
answers part 2

* "So am I a witch or a mermaid?" Katrina shakes her head "yes and no. The mermaid line it appears you come from seems to merge both witch lure and mermaids together."

Katrina stops to nod at Marcy making sure she is taking it all in. " So the the traditional mermaid lure they were half fish women who would lure traditionally sailors in with there beauty and singsong, some times they would sing or humm. But some story's even said they could speak with the winds. But there like I said there are very few stories on your heritage. So what I found says you're people could walk on land do magic and swim like a dolphin if you go into the ocean. It appears it's nothing malicious or dangerous from what I found." "So what...wait...what....how, I have never sprouted a tail at the beach I'm sure I would remember that and I don't have magic or even speak to the wind." Marcy stammers with more questions now than when she entered the house "I just assumed it was some wired wolf reaction thing." Katrinas grin widens her response "well I assume it is actually. Best I can tell your people were thought to have gone extinct because they died off or evolved. The magic within you that was simply meant to trigger your curse also awakened the mermaid in you. It not only explains your mark but much more, like the singsong the wolves refered to before. How you can calm those around you and why our sweet Ian was so drawn to you."

Marcy and Ian look at each other both in shock. They had needed and even asked for answers but had never thought in a million years that this would be the answer they had gotten. Where do they go from here what does that mean for them and their futures. Marcy looks back at Katrina who was still sitting quietly behind the desk. "Does that mean I wasn't marked and I'm not a wolf?" "That my dear is the million dollar question."

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