
Beach trip

Ian watches from the front door as Max and Marcy try to figure out how to fit more pool floats into the car as if they are children. Ian shakes his head at this sight. Today was supposed to be a beach trip not a game of Tetris. " Do you really need all that, you barley swim!?" He yells at Max playfully. Max glares back at him "fine we will take one each, if you buy drinks later". "Deal" he chuckles as he hogs down the stairs to assist them in now unpacking half of the car that now looked like it came straight from a cartoon with floats and noddles popping out of the windows.after quite a bit of unpacking, maneuvering and giggling the car was all packed and ready to go. Marcy, Max and Ian looked at each other with wide smiles relishing in there accomplished deed and then packed into the car. Ian drove while the girls played throw backs on the radio living the short drive in nostalgia. A short drive later Ian parks the car at the beach house they rented for the weekend and start unloading the car.

Ian carries all the suit cases up while the girls grab the floats and the groceries, they set everything down inside and start unpacking for their much needed vacation. Ian took the fold out couch while Max and Marcy each had there own room with access to the beach front balcony. Once they were all set up Marcy and Max plopped down on the couch in the living room one on either side of Ian. Ian looks side to side at both girls knowing something was on there minds. Max was the first to speak up "food" she says looking at her brother knowing he was the better cook. Macy responded "wine or beer?" And Ian could only laugh at the conversation at hand while he got up and walked to the kitchen. The girls fallowed behind like children grinning from ear to ear knowing they wouldn't have to lift a finger.

Max and Marcy sit down at the island and watch as Ian sorts through the food they brought. Pulling out salmon, lemon, rice, green beans, garlic and olive oil. Ian looks at Max and then Marcy to find them both nodding in approval over his selection for there first vacation meal. "Perfect" Marcy says as she smiles up at Ian. Max nods in approval once again and says "most definitely can't get any better, should we eat it on the beach or the balcony?" The two girls debate on this while Ian starts to cook dinner, this however doesn't stop him from sneaking a glance at Marcy here and there. This has become Ian's favorite past time, admiring the girl he can never have from afar. This also does not stop him from flirting and taunting the poor girl he has come to appreciate so much either. But he has come to terms with careing for her she is a beautiful girl who is a great friend to him and his sister she is also smart and kind and probably the strangest girl he has ever known besides Max that is. This thought makes him smile at himself.

Max sets the table on the balcony and Marcy walks back into the sliding glass doors into the kitchen "so what are you thinking?" She asks catching Ian off gaurd, did she know he was watching her, did she know what he was thinking about? "Beer or wine?" She asked again and Ian breathed a sigh of relief "either will go with dinner" he smiles. "Both it is" Marcy says as she grazes past Ian to get to the fridge. She giggles as she opens the fridge smiling at him knowing she was taunting him the was he always does her. She can see the heat building on Ian's cheeks and giggles to herself again. Ian turns away pretending to clean something off the counter but Marcy knows it's only to keep from showing any form of vulnerability or pure attraction to her anyways. Marcy grabs both the beer and the wine from the fridge and heads back to the balcony to join Max who is not sitting at the beautifully set table facing the beach watching the crystal clear waves crash onto the shore line while the setting sun refects off the water. Ian brings dinner out a while later setting it on the table bring the girls back to the here and now. The three of them enjoy each other's company, laughing while they enjoy Ian's beautifully cooked meal.

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