
Chapter 14 - Germa 66

As the Marines on Garp's ship worked around the clock, soon they arrived in the waters near Cozia Island.

"Sir! we have a visual on Cozia Island, as well as the seafaring Germa Kingdom!"

A marine stationed on the crow's nest shouted from above the mast.

Garp, Bogard, and Terumi walked to the front of the ship to get a better look for themselves. As the ship continues closer, smoke and fire can be seen rising from the island. Countless ships can be seen fleeing from the island.

"Those damn bastards. How dare they start a war in East Blue."

Garp angrily crunched on rice crackers as he stared at the fires in the distance.

Terumi also grimaced, preparing himself for the possibility of his first large-scale conflict. Although the Germa Kingdom is no longer officially a world government affiliated kingdom, they still maintain some privileges such as the right to attend the Levely, so the marines being here could be seen as a transgression. He gripped Asahi tightly as he tried to calm down. Noticing this, Garp spoke up.

"Don't worry kid, we're just here to shoo them away. Maybe knock a few heads in the meantime. We are just here to investigate 'suspected pirate activity.'"

Terumi had a blank bewildered expression as he heard Garp's words, before long he relaxed and chuckled.

"Heh, I see. 'Suspected pirate activity,' got it."

'So that's how he wants to handle this. Technically as a Marine, we are bound to the will of the world government, so we are not allowed to interfere in the activities of a world government affiliated kingdom, but since the Germa Kingdom's ties to the world government are strenuous at best, we can work in this gray zone without major consequences.'

"Permissions to safeguard the innocents of Cozia Island, sir?"

Garp grinned widely.

"Permission granted."


Meanwhile, on the floating kingdom of Germa, its king and ruler Judge stood high above within the meeting room of the inner castle, overseeing the conflict.

A clone soldier hurriedly made his way through the halls, knocking on the door to the meeting room.

"Come in, report."

The soldier saluted as he entered the room.

"Sir, a marine ship has been spotted approaching the island. Your orders?"

Judge grimaced and was annoyed by the news. Due to his connections, he has a decent amount of sway with the world government, allowing his family to keep their royalty status. This also allowed them to conduct 'business' without the worry of persecution.

"Who is it?"

"It appears to be Vice-Admiral Garp's ship, sir."


Judge was nervous. Although the marines didn't dare interfere in his activities, the Marine Hero Garp was another matter altogether. Officially the Germa Kingdom doesn't have the right to declare wars as other recognized kingdoms can, if Garp wanted to interfere, he would have the right to do so, and the elders of the world government wouldn't dare punish their 'Marine Hero.'

Judge then had an idea, smiled evilly, and pointed to a soldier standing off to the side.

"Call my children here, now. The rest of you, continue the mission."

"Yes sir!"

As the soldiers began to leave, Judge stopped one of them.

"Wait, has that 'failure' left yet?"

"Yes, sir. He was seen boarding a cruise vessel not too long ago."

Judge nodded.

"You are dismissed."

As the remaining soldiers left to go carry out their orders, Judge turned around and headed towards the balcony.

'I better not see you again, Sanji. Hmph, so Garp thinks he can stop me? I'll show him what will happen if he dares mess with me.'

Judge then pulled out a transponder snail, to call a mysterious figure.




"It's me, I need a favor."


Back on Garp's ship, it has just docked on the side of the island, as Marines started scrambling to line up. Garp walked off the ship as Bogard and Terumi followed behind him.

"Bogard, take Terumi and most of the men with you to go protect the innocents. Do not engage other than to defend people. The rest of you, come with me."

"Yes sir!"

Terumi followed Bogard with Asahi in hand as he rushed towards the fires in the distance. Coming over a hill, what appeared before him was a large-scale battle of countless Germa 66 soldiers surrounding and bombarding the town of Cozia. The few remaining soldiers of Cozia struggled to put up a small amount of resistance.

Screams were heard in the distance as buildings fell and the residents can be seen scrambling for survival.

"Terumi-kun, I know this is your first time seeing war, stay close and try to save as many people as you can. Do not engage with the soldiers, the Germa soldiers are programmed to not attack anyone beyond their mission protocol, as long as our focus is rescuing the civilians, they will not interfere."

Terumi nodded, trying to suppress his anger towards the ongoing cruelty happening before him.

"Move out, men!"


On the other side, Garp was headed towards the floating Germa Kingdom with a few of his soldiers. As he entered its mechanical island structure, Judge and his children were there to meet him.

Garp confidently strode forward, a wide grin was painted on his face, but his eyes were not smiling.

"Judge, ya bastard. What do you think you're doing here in East Blue?"

Judge had his raid suit on, although he was not as tall as Garp, his 272 cm figure towered over his children and men. His children stood behind him wearing colored outfits.

The two stopped ten meters away from each other, with their men standing behind them. The atmosphere was tense as the two stared at one another.

"Hmph, it's not your business as a Marine to interfere with the official business of the Germa Kingdom, 'Vice-Admiral.'"

"You calling wonted destruction 'business,' Judge? And here I thought I was the one getting old. I'm here on official Marine business to investigate suspected pirate activity. For your own safety, I encourage you to get out of here. Things might get out of hand in our investigation."

Garp grinned confidently, no words were minced in his clear threat.

Judge grit his teeth angrily hearing Garp's demands. His children aside from Reiju grinned evilly.

"Hahahaha, fool! You think you can just come here and do whatever you want, Garp?"

"Haha, yeah father, let's just beat him up and get it over with."

Yonji stepped forward confidently, feeling no fear in his body.

Garp simply stared at the green-haired boy, sighing.

"Kids these days have no respect for their elders. Want me to teach them a lesson for you, Judge?"

Garp raised his fist, ready to give the fearless kid a bonk on the head.

"Step back, Yonji. I will handle this."

"Yes, father."

"Wahahahaha! At least their ears still work, unlike my brats."

Garp then covered his fist in intense Haki, its pressure radiated danger to the surrounding people.

"Now, are you going to leave? Or will I have to escort you home?"

Judge didn't say anything, but he was completely unphased. He simply kept staring with a confident grin on his face.

"Hahaha! The great Germa Kingdom will not be bullied by a commoner! If you want a fight, that's what you'll get!"

A soldier handed Judge his spear. He twirled it around and readied himself for combat.

"Come then!"

As Garp prepared himself to knock the senseless fool out, his personal transponder snail in his chest pocket rang.



"What is it now?"

Judge's grin grew even wider upon hearing the ringing. His condescending smirk couldn't be any more blatant.

Garp took out the snail and answered the call.


"What is it? I'm busy."

Garp's tone didn't hide his frustration.

"Garp. Orders from the elders, stand down immediately and return to Marineford. I will not tell you again."

Sengoku's voice rang with a mixture of anger and resignation.

"I told you to tell those geezers-"

"I'm serious Garp, come back this INSTANT!"

Garp ground his teeth in anger before staring at Judge's condescending grin.

"Run along now."

A huge angry stress mark appeared on Garp's forehead as he heard Judge's words.

At that moment, his fist turned black with immense Haki, he disappeared and reappeared in front of Judge, swinging his fist and slamming it straight into Judge's face.




Judge's children screamed as his body flew backward all the way to his castle, crashing through several of his men before making a crater in the ground where he landed.

"GARP! STOP! If you do anymore I won't be able to protect you!"

"Hmph, fine. But I will not let any more civilians of Cozia die in this senseless invasion. I'm taking them with me."

"Fine, but that's it. Do not engage further."


Judge struggled to get up as he felt immense all over his face that almost got caved in by Garp's fist.


"Me what? I'm taking the civilians of Cozia with me. If you interfere, be ready to eat another one of my fists."

Judge was flabbergasted by Garp's actions. He didn't expect him to be this crazy.

"Take me to the healing chamber. Now."

"Yes sir!"

As Judge's men carried him off, Garp left with his men, walking towards the town of Cozia.


"Somebody help, please! My husband is stuck!"

"Hold on! I'll be right there!"

Terumi swiftly ran around the entire city, saving civilians from falling debris and sending them with his fellow Marines to a makeshift first-aid site they assembled.

Along the way, as he parried bullets and cannonballs as they continued to rain fire on the town.

As he dashed swiftly from building to building, checking to make sure they're clear of people, he saw Garp flying towards him.


"How's the rescue efforts going?"

Garp said as he landed gracefully.

"I've pretty much cleared this part of the town, we set up a campsite on the west side of town away from the battlefield."

Garp nodded.

"Good, let's hurry up and clear out the rest of the people."

Terumi nodded in return.

"What happened on your side?"

Garp had an angry look, foreshadowing the answer.

"They want me to stop interfering. As soon as we clear out all the civilians, we'll be taking them aboard a ship and escorting them to Dawn Island."

Garp clenched his fist as he responded. Terumi also hung his head hearing the response.

"We'll do what we can. Those bastards will get their just desserts one day."

As Terumi and Garp returned to their duties of rescuing the civilians, an uncomfortable feeling started to burn in Terumi's chest.

'It's one thing to see it in the anime but experiencing it is another thing altogether. How could the world government allow this to happen? They are rotten to the core.'

Arriving at the campsite, Terumi looked around at the injured civilians and crying children.

'Right now I'm not strong enough to make any meaningful change. I still have to accomplish my first goal of defeating Mihawk and taking the title of the world's best swordsman from him, and I'm still far away from that. But still.'

Terumi looked around once more, a woman came up to him as their eyes met.

"Thank you for saving my husband. Truly, thank you."

She bowed deeply with tears in her eyes.

"No no, it's okay, I'm just doing my duty ma'am."

"Even still, thank you. I have some water fresh here, please accept it."

The woman handed Terumi a satchel filled with water, he accepted it as she bowed once more and ran off.

Terumi burned her tearful smile into his mind as he looked around once more.

'But still, I don't want to close my eyes to the suffering of those around me. Germa... You guys will pay for this, one day.'

Terumi drank the water from the satchel he was given and returned back to his duties.

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