoulder, with a smile on his face. "Well, if you need me or anyone else for any kind of help. Just come here. Most of us will be here, and if not, then come around dinner time on the fourth floor. Since most of us will for sure be there. Now, with everything out of the way. I'll see you later tomorrow, it's time for me to do some of my other tasks." With that said, Firm nods his head at Venture before heading out.

Venture wonder if Firm is going to search for others to recruit like him. Hopefully, Firm manages to successfully recruit more people, so they could do the fighting for him while Venture won't mind doing something else if possible, that doesn't involve fighting that may or may not risk one's life.

"So, what made you want to join the [Dark Star Faction] if you don't mind me asking." Bout asks Venture, curious why someone with an [Assassin-Type Skill] would join an unknown faction with barely enough members to fulfill all the roles for a stable and running faction.

"A place to stay and food for free." Venture spoke truthfully, causing both Edify and Bout to be baffled. "What?" Venture wonder why he getting such looks from the two.

"Is... that it?" Bout asks with a hint of disbelief, no one could blame him, for most people with [Assassin-Type Skills] or any types of [Skills] that mainly used to kill and powerful would have more than a few conditions before they could be recruited. This just caused Bout to have some doubts with the newcomer, which may be why Miss Cope was being so difficult because she must have noticed something off about the guy.

"I'm flat broke and Firm found me leaving the library, where I was heading off to find a place to hire me. Since I haven't eaten for a while nor did I have the money to continue to stay on the second floor. I was debating on going out to be a courier too." Venture explained why he is satisfied with just the free place and food available upon joining the [Dark Star Faction]. Of course, going off to become a courier was a big fat lie. No way was Venture going to risk his life by going out of the city for profits. There is a reason why there is a 90% death rate literally printed next to the job courier in the book.

"Hmm. I can see why you would join the [Dark Star Faction], but quick question. Would you have joined any factions if they offer you a place and food to make sure your physical fatigue stays at 0% daily?" Bout asks with curious, where some of his doubts are gone, but this answer just gave him more questions than before.

"Pretty much." Venture shrugs his shoulders, "In fact, if the whole courier didn't go well. I would have to find some other jobs." By that, Venture meant he will for sure find something else for a job other than courier.

"Wait, you have an [Assassin-Type Skill]. How come you haven't been recruited yet, or even a small party of couriers haven't offered you to join them this entire time?" Edify asks with a hint of doubt in the newcomer's answers. There too many holes in his words, that make many suspects if what Venture said is true or not.

"Oh, that's because I've been trying to figure everything I could do with my [Skill] instead of finding out the hard way." Venture explains how he awakened his [Skill] and desire to experiment through many tests to see what it can and can't do before doing anything else, that's potentially deadly in some way. Of course, Venture only spoke half the truth, but it's the truth nonetheless.

"Huh, so you're one of those types of people, who instead of going out for life experience, would instead train in seclusion to discover all there is to know about their [Skill] before hitting a wall and head out, to gain insight to further usage of your [Skill]." Bout nods his head in understanding why now, that someone like Venture hasn't joined a group or a faction this entire time. "Wait, how did you train if you have an [Assassin-Type Skill]? Wouldn't you need to have live targets to make it work?"

"Of course, he went outside the city." Edify roll her eyes at Bout, "He only said about getting a job as a courier, but you don't need to be one to exit the city."

"Sorry, forgot about that. My bad." Bout gives Venture an apologetic smile.

Venture just shrugs and at the very least, this just gave him Intel, that he can leave the city without having to be a courier; however, that didn't mean much for Venture at the moment.

"Anyway, is there anything you two need from me before I go?" Venture decides, that if it's already close to night time, then he'll just head off to bed instead. After all, with the whole curfew placed on him. He isn't allowed to leave the building, not that he wanted to in the first place.

"No, you can go." Edify wave off the newcome to go now, of course, she will do some sneaking around to find out Venture's past just in case.

The same thought came across Bout's head as well, but neither of the two said anything about it.

"Okay, it's nice to meet the two of you." Venture said his farewell and head downstairs, to the ground floor, where he noticed there still daylight and head over to the library to do some last-minute research before returning back to the apartment.


It took Venture around an hour or two before he found a book about the [Modifier]. Something he needs to get out of the way, where he discovered that no one can use more than one [Modifier] and it requires someone with a specific [Skill] to remove the [Modifier] from the person after it has been installed into them. How do people install a [Modifier]? Venture has no idea, it's not mentioned in the book he found. Nonetheless, once installed, the person will be stuck with that [Modifier] for the rest of their life unless they got someone to remove it for them.

Sadly, the book didn't have any information on how these [Modifiers] are made. But, Venture is fine with the information he got now. Later, Venture could just ask someone in the [Dark Star Faction] about the [Modifier] more before he picks one out.

Venture glances out the windows on his right, where he is shocked that it's already dark outside. Quickly, Venture put the book back where he found them and rush out the library to get back to the apartment.


Much to Venture's frustration. By the time he arrived at the apartment, the doors are locked and he is a bit too afraid of calling for Cope to open the doors. So, with a disappointed look on Venture's face. He decides to return back to the park to sleep in the plastic house.

It's a good thing, Venture didn't leave behind his book and pen or else he won't have anything to use his [Unique Skill] other than maybe the pebbles around him. Actually, this gave Venture another idea on what to use as a medium for his [Unique Skill].

But, before he does anything else. Venture needs to check his status.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 53/100%

Mental Fatigue: 41/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

"Oh..." Venture felt like he been hit in the stomach, because not that long ago. Both his physical fatigue and mental fatigue were at 0%. Then again, with all the reading and running, it's a given these two stats' percentage would raise up. It should be a mercy, for Venture to not enter the 70% range or higher. Nonetheless, having physical fatigue already at 53% means Venture needs to be more careful with what he does that would drain his stamina or risk it going even higher.

Venture stop for a moment, not daring to enter the park just yet.

Walking over to the bush area on his right. Venture carefully search for anything close to a small branch that's easy to snap. Yet, he found nothing, so the next best thing for Venture now is to grab a few leaves on the ground. Then trigger his [Unique Skill] while having one leaf in one hand while the rest in the other, using the single leaf as the medium.

The condition for winning and losing in this gamble depends on if the leaves in his other hand would rip in the next minute. For the condition to win this gamble is where if the single leaf in Venture's hand being rip within the next minute, then someone is in the park right now, but if the leaves are intact the exact way they're right now. No one is in the park currently.

Venture watch the leaf in his hand fading from existence, then wait for an entire minute before continuing with his next action. Venture made sure to count the time and just to be sure, he even went past the number 60 in his head until it reaches 100. Afterward, Venture slowly walks into the park and glance around just in case someone decides to come into the park right like he is.

Venture instantly stops on the spot when that thought appears in his head. Because Venture has just realized something important and that his recently gamble was to determine if someone was in the park right now, but not after Venture enter and a few minutes afterward.

Therefore, Venture quickly grabs another leaf out of the other in his left hand, then trigger his [Unique Skill] to make sure no one comes to the park tonight. But, before Venture could choose the right words to go for the gamble. The sound of footsteps came from Venture's right, causing Venture to freeze up and slowly edge towards a nearby tree to hide behind it while the person nearby is coming closer and closer to where Venture is.

Slowly, Venture's forehead begins to be covered in cold sweats and his heart racing due to being nervous about someone coming to the park during the night. Who knows if this person is a patrol guard and Venture find out he broke some kind of rules or something before being sent to jail.

Luckily, Venture manages to reach for the tree, that's big enough to cover his entire body from plain view.

With his back soaked in sweats, Venture did his best to pay attention to the sound of footsteps and wait for the person to go on their merry way. Also, hoping for the person isn't a [Detection-Type Skill] holder or Venture is doomed.

The urge to use the [Everything Is A Gamble] almost made Venture wanted to make sure if the person has a [Detection-Type Skill] or not. But, there is still the chance of the gamble picking the losing condition and the person will end up having a [Detection-Type Skill], which leads to Venture being discovered.

So, all Venture can do right now is wait and pray the person doesn't notice him, nor the person is seeking him out of everyone in this city.

With each step, it felt like a hammer slamming on his heart. Venture really wished he had come back to the apartment early before it got dark. Sadly, there no pill for regret and Venture just remembers about yesterday's gamble and came to a conclusion his [Unique Skill] made sure he stays outside for the night.

Does this include not being able to sleep in the plastic house too?

Venture not sure if that's the case, but right now his main concern is the person coming near. Truthfully, maybe Venture should have just found a bridge or something to live under. Oh, who is he kidding, Venture knew that even then, there is still a chance of someone being nearby and would attack him outright for just being in the wrong place and wrong time. Nevertheless, right now is for Venture to focus on the sound of the person's footsteps and make sure not to make any noises at all.

With all these random thoughts; Venture barely manages to stand still without moving a single muscle. Not even daring to breath normal, to the point Venture took a slow, deep breath and exhale slowly as well. Hoping this would be much easier to quiet down the sound of him breathing. Instead of holding it in, something that Venture knew he can't hold his breath for no more than a couple of seconds.

As the sound of the footsteps continues to move, causing Venture's heart to race like crazy, then the next few seconds. The sound of the footsteps, becoming distant, giving Venture relief as it looks like the person hasn't detected Venture or just not the person's target.

In a matter of minutes. Venture no longer hear the person walking away, but he didn't dare move his spot just yet. In fact, Venture planning to just stay where he is until it's morning. Then, he'll just go back to the apartment to sleep for who knows how long. Because after this whole thing. Venture really doesn't want to stay outside in the middle of the night too long.

On another note; Venture vow to find a place that sells a watch or something to keep track of time. Because yesterday was plain lucky for Venture thanks to his [Unique Skill], but right now, Venture wonder would happen if he stayed in that plastic house with that person coming just in the direction, where the playground is.


So, for the entire night; Venture stays awake until the light of the sun appears, causing Venture to let out a sigh of relief now that he could go back to the apartment. Hopefully, it's now open.

But, first. Venture brings up his status.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 90/100%

Mental Fatigue: 84/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

"Food first. Sleep second." Venture mumble to himself once he noticed how high his physical fatigue and he didn't care if he gets a stomachache or something from going to sleep after eating.


Through sheer willpower; Venture manages to return to the apartment, ignoring the way Cope stares at him as he heads to the stairs. Slowly walking, with each step carefully place or else Venture may find his balance thrown off and end up falling down the stairs. So, by the time Venture reaches the fourth floor. With great effort on Venture's part and after a couple of minutes. He manages to push the door open and almost got smack by the door if he wasn't a few seconds quicker to get in.

"I'm in the 90% range..." Venture mumble out tiredly, causing Fare to raise an eyebrow. "Anything... please." Venture slowly blinks his eyes, the urge to just shut them completely; however, Venture knew until he eats his fill, then he should have enough strength to get bed without any accident to happen.

"Right, I'll bring something out soon." Fare grunt, then carefully watch the newcomer drag his feet to the nearest table, not caring if it a table for two or more. Then, head into the kitchen to make a quick meal for the newcomer, who is close to fainting from what he can tell.

It felt like years while waiting for the food to arrive. The agony of feeling so weak, that even sitting up straight is taking a strain on Venture. Venture's eyes became heavy like someone forcibly pushes the eyelid down to prevent Venture from seeing. The urge to just cave in and give up everything.

However, luck is on Venture's side as the doors to the kitchen are open, bringing along the smell that just made Venture think he had died and gone to heaven. Venture straighten his back and with eyes of a predator that hasn't eaten for days. Eyeing the food being brought over to him without blinking, afraid that someone may steal his delicious food from him.

So, the moment the food is placed in front of him, Venture attack the meal with the speed beyond what he could go at. Of course, Venture made sure to chew thoroughly or risk choking on his food. Something Venture rather not have and by the time Venture came back to his senses. Venture let out a satisfying burp.

"Thanks, Fare. I thought I was going to die." Venture gives a thumb up to Fare, who just grunt and took the dirty plate, then head back into the kitchen without speaking a word to Venture. But, Venture barely saw the smile on Fare's face when turning away.

Now, with his stomach fill. Venture brings up his status to see how much the percentage went down from 90%.

Name: Venture

Title: [Gambler of Fate] - You are fate's gambler and making the impossible possible.

Health: 100/100%

Physical Fatigue: 0/100%

Mental Fatigue: 50/100%

Unique Skill: [Everything Is A Gamble] - The user is able to use anything to gamble with fate. [Price]: The medium used will disappear afterward.

Venture sighs in relief, to see his physical fatigue and mental fatigue have dropdown. With the former at 0% and the latter went down by 34%. Venture just needs a good sleep and it should go down close to near 0% hopefully.

This is exactly what Venture is going to do right now and head to the second floor, where at least one room is available right now for Venture to stay in. Whatever happens next after he wakes up. It can just wait for Venture to finish his needed sleep.

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