

“I refuse.”


“I. Refuse.”

“Oi, at least tell me why?”

“I’ve seen the records of the previous dungeon core.” The hollow voice said. “That dungeon core had the pleasure to be one of the Kaleb Zen’s personal assistants in most of his projects. Imagine having been there to converse with the greatest genius of all time. I refuse to be a downgrade of that.”

Some of you may be confused, well I am too.

I came down here, into my dungeon which I rightfully obtained after clearing it. The original owner himself said it was mine now and I even powered it up myself. I purposefully let it grow to attain enough mana to grow sentient all for it to just blow up in my face.

Calmly and reasonably, I explained to the dungeon core that I was going to be too busy to take care of it, so it would have to manage itself and eventually grow powerful, only for it to refuse my order. I couldn’t even call it an order. A request felt much more suitable.

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